Assume that the future can change based on your actions, so any historical information that you bring along with you from the intervening 25 years may quickly drift out of the new realities history.

Edit: also assume that you can be given a healthy 21-year-old body if you want or take your previous self’s place.

Further, identification will be provided for you if you were not born at that time.

    7 months ago

    I come with scientific evidence of the impeding doom that will be brought by climate change and urge the world’s powers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while there is still time! Surely everybody will listen to my proofs and act to protect the world!

    7 months ago

    Lottery numbers and a historical record of the stock market: first, win lottery then invest based on performance

    Become a billionaire, then join the oligarchy and use my stock knowledge to bankrupt the rest of the oligarchy

      307 months ago

      At some point, wouldn’t having future knowledge of the stock market either lead to you changing the stock market with the presence of your money until your predictions lose their accuracy, or else get you investigated for insider trading due to it being statistically insanely unlikely to be that lucky?

    • Dharma Curious
      97 months ago

      … It freaks me out that is exactly my plan that I’ve spitballed in the shower several times.

    • squiblet
      47 months ago

      Yeah, just buy Apple, Amazon, Google and Facebook when it comes out and you’re all set.

      • Bonehead
        57 months ago

        Also, start generating Bitcoin in late 2009 and sell it all on Nov 10, 2021.

        • BizarrolandOP
          67 months ago

          Sell it when it’s in the 10,000 range the first time, circa 2015, then buy back when it drops to 400 in late 2016 and then hold

    • Zellith
      47 months ago

      Bear in mind that logically, the longer time goes on and the more you interfere, things will diverge. You might only be able to win the lottery a handful of times before the butterfly effect starts giving you numbers which don’t match your predictions from the future. I figure the same thing happens with investments. If someone buys a tonne of shares using billions, the history of the stockmarket will change and over time be unreliable outside of certain events. Might be wise to buy up aquire certain talent though.

      • timicin
        17 months ago

        make your billions by buying lots of small, but super profitable investments.

    317 months ago

    All of Wikipedia on a thumb drive

    List of winning power ball numbers for the past 2 decades.

    $20 cash to buy bitcoin

    That’s enough. More than enough money to never work again and info to help stop 9/11, etc…

      157 months ago

      $20 cash to buy bitcoin

      Bring a 2023 model computer back with you and you could just mine all the bitcoin yourself.

      Hell, you could even temporally-plagiarize Satoshi Nakamoto and invent it yourself.

        197 months ago

        This is a great idea but it requires effort and if I were to mine 10billion bitcoin very early, that may change the future of bitcoin such that it never hits 30k+ value per. It seems safer to simply buy 1000 of them at a $0.10 to resale at 10k+.

        My plan is minimal effort, minimal impact to anyone that isn’t me, and to get all the money I could ever need.

          • BizarrolandOP
            47 months ago

            I have a theory about NFTs.

            One of the issues with running any system on the internet where users can upload files is that you have to store those files and make them accessible to people.

            Which is fine. But often times users will upload the same file repeatedly or with only minor trivial alterations and that is how you end up with a multi petabyte server farm completely full of duplicate memes and reposted video content.

            If there were a system that could uniquely identify each and every single file that is uploaded to it and then on the fly cross compare that file with previous uploads and identify when the file is a duplicate, that would be very handy.

            If such a system like that existed, then system would only need a single copy of the file to share out to every single person that wants to view it, saving possibly hundreds of gigabytes of storage space.

            Something like NFTs could be used to accomplish that, if it were fully fleshed out and developed.

            It would probably need one of the new neural network systems overlaid on top of it to analyze the content and cross compare it, and to single out minor differences and create overlays to account for them.

            For instance, if you have a base image on, then all the AI would have to do is separate a layer that contains the text in text format with the information of the font that is displayed on top of the image, and it could share up millions of variations on a base level meme for only a few megabytes of storage space for the text information.

            If your computer system already has the base meme file on it rather than sharing the entire file to you it could just share the text overlay to your computer and decrease transmission file sizes and time as well.

            • silly goose meekah
              7 months ago

              If there were a system that could uniquely identify each and every single file that is uploaded to it and then on the fly cross compare that file with previous uploads and identify when the file is a duplicate, that would be very handy.

              That exists. And we could probably even make something that recognizes small changes like added text on the image and save the data accordingly, probably using some kind of neural network as you later mentioned. The issue is just that that would be extremely computationally expensive, so companies usually choose to just buy a shitload of HDDs. Maybe something like this might be more feasible with quantum computing at some point.

