• 96 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023

  • He’s going to need to serve his prison sentence so this is a dangerous, crazy, moot point. They got him on State charges for what Cohen did and he ain’t gonna sing so time for Mr. Big to pay his debt to society, something he hopefully can’t escape again despite his moral and neurological bankruptcy

    Tired of everyone dancing around this “small” problem. He has to be punished and it was stupid of society to let it get this bad. Fucking age limits, no older than 70 and mental competency tests that have teeth. Tax returns must be produced. Courts have enforced timelines for grave politico-legal issues. Emoluments safeguards enforced vigorously. No more profiting off using your own venues.

    We have much to learn and improve on, Trump has exposed it all

  • The point I’m making is, while I’m aware of people being fast or slow metabolizers, that should only factor in when it comes to active ingredient that is fully mechanically released and available for metabolism.

    It cannot metabolize that which has not either been a) mechanically released or b) that which is pharmacodynamically inertt since it requires cleaving off the other binding substance (like l-lysine in Vyvanse) before the underlying active drug can be mechanically available to metabolize if that makes sense.

    Vyvanse cannot be injected or administered in basically any other ROA than oral like normal dex because it (lis-dexamferamine—not dextroamphetamine) is inert until it has undergone the uncleaving of lysine from the active drug. Doesn’t matter how fast one metabolizes dextro, nobody metabolizes lis as a straight stimulant, it is inert until made not so thru the blood or whatever.

    Also, doesn’t that mostly apply to codeine and morphine, wasn’t aware of that extending to oxy and hydro?