• Flying Squid
    438 months ago

    Ok… so ABC is saying that the vehicle was flagged as suspicious at a checkpoint and it was being sent to a second checkpoint when the explosion happened. I have to say that really sounds like it isn't an accident.

  • @breakfastmtn@lemmy.ca
    8 months ago

    EDIT: More recent reporting directly contradicts the Fox report below:

    A preliminary investigation has found that the car did not contain explosives, according to three law enforcement officials with knowledge of the matter, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss an open investigation.

    A law enforcement official briefed on the incident said investigators believed the explosion resulted from the impact of the collision. The car went airborne and struck a cement pillar, according to the official. A suitcase was found near the car but did not contain explosives, the official added.

    source: https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/11/22/nyregion/rainbow-bridge-explosion-niagara-falls


    The FBI is investigating a vehicle explosion Wednesday at the Rainbow Bridge border crossing between the U.S. and Canada in what sources tell Fox News was an attempted terrorist attack.

    Explosives were in the vehicle at the time and two people who were in the car are dead, the sources told Fox News. A border officer was injured.

    (Note: I think Fox is the only news org reporting this. And it's Fox.)

    • @Burn_The_Right@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      If Fox "News" is ever the only entity reporting on a topic, then that topic is likely untrue.

      Fox "News" has testified multiple times in sworn court testimony that their content is not fact-based and that "no reasonable person could confuse" their content as factual reporting. They testified that their content is for entertainment only.

      We should never, ever look to Fox "News" for news as they are, by their own sworn description, never to be believed.

      • @breakfastmtn@lemmy.ca
        -28 months ago

        That's why I said to wait for corroboration. Fox would then be the first to report, not the only.

        I think most of us are mature enough to handle unconfirmed reports.

        They also didn't make that argument about their content, they made it about their opinion personalities. Saying no reasonable person could take Tucker Carlson seriously isn't the same as saying everything they publish is fiction. Yes, they suck and a world where they didn't exist would be a better world but, unfortunately, we still live in a world where Fox News occasionally breaks a story.

        • @Burn_The_Right@lemmy.world
          118 months ago

          Of course the person who posts Fox News content would defend Fox News.

          Rupert Murdoch himself admitted in a deposition that Fox News was knowingly promoting dangerous consipiracy theories in the wake of the 2020 election and here you are minimizing their lies and defending them as a legitimate news source.

          Stop it. Just stop. Posting them as a legitimate news source is harmful to humanity. Period.

          • @breakfastmtn@lemmy.ca
            58 months ago

            I replied to you because you replied to me. I'm not defending Fox News. Their arguments in court defending their on-air personalities are vile enough in their actual context without pretending they apply more broadly. Substituting our dishonesty for theirs is hardly a victory.

            • @Burn_The_Right@lemmy.world
              -88 months ago

              Ahhh… a lecture in "dishonesty" from the account that posts Fox News articles and then defends the source as valid.

              The dishonesty in our conversation started with your post from a notoriously dishonest source. It continued when you minimized Fox News' admissions of dishonesty to a single lawyer's statement regarding Tucker Carlson. Then, as you pretended to agree that Fox News is bad, you simultaneously defended their reporting as valid. And now you are lecturing me on honesty. Got it. I will print this exchange and file it appropriately.

              • @breakfastmtn@lemmy.ca
                28 months ago

                There exists a possible world where Fox sucks and you're a liar even if you're lying about Fox. Your statement about what their sworn testimony says is demonstrably false, either because you're misinformed or being dishonest. If it wasn't you could produce proof that it wasn't. But you can't, because it was. Me pointing that out about you doesn't mean I'm somehow defending Fox.

                If you want to take an article linked with a disclaimer that it's uncorroborated and from a less than trustworthy source followed by a comment saying that I wouldn't accept it as fact without corroboration as a ringing endorsement, you're free to I guess. I remain confident that a reasonable person wouldn't.

                • @Burn_The_Right@lemmy.world
                  8 months ago

                  You referenced the McDougal case against Fox News and claimed that was the only time Fox used that defense (in defense of Tucker Carlson). I replied with the Rupert Murdoch testimony from the Dominion case, in which he admitted that Fox News at large knew it was spreading lies and did nothing to mitigate it. In his testimony, he claimed the anchors were merely personalities expressing opinions, but the evidence clearly showed that these "opinions" were being presented as news pieces in articles and news package stories. He then admitted Fox News knew the truth and allowed the lies to spread.

                  The same defense (that Fox News "news" is just opinion that no reasonable person would confuse an editorial with fact) was also used in the Smartmatic case and the Nina Jankowicz case. When that defense did not work, they then shifted to, "We were just reporting the debate". This double-play is Fox News' go-to defense strategy.

                  That's four cases in which they've used this strategy, which they have dubbed their "First Ammendment Defense" and their "Newsworthy Reporting" defense.

                  Fox News openly admits in these four cases (under oath) to being liars. They attempt to conflate their deceptive reporting with opinion editorials, even when the "news piece" is presented as fact. When shown that they were not presented as editorials, they then claim to just be reporting the "national debate" on the topic. The strategy has not worked in 3 of the 4 cases, but they are sticking with it.

                  Please stop defending their propaganda machine. It is harmful to share Fox News stories and claim that such a source can, in any universe, be relied upon for honest factual reporting.

