National security officials are used to shaking off absurd conspiracy theories, but the latest rumor that’s gripped MAGA world just hits different.

The claims by Fox News and far-right influencers that pop star Taylor Swift is part of a Pentagon “psychological operation” to get President Joe Biden reelected, and somehow rig the Super Bowl to benefit Kansas City Chiefs tight end (and Swift’s boyfriend) Travis Kelce, has been met with forehead slaps in the national security world.

“The absurdity of it all boggles the mind,” said one senior administration official, granted anonymity because they were not authorized to comment publicly on the matter. “It feels like one of those ‘tell me you are a MAGA conspiracy theorist, without telling me you are a MAGA conspiracy theorist’ memes.”

  • Eddie Trax
    1895 months ago

    MAGA crowd, what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

        5 months ago

        It should be set to music and become anthemic for them (or us i guess 🤣)

        If we’re being super loose with it (and “we” are) you could literally use the opening theme for Billy Madison and it could sort of work out lol

        How amazing would it be if they could get Biden or Dems in one chamber to say this to their repub terrorists?

    1045 months ago

    These people just can’t handle anything, just anything, not being exactly as they like it, and if it isn’t, it has to be some sort of conspiracy.

      625 months ago

      That’s my dad. Trump is a god to him, and anything negative said about him is a liberal plot to stop him from his patriotic duty. The cognitive dissonance that man shows is baffling!

        465 months ago

        My stepfather is like that. I even tried to use his own logic to help him see most of these conspiracies are dumb; “you said yourself that the gov’t is incompetent. So how can they pull off a conspiracy at this scale if they can’t run the country?” - stuff like that.

        It doesn’t matter, he’s fully drank the Kool-Aid, so I just keep him at arm’s distance now.

          285 months ago

          Rules of fascism

          #3: “Action being beautiful in itself, it must be taken before, or without, any previous reflection. Thinking is a form of emasculation.”

          #4: Disagreement is treason.

          #8: The enemy is both strong and weak.

            95 months ago

            I had to block my dad’s emails for awhile. I just couldn’t believe they just kept coming and coming. And while trying to be a good son and available should he need me, I just had to risk going no contact for awhile. Now I basically gray rock everything. 🫤

                95 months ago

                “Gray rocking, or the grey rock method, is a tactic people may use to deal with abusive or manipulative behavior. It involves becoming as uninteresting and unengaged as possible so that the other person loses interest.

                Some people anecdotally report that it reduces conflict and abuse.”

    • nolannice
      315 months ago

      Guys the best quarterback in the league made it to the superbowl again, it’s a conspiracy against us. No other way to explain this.

        165 months ago

        Also some of them say, “the 49ers need to win to save the country”…but like the big conspiracy is that Taylor is supposed to make a half-time endorsement of Joe Biden… So like, how would either team eventually winning the game have any impact on the half-time show?

      235 months ago

      And now that there’s a denial, from a “senior administration official,” it’s proof-positive of a vast conspiracy. “Why would they deny something that’s not real?”

      185 months ago

      At this point it almost seems like more than that. It’s like they need to manufacture some outrage to keep everyone angry about something.

    5 months ago

    Remember, a lot of young conservative men were convinced Taylor Swift was a white nationalist who posted with them on 4chan.

    When she started telling people to go vote (she didnt even say for a specific party, but just telling people to vote is enough to convince them you’re a democrat) they took that as Taylor Swift betraying them.

    So much of what conservatives engage with is completely made up and exists only inside their own heads.

      495 months ago

      These are some of the same rocket surgeons that believe(d) that Hillary was using a pizza parlor with no basement to run an international pedo ring out of the basement of the pizza parlor.

      Not really known for their application of reason and logic.

    • I mean, those same young conservative men are convinced that Taylor Swift and Lorde both have nudes posted on 4chan, because of the “tits or gtfo” rule.

      Note that the speculation has existed since Swift and Lorde were both like 16.