              Something like NFTs could be used to accomplish that, if it were fully fleshed out and developed.

              What makes you think that? An NFT is basically just an ID card with extra steps. I don’t see how NFTs relate to the problem you described at all. Just because most NFTs the public heard about were somehow tied to images or videos, doesn’t mean that NFTs are a technology for detecting duplicate images/data in general.

              • BizarrolandOP
                17 months ago

                I mean nft’s basically serve as a identifier for a file. So if you can identify the file then you can set it as a base image and then cross compare with that identifier. Idiots are using it to like have some sort of weird digital ownership of something but that’s not its ideal use case

                • silly goose meekah
                  7 months ago

                  NFTs are non-fungible tokens. They are literally made for claiming some sort of weird digital ownership of something. There isn’t really another feasible usecase for that technology, even if I agree that that hasen’t been done in a meaningful way yet. If you want to identify the files in that anti-duplication system of yours you are better off using just a regular incremental integer or GUID or something. No need for all the extra steps to the ID card

      67 months ago

      Your smartphone probably has a comparable amount of processing power to some of the earlier mining farms. May as well just mine the bitcoin

        27 months ago

        Oh yeah, definitely. I’d take all the numbers because I’d assume at some point history would change such that the record wouldn’t be perfect forever.

        I’d win one that is over a billion. Then quit.

    207 months ago

    Get every flagship CPU and GPU from 2000 to today that I can get my hands on. Also as much open source code as I can get hold of. And especially AI stuff - there’s several fully open source models, so bring those, and as much technical writings on them as possible.

    Speaking of which, download every science paper published since 2000 that I can get hold of, in every possible field.

    Get as much info on the 2000 election as possible, to hand to Al Gore, see if he can win that election with a solid unassailable margin.

    Research stocks, lottery, and everything else I can to get fast money within the shortest possible period of time after I get there, so I can get super rich before the butterfly effect makes predictions impossible, I need billions in seed money and I need it fast.

    Then use that money to start a private research group, and hand them all the scientific papers I brought. Get those experts to work studying all this knowledge and figure out what can be turned into practical technology. Turn some of this into profit-making devices to fund continued development, but release as much as possible for free.

    Essentially, deluge the world in as much new technology as possible, mostly free and open source, holding back only as much as necessary in order to fund continued research.

    And oh jeez the pharmaceutical industry. Release for free every drug made since 2000, so the pharmaceutical industry can’t get their patents in them.

    Big list of stuff there, but if I pulled off even half of it, the world would probably be a much better place in 25 years than in my original timeline.

      57 months ago

      It’s a really smart way. Very interesting, and I agree. It would probably be the best course of action.

      I only wonder how quick the butterfly effect would have effects on your “future” documents.

      For example, helping Al Gore win could drastically change the imminent future.

        37 months ago

        That’s why most of the stuff is technical or scientific information for the researchers; things that aren’t subject to change, just technical info. The money stuff I would hope to manage in less than 6 months from my arrival, because even in that short time I’d expect a lot to change by the end of it.

        It’d just be a question of getting that initial funding off the ground with which to set up my research institution. After that, the few things I don’t release for free should cover expenses.

        Sidenote since I didn’t address it in the original reply, taking over the world is impractical even with future knowledge, but as the person in charge of this outfit that would quickly be the world’s most advanced research tank, I’d probably have a lot of influence, which is the best anyone can practically hope for, I imagine. A lot more than the last 25 years of advancement would be needed to actually take over I figure.

      27 months ago

      Get every flagship CPU and GPU from 2000 to today that I can get my hands on.

      What use is that? Without the asml duv lithography machine, no one could duplicate it. And you’d have no motherboard to plug those chips into.

        17 months ago

        Honestly, I don’t know for sure since I’m not an expert; my reasoning was the hope that being able to examine the entire line of advancement would allow the necessary technical knowledge to be extracted and duplicated. I knew that just bringing the latest one would definitely do nothing.

  • Cyborganism
    207 months ago

    An entire offline copy of Wikipedia up to Jan 1 2024 on a tablet. Having all the world events up to that date available to consult at my fingertips, I could use it in so many ways.

