• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • I feel like this conversation is basically:

    Against Biden: “He’s old as fuck and you’re in denial.”

    For Biden: “I’m aware he’s old as fuck and I think you haven’t fully considered the legal, financial, and political ramifications of him dropping out at this stage in the race.”

    Ad nauseam, forever. None of us know what’s going on. The reporting has been awful and full of motivated framing and anonymous sources. Half of it is the typical “Democrats in disarray,” which is such a beloved media topic that there’s been memes about it since before the internet. It’s ok to just not know when you aren’t privy to solid information.

  • Louisiana uses “Parishes” and they’re functionally equivalent. It’s based on French and Spanish rule where Catholic Church boundaries were drawn.

    DC doesn’t have counties (or congressional representation) because it’s geographically small and also a territory, not a state. (Though it’s got more people than Wyoming or Vermont, everyone pays federal taxes, etc. so it really should have Representatives and Senators if “no taxation without representation” means anything.)

    As I understand it, Alaska has “boroughs” near cities that sort of serve a similar function but much of the state is (or was) largely unpopulated so there will be a borough in the core settlement that acts like a county. Then, there’s lots of private, federal, and state lands that aren’t really inhabited and aren’t governed by the borough anyway.

  • It’s an important story! But The NY Times has beclowned itself by trying to create a narrative instead of just covering it. There were well over 200 articles and 99% were gossip or fanfiction masquerading as news stories. That’s an editorial decision, not a news-based one. They even made a whole graphic counting which Democrats have defected. (It was 6 house members and 0 Senators and governors.)

    It kind of reminded me of when they kept writing articles saying the president of MIT still hasn’t resigned even though that was an utterly unimportant story. Just a bunch of articles about nothing happening.

  • Other people have mentioned phone apps so I’ll add that I got a Garmin device for hiking and it’s got road navigation. It’s better in some cases because the maps are downloaded so if you’re somewhere without service, it can still do navigation.

    Obviously, they’re meant to supplement a phone for off-grid stuff like hiking, boating, etc. but the road directions seem perfectly fine. It knows where gas stations are. And some of their models are car-only so I guess they’re also used by drivers in areas with spotty phone coverage.

    The downside is, obviously, that you have to update the maps and there’s no traffic details. But I just thought I’d mention it as an option. (You also don’t have to use their maps if you prefer OpenStreetMaps or whatever.)