    • Queen HawlSera
      25 months ago

      High voter turnout typically means Democrat victory, as the only people who make sure to vote EVERY election is the paranoid “Keepin’ up with the Jonesses” suburban America types

    855 months ago

    This feels like one of those things /b/ started as a joke, and a few echo chambers took it seriously, and the media assumed or “assumed” it was far more widespread than it was. At least, I hope so

      305 months ago

      At work I have a regular that comes into the office and she spouts conspiracies like these and started talking about Taylor Swift vaccines and the deep state in the last week or so, so there are definitely a few true believers.

      • TheLowestStone
        245 months ago

        Taylot Swift vaccines

        These will never work. She’s just too infectious.

        105 months ago

        Oh no doubt, no matter how insane sounding there will be believers. It’s almost always related to undiagnosed or unmedicated mental disorders with delusions as a symptom. It’s really sad that we don’t prioritize mental health more in this country.

          155 months ago

          This woman is like 75 years old, lives in a van from '89, gets healthcare from her father being in the military or something based on what she says. She definitely has undiagnosed schizophrenia based on the way she acts and the bits of past she gives out. I feel bad for her, but she comes in, destroys our bathrooms to take a shower, then when she gets barred from using our restrooms, gets upset claiming she has no memory of causing the mess and tells us she will have to inform her doctors if that’s the case. It seems all the more tragic that she lives this way but has access to the things that could help her, but chooses not to. She says she lives in the van to save money, but she has a full retirement account. There’s a military base with her father’s name on it.

          Everyday, someone new is out to get her. Government, vaccines, Democrats, CNN, George Soros. The right has effectively weaponized mental illness on a national scale.

      235 months ago

      The entire alt right movement was exactly that. It was a joke on b that did this.

      Like I used to think that enders game was stupid when it came to the weird internet forum starting a movement and influencing politics but that has literally happened in real life lol

          15 months ago

          Sure but what’s your point? I’m saying it was weird to me that the author thought that was realistic or possible. And it happened in real life, proving that it was possible lol

            5 months ago

            Oh, I read Enders Game in high school and took the opposite view from you. I believed that the Internet would raise public discourse by elevating intelligence and empathy over our baser instincts. Then we all, including me, proved that wrong.

            Optimist, I guess. Not sure what to do with that side of me now.

        25 months ago

        Right? I remember when the_Donald started on reddit, I thought it was hilarious and just people making fun of Trump and behaving like over the top cultists. And in the beginning it obviously was only just a joke. And then it got real and people really thought what was written there was the truth. People for banned and an echo chamber formed.

        Was it the same on /b/? Did anyone experience the same as me back then? I really wanna know if all of this came from dumb internet humour…

          15 months ago

          I know people used to post the updates for Q on there. That’s why its called Qanon. Because the were from 4chan and the posts were anonymous.

    • Monkey With A Shell
      5 months ago

      You took the words right out of my neurolink embedded keyboard…

      This really is one of the most amusing panics they’ve had in recent years.

    • TurtleJoe
      175 months ago

      There have always been sports fans who think that when their team loses, it’s because the ref is on the take. Now you have legalized sports gambling everywhere, with non-stop ads, and official NFL partnerships. Combine that with dozens of hyper slo-mo cameras covering every angle when a ref misses a call, and the conspiracy that the NFL is rigged has become more common the last two years.

      Without getting into how absolutely stupid that is, it’s only a few more leaps in logic to get to where they seem to be: they keep showing Swift during games, because her fans tune in to see her, ergo, they’ll want her to be on screen during the biggest have of the year! The NFL wants the Chiefs to go to the super bowl. (I bartend, and I’ve had non-maga people saying this to me.) Add in the paranoia that comes with facism, and boom, a new MAGA grand conspiracy is born.

        125 months ago

        There have always been sports fans who think that when their team loses, it’s because the ref is on the take.

        It doesn’t help that this has actually happened though like with the NBA in the late 90s/early aughts.