      • akatsukilevi
        77 months ago

        USB 1.1 was already around in 1999, USB 2.0 being released in 2001 with Mini-A/AB/B being available in 2001, and the standard Type-A as early as 1996.
        Take one of those USB Type-A to USB-C and you’re good enough until circa-2008 when USB-C starts to get around

        • DeepFriedDresden
          37 months ago

          USB-C wasn’t designed until 2014. So yeah you’ll need a charging cable regardless

          • akatsukilevi
            27 months ago

            Even nowadays USB-C devices aren’t the de-facto yet(specially true in 3rd world countries like mine), Mini-B and Micro-C are still fairly common(tho really limited compared to USB-C), so depending on the devices being taken, it might not be that much of a trouble

        • brianorca
          27 months ago

          But the old USB chargers didn’t have high speed charging (2+amps) until much later. Most cell phones can’t charge effectively from the original 0.5A standard USB.

    207 months ago

    I would have no inclination to take over the world. But if I could go back to that date, I would make a million different decisions over the next few years to steer my life in a much wiser direction.

    197 months ago

    A healthy 21 body and 1999? Fuck taking over the world, and I don’t need your stinking backpack, just tell me where to get that ticket and where to show up, I’m not going to miss this! I’m taking a cyanide pill though when 2020 rolls around; I’m not doing this shit again.

      • BizarrolandOP
        57 months ago

        One of the reasons why the coronavirus vaccine was created so quickly was that the work was already 90% done.

        If you orchestrated things that you would be a billionaire by the 2010s, you could purchase the company that designed the vaccine and make sure that they are appropriately funded so that the vaccine for coronavirus would already exist at the time the pandemic struck.

    177 months ago

    Information is power. A simple smartphone loaded with major historical decisions, sports results is enough to make you a billionaire. Take some tech textbooks to stay ahead of the game, maybe some newly developed medicine.

    • BizarrolandOP
      87 months ago

      Given that the AIDS epidemic was still in full swing at the time, just being able to teach medicine makers how to make pRep would make you a billionaire just from the licensing fees.

        • BizarrolandOP
          97 months ago

          Prep is an anti-hiv pill.

          If you engage in practices likely to expose you to HIV you should use prep.

          If you have pRep in your system and you are exposed to HIV there is a high likelihood that the pRep will destroy the HIV and prevent the infection from ever taking hold.

          Of course, it won’t do anything to protect you from the other potential negative consequences of risky behaviors that would expose you to HIV, but considering that it helps protect you from one of the worst potential outcomes it’s essentially a godsend.

      57 months ago

      Just thought Kiwix seems like it’ll be handy here, it lets you download Wikipedia and some other websites, and they have an Android app to view them.

      (They have a web version too, which I actually selfhost for if the world ends or something /s)

  • val
    137 months ago

    I’ve got no motivation to take over the world, nor am I sure it’s really possible in a life time. I don’t really have a non-boring answer to this hypothetical.

    If the ticket is available anyway I’d happily take it, I’m single at the moment with no dependents and being younger and healthier would be huge. There are lots of ways to make money with the knowledge of future history, even if it’ll change when you start impacting it, and any one of them could make me wealthy enough to never have to work again in my life and do so wherever I please.

    I’ve never really understood the need of the rich to continually amass wealth or how they spend it.

  • Big P
    137 months ago

    Invent Apple Google and Amazon all at once. Yes, I know they all existed at that time but I would just do their best ideas before them.

    137 months ago

    Probably a backpack full of smart phones, go sell them and retire.

    Then cry that it’ll be a long time until I can use USB C again.

    • BizarrolandOP
      57 months ago

      That’s a good idea but I wonder if anyone would buy them? Obviously the technology inside of it would be a quantum leap for any tech company that could get their hands on it. AT&t or ma Bell or Motorola would all easily fall over themselves to hand you several million dollars for it just so that they could have their top researchers reverse analyze the equipment.

      The downside to that issue though is that it would be very difficult to get in contact with the right people to sell these devices at the right price.

        87 months ago

        Any current smartphone would be the best digital camera that exists by a mile, even if they didn’t have Internet access.

      • That kind of technology is hard to get any value from. Nothing in modern phones is innovative, and most of it would be an obvious evolutionary step to any specialist in their field.

        Mostly, though, the phones would be useless. Cellular networks were in their infacy, and none of the standards or technology existed to charge them. Reverse engineering anything in them would be hugely expensive, for little return.

        Smart phones would be interesting, but far less interesting than the existance of a person who has access to future technology. I think op would dissappear into a government facility not long after trying to pawn their goods.

      87 months ago

      Bitcoin has outperformed stocks by about 100,000-fold. All you need is a fiver to invest at the beginning.

      • BizarrolandOP
        27 months ago

        Note that that return is only for the early investors. If you are incredibly lucky and we have a very flush couple of years you might triple an investment in by 2030 now. But you are also very likely to just lose it All