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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Yeah, and you’re going to vote for the douche, unless you want the orange turd to change your country in an autocratic dictatorship.

    You might want to read into how politics works. Biden condens Israel and promptly will lose the next election because Israel has quite the influence in the Jewish population. He loses the election, trump will win andy dear DAMunzy, if you think Palestinians have it bad now, wait until orange dictator comes to power. I believe his words were along the lines of “total eradication”.

    Biden has done a large number of great things, which I never hear people talk about. I do hear talks about situations where there is no good outcome,.damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

    What would you have done? Condemn Israel, take away all their money? That would totally not backfire about 6 months from now… Carefully mention to Israel to behave? I’ve seen Biden do that, for all the good it did… So do whstz exactly?