        75 months ago

        Listen, I’m a lifelong football player, coach and fan. If you’re trying to tell me the game isn’t rigged for the Chiefs to be in the Superbowl I’m telling you you’re the conspiracy Nutter!

        Signed Your biggest Baltimore Ravens fan.

        • flicker
          55 months ago

          Woof. I felt so bad for Flowers on 1/28. They kept zooming in on him when he was rattled and you could see how bad it was getting to him.

            35 months ago

            He made rookie mistakes after not playing like a rookie all season. The offense shit the bed the second half, wasn’t just one guy Flowers doesn’t deserve as much hate as he’s getting. Deserves a good share though.

          45 months ago

          There actually is a confirmed government plot to keep the Bills from winning the Super Bowl, though. It was confirmed in that documentary from the 90s, “The X-Files”.

            15 months ago

            Oh fuck watching that FG go wide right the other week gave me flash backs to nam.

      75 months ago

      I feel like this is how a lot of stuff starts these days. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a “psy op” (possibly created by actual children).

    • FenrirIII
      75 months ago

      Trump’s massive inferiority complex and narcissism is also driving it

  • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
    675 months ago

    “They add that she’s not, in fact, part of a psychological operation to sway voters to Joe Biden.”

    MAGA - “Yeah, but that’s just what they WOULD SAY! THIS PROVES IT!!!”

      45 months ago

      This is completely sarcastic but it’s so, so, SO dumb that this is in fact the sentiments of the ppl on the new the_donald website. Smh

    625 months ago

    The Qtards should be treated like Al Qaeda or ISIL operating in the United States. All their communications should be monitored. They should be infiltrated and any time one of them make threats or start making plans to do anything illegal, as many as possible are arrested, locked up and embroiled in the justice system as much as possible - prison time, time in court, etc.

    505 months ago

    I love that the Pentagon is referring to dank memes.

    Reality really is stranger than fiction.

      55 months ago

      Just think of all the tax dollars wasted paying law enforcement to surf 4chan… It’s funny because you know that’s a real job…

        115 months ago

        I don’t think it’s a waste of money. There’s plenty of pedophiles sharing CSAM on 4chan and probably a terrorist or two as well.

          5 months ago

          Yeah, at least 4chan pretends to moderate posts these days. Back when it first started, it was the fucking Wild West of the internet. You’d be scrolling, and see naked 13 year olds getting pounded by sweaty old dudes with their faces blacked out, right below terrorist beheading videos and memes about triforcing. It was like if LimeWire had a stream of consciousness.

      595 months ago

      Fuck if I know dude. I thought we had hit a low with bush. Then we went and elected a black man and holy ever living fuck did that break right-wing people. Just absolutely broke their fragile little minds and here we are.

            25 months ago

            It’s paradoxical, I throw the tea and it just spins in place in mid air

            Also it’s obviously spelled C̴͉͎̘̱͙̙̣̱̜̲̖̎̂̋̔ȍ̶̻͕̬̞̰̫̙̩̯̤̳́͊̒̚͜ͅl̷̨̹̺̳͔͉͇͎̻̐̐͌̽̾̀̉͐̈́̆͗̎̚̕œ̸̢͉̜̽͛̅̚ư̸̪͍̂͐̀̀̍r̶͈̮̲͉̀̓̏̋̈́͑̌̔̽͊́͘͝͠

        • CashewNut 🏴󠁢󠁥󠁧󠁿
          45 months ago

          Doesn’t stop me being able to laugh at America. If you’re half British you should know one of our defining traits is self-deprecation. Britains Ls are eternal and everlasting and I will laugh at them all. But Americas - oh fuck yeah. They gimme a hearty laugh too!

          How does someone be half American? Where do you pledge your allegiance?

        65 months ago

        Until it reaches you in the form of a global economy collapse.

        Of course, China could be the savior, but would that really be a win?

