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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2023

  • Let me give you a different perspective, actually. It doesn’t matter as much that you do interesting things. What matters more is you manage to be funny and appear laid back enough that people won’t be put off. I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned anything in my profile that was a genuine interest. I answer any question as a joke, any time I send an opening message I try to make it a joke I find funny, and that usually works.

    Remember: those apps are banking on you staying on the app and spending money on Longer you’re there, the more likely they can get you to spend some money. Their business isn’t to successfully get you off the app. It’s to keep you on. So before you ever get too discouraged and down on yourself, remember that you’re working upstream against a soulless corporation.

  • lol you think I’ve never been bullied? I know full well what bullying is. Of course I didn’t go into your history. I had no idea you were gay. That doesn’t change the joke, though. I’m sorry to have hit a sore spot for you, that definitely wasn’t my intention. The joke was meant to be on me. The joke wasn’t that loving your goddamn kid is “gay.” How the hell could it be? The joke was that the reaction was meant to stand out as absurd and stupid. The joke was meant to point to my reaction as the thing that stood out as backwards. Not your love for your child. Nor being gay. It wasn’t even about the common use of the word “gay.” It was the idiotic caricature of someone who refuses to engage in anything remotely human or sentimental—it was basically a joke on toxic masculinity. Do you see that?

  • It wasn’t bullying. It was meant to make you laugh. It was meant to make everyone laugh. It wasn’t homophobic. It was the absurdity of reacting to flippantly something entirely wholesome and sweet that all comments were gushing over. Because the answer was sweet and wholesome. It’s really the kind of joke you can only make in an accepting and pro-lgtbtq community. Because the response was meant to be absurd. I didn’t realize it’d hit such a sore spot for you. I didn’t think it could, honestly. Because you way fuckin overreacted.

  • The problem comes in when this is exactly what the Republican Party has planned to exploit. They withheld the vote on obama’s nominee in order to get a Republican to install them. They also enacted project redmap before then, during obama’s first term, where they successfully took control of state houses and smaller offices throughout the country. And they fucked the maps to keep power. And all of that led to a right-stacked court that will lie to get the seat, take bribes when sitting in that seat, and then continually tow the party line with all of their insane fearmongering. They opened the door for abortion to be made illegal by the states they stacked in their favor and then changed the local laws to harm people.

    You’re right, this is technically the way it’s supposed to work, but it doesn’t work anymore. Because there are no means of truly dealing with people exploiting the system and breaking it for their own gain except for toothless censures and other symbolic votes. And when those same broken systems made companies all the more powerful, they birthed FOX and MSNBC and made voting, not only really hard for specifically targeted communities that would act as a check on this type of shit, but also made it useless for the other people. Because they’re only doing exactly what the right wing mediasphere wants them to do.

  • Your body won’t let you throw up more than you can in one go. If you haven’t noticed, when you throw up, your whole body tenses, you’re wrenching hard, and you can’t breathe. If you’ve been drinking for hours, you have a lot of poison in you. If it takes multiple purges, your body couldn’t get it out in one go. You’re expelling air as well as everything in your stomach. So you’re starving for air, expending a lot of energy, and your airway is full of vomit. Your body knows you need to breathe, so it won’t just expel everything no matter how long it would take. Not to mention your muscles are only so strong, and those muscles don’t get worked out super regularly.

    So basically your body just can’t. If you’re puking more than once, you needed to. Because there have been plenty of times where I’ve eaten something off and I threw up once and felt better/didn’t need to throw up again.

    But also, I agree with everyone else. It sounds like you have a problem.