      • @breakfastmtn@lemmy.ca
        168 months ago

        I think most reporting is in line with NBC. The Fox report is worth noting but I wouldn't trust it without corroboration, especially with unnamed sources.

      • Flying Squid
        128 months ago

        I trust NBC over Fox, but this is probably too early to say anything for sure.

  • Flying Squid
    138 months ago

    I definitely don't want to assume this was something nefarious when there's still the possibility of an accident, but this is pretty suspicious timing for an accident.

    • @Death_Equity@lemmy.world
      198 months ago

      Suspicious timing and location. A vehicle "exploding" isn't suspicious, a vehicle exploding at a boarder crossing the day before Thanksgiving is suspicious.

      • Flying Squid
        88 months ago

        Yes, sorry, I meant timing and location. I'm watching the news too. I think it's likely to be intentional. Let's hope there won't be anything else.

      • @DoomBot5@lemmy.world
        08 months ago

        Yeah, but if they made it across the bridge, it would have been almost a month since Thanksgiving

  • Striker
    128 months ago

    Any fatalities? From the fbi getting involved I assume it was a terrorist event?

    • @Caradoc879@lemmy.world
      398 months ago

      Any explosion at a border is going to be treated as a terrorist event until otherwise shown. But cars also generally don't just explode, so I would also assume criminal malice of some kind at least.

      • Hildegarde
        8 months ago

        The word explosion is in the headline. No government agency or anyone who was at the scene is quoted using that word. (Edit: not in the linked article at time of writing, FBI Buffalo Field Office has used that term in statements) I question whether there even was an explosion.

        Cars are fueled by a flammable liquid. The gas can catch fire, and cars do catch fire from time to time. Cars don't have pressurized fuel tanks, so will burn rather than explode.

        However, there is enough fuel for a car fire to be large enough that a layperson might mistake it for an explosion.

        This could be an accident. It could be a terrorist attack. But we can be sure that for-profit news companies have an incentive to use whatever language sounds most scary. If it bleeds it leads, as the saying goes.

        • iAmTheTot
          168 months ago

          The FBI Buffalo Field Office is the one that termed it an explosion.

        • Flying Squid
          128 months ago

          To their credit, I am watching ABC News coverage of this right now over their website and they are being very clear that there's not enough information yet. Some people are saying it's suspicious, but they are not fearmongering.

          • Hildegarde
            58 months ago

            The day before thanksgiving is a day with lots of people traveling. More people driving means accidental car fires at high traffic locations are more likely. Could be suspicious. But I'm certain if anyone credible described it as a terrorist attack, they would have put that in the headline as its much more clickable.

        • @SheDiceToday@eslemmy.es
          98 months ago

          Cars…will burn rather than explode

          Some of the other folks pointed out the vapors possible in a fuel tank. I'll add that I had a coworker who had been an explosives disposal fella, and he used to get twitchy if the tank in our car dropped under half. He said it was a relatively small but definitely larger-than-our-car bomb ready to go off. I'd trust his reckonings on that one. Plus, there are parts of a car that, even if its just burning, will explode, such as the tires. I had a single tire blow as I walked around a burning car, and I would not have been amiss in describing it as a small bomb going off.

        • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
          78 months ago

          An electrical fire hitting the gas tank will look like an explosion, especially if there's a lot of vapor in the tank, and especially to a layman. Prior to CGI explosions, pyrotechnics on movie and TV would have jugs of gasoline taped around them to get a nice fireball.

  • iAmTheTot
    8 months ago

    Holy shit, I used to go over this bridge all the time before I fully emigrated. Hope everyone is okay.

    Whoops! I mixed up my bridges, I actually used the Lewiston one most of the time.

    • @DoomBot5@lemmy.world
      08 months ago

      I actually used the Lewiston one most of the time.

      Can confirm, this is the correct bridge to go over it you're not just going to the Canadian side of the falls.

  • Rentlar
    48 months ago

    Hot damn… I wonder what happened. Well at least there are multiple bridges crossing in that area so it won't be the worst inconvenience.

    • Nougat
      138 months ago

      Ron Rienas, GM of the Buffalo and Fort Erie Public Bridge Authority, told ABC News all four Canada-U.S. bridges over the Niagara River have been closed out of an abundance of caution while the Rainbow Bridge investigation continues.

      • HooPhuckenKarez
        168 months ago

        I'm saddened by the fact that my first assumption is it was blown up because it was named Rainbow.

      • Rentlar
        28 months ago

        Ok that sucks, but following the preliminary investigation if there are no significant findings, Lewiston, Whirlpool and Peace Bridge should open up not after long.

    • @kerplunk@lemmy.world
      118 months ago

      Except it sounds like they closed them all due to this. Tons of families probably not going to get home for Thanksgiving, sucks.

      • Flying Squid
        48 months ago

        We went that way during a trip to Niagara Falls and it was slow as fuck. Like you'll wait in line for 45 minutes or longer. And then you have to be told to turn around because of this. People are going to be super pissed off.

      • Rentlar
        8 months ago

        Yeah that really is annoying… the quickest options by car are either park and fly, take a vehicle ferry from a port somewhere, drive to Windsor then all the way through Ohio, or head to the Gananoque/Thousand Islands Bridge, altogether up to a half day delay for anyone.

    • @ubermeisters@lemmy.world
      48 months ago

      the article is thin on details but the annoying ass video that pops up in the corner of the page, actually has more granular info, but idk if its confirmed details or not, or maybe just reporter conjecture