            5 months ago

            You should. We all need an at least semi-democratic country at the top. We need the non-democratic authoritarian kind of governance to be seen to fail. Again. If American fail, we need Europe to start punching it’s weight even more. And unfortunately the crazy right (no doubt helped by enemies of freedom) is on the rise across Europe. Least in Britain, it looks like the nightmare might be over this election. It will take years to undo the economic and social damage they have done though.

            Edit: English

      • billwashere
        55 months ago

        Except if the Cheeto Benito starts some shit somewhere in the world due to his excellent diplomatic skills god forbid he gets elected again, pretty sure we are all in the shitter.

        5 months ago

        Yeah, except most reality TV is 99% made-up bullshit that just impacts nothing outside the “participants” and water cooler gossip.

        Except Love on the Spectrum. Thats just wholesome AF.

        45 months ago

        until we drag the whole western world into a real fucking shit show. lets not forget how close tony blair and george w bush were when it came to handling iraq

      55 months ago

      40 years of crippled public education and a media landscape owned by the wealthy elites that use it to push anything to distract us from the fact that our greatest enemy are billionaires.

    435 months ago

    When we look back on this era what are we going to say drove them to this? Like, we explain the Salem witch trials by saying that there was ergot in the water which likely had them hallucinating.

    What is it now? Is TikTok this much of a problem? Is there ergot in the water? What the hell is happening…

      • SharkAttak
        345 months ago

        Lead in the water, micro plastics in the food, Reagan in the air.

        95 months ago

        Plausible. It seems apparent that this is something that’s been introduced into basically all humans water supply in the last 50 years. I’m sure it’s been getting worse and worse as time has gone on, and it could be that we are at a critical mass where it is starting to affect behaviors en masse.

        205 months ago

        I mean, bro, we had fucking witch trials.

        Witch trials.

        We actually believed in witches and we burned people at the stake.

        This is not the most lunacy humanity has ever seen. Not by a long shot. It’s just the most lunacy that we’ve seen with modern tools to help suss that lunacy out.

        There is certainly an explanation for what’s going on. We just haven’t identified it.

          5 months ago

          We actually believed in witches and we burned people at the stake.

          Only a matter of time before the cult starts talking about publicly executing LGBTQ+ people and women who have had abortions or miscarriages. Possibly by burning them at the stake.

            75 months ago

            Or federal employees…they’re also called the deep state.

            Where’d I hear that in the news recently?

              125 months ago

              A deranged MAGA cultist recently CUT OFF HIS DAD’S HEAD and posted about it online because of the dad apparently being a federal employee 😬

              I’d find you a link to an article about it but frankly I dread what other search results I’d get for THOSE keywords!

            25 months ago

            I do not disagree. But we are not there yet, it has been crazier before. It does appear that we are on track, that’s why I’m so concerned and curious as to what the fuck is causing this shit, but we’re not there yet. Probably because of those modern tools that we have, I feel like if whatever is going on right now is going on in the 1700s we would be done for.

        75 months ago

        They joined the war on disease on the side of the disease. There’s nothing else to say, at that point. They are bereft of joy, logic, life, survival instinct, humanity, anything good you name it.

          55 months ago

          "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you. "

          Basically : tread carefully on your crusade lest you become the thing you hate

      105 months ago

      Possibly how all the different crises like inequality, climate, capitalism, pollution all converged. People sought quick solutions and some leaders gave them solutions that were ready, quick and wrong. Blaming others went to cult like heights. Until it all collapsed.

        45 months ago

        All of these things contribute to it, yes, but I do think that there is a level of absurdity to what we are witnessing that is not adequately explained simply by coercion. Perhaps I’m wrong.

      105 months ago

      we explain the Salem witch trials by saying that there was ergot in the water which likely had them hallucinating

      Witch trials were ways for powerful people to get rid of those who challenged the established system. These conspiracies are the same as they’ve always been.

      Fox News leaders aren’t pushing these stories because they’re high. It’s because they’re billionaires who don’t want to lose their power and control. Just like in the time of witch trials, these powerful people are spreading fear, doubt, and confusion in order to distract the masses from giving too much attention to meddling people making troublesome arguments against the current system.

