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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • It would be done in a second if there was value to it. Especially large companies as often there are bonuses based on profits. Or do you actually think directors and CEOs would rather make less personal income?

    It is goofy that people actually think productivity would remain the same when working far less hours and believe the same number of houses (or insert any product here) would be built. Or that a pilot test would remain accurate if the people involved in it did not know it was a simple experiment. Tell me if those companies that experienced more productivity, why did they not continue to implement it?

  • Their capitalization was I believe around 8 billion. This is the number they need to understandably recover from an investment point of view. If I was an investor in a risky type of investment like this. Risky mainly in that it could be a dog forever, I would want to see 25 prevent profit in their financial statements relatively quick.

    I am saying this all from an investment point of view of the people that now own it. More or less, Reddit needs to start showning profits of some 1.6 billion a year. That likely means they need 10 or 10s if billions in revenue per year. That will give you an idea what they will be developing and how advertising will need to be excessive. They will go the way of tiktok and other platforms in that emotional and divisive algorithms increase viewership.