      55 months ago

      Tiktok? If you find someone who isn’t a swifty on Tiktok, they probably won’t survive long.

      This nonsense comes from Fox and truth social.

    285 months ago

    I’ve always known maga people are dumber than shit, but now they’re just running the world’s worst D&D session online and on Fox.

      5 months ago

      Are you thinking of the fairness doctrine? That only ever applied to broadcast TV, not cable TV like Fox News.

      The reason for the distinction is that broadcast TV is over radio waves that anyone can receive with off the shelf equipment. The FCC has a lot of jurisdiction over that and can regulate what can be shown. Cable TV is relatively free of that oversight. Legally speaking, they could show hardcore porn at 5pm. They won’t because their advertisers would hate it, but they legally could.

        5 months ago

        News cycle, NEWS cycle, not Jews cycle. It’s a typo and I’m rather amazed that nobody thought of this.

        My auto correct keeps changing news to Jews now btw, no idea why. I am not anti-Semitic, I have nothing against Jews or Palestinians or Mexicans or Caucasians or African Americans for God’s sake. It’s just a random auto correct issue. I’ll try and fix it, can you undelete this?

        • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
          25 months ago

          If that were your only problematic comment, I’d ALMOST buy that excuse. But it’s not your only problematic comment.

    265 months ago

    I’m gripped by a strong urge to start anonymously sending some Taylor Swift / KC Chiefs merchandise to family members and acquaintances who have been guzzling the red-hat Flavor Aid for the last decade. It’s probably not the most productive use of time and money but this whole thing is just goddamn ridiculous.

      165 months ago

      There’s probably a Taylor Swift email notification service for upcoming concerts and such that you could sign them up for.

      Free, and guaranteed to stir up the Trumpanzees in your life without putting a target on your own back.

        35 months ago

        Anonymous remailers exist, I’d just have to ship it to them in a package they could open and reseal before sending it on. There are some other rules involved as well, turns out there’s some risk of those being used for less than savory purposes.

  • Андрей Быдло
    255 months ago

    Dark Brandon gives their supersolders the hardest battles.

    Agencies has so many stories and gossips of coups, secret weapons and psychological experiments like MK-ULTRA, and they used Taylor telling people to vote as their psy-op?

    Big scary government that can hear every your word and can even say them for you, can track and kill you at any time - uses a pop-star to make a point?

    Who buys that bullshit? Is it, again, the weak but strong enemy? That’s a story even Onion wouldn’t publish.

      235 months ago

      Wait for it. Win or lose, once they realize how embarrassing this episode should be, it’ll become something that none of them actually believed and besides, it was all started by some lefty trying to make fun of them. The real conspiracy turns out to be (in hindsight with the benefit of selective memory and heavy retconning) a push to drive up merchandise sales. They’ll make a reference to globalists, lizard people and something about “controlling the media” without a specific J-word for plausible deniability.

      • Андрей Быдло
        95 months ago

        You can’t say jewelery without a J-word, don’t you? They are stupid rich and are out to get you. Hide your kids, hide your wife, as they’d come to you to take them, and dance Hava Nagila over your cold dead body. Stupid leftists think I’m insane now, but who’d they ask to help, when jewish reptiloids would take their children and farm them for adenochrome? Not me, I’d shoot them on sight as any other trespasser. God bless America.

        • Neato
          115 months ago

          The tragedy of our age is that this could totally be posted in all seriousness.

          • Андрей Быдло
            85 months ago

            We live in some form of post-reality where whatever our sci-fi visionaries said years ago as a precaution gets picked as an instruction to action. I hate that, and I’m happy someone picked it without a cowardly added s/.

        • arefx
          65 months ago

          And hide yo husband cuz they rapin’ everyone out here

      25 months ago

      I mean, if agencies theoretically wanted more dem votes, there are worse ways than getting a mega superstar to ask her fans for them. But if they were in the business of controlling US elections we probably wouldn’t have the entirety of the shitshow that is existence right now.