
Sneaking all around the fediverse.

Also at breakfastmtm@fedia.social breakfastmtn@pixelfed.social

  • 167 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023


  • IANAL, but…
    This is just a civil trial but it’s pretty high stakes. Engoran already found him guilty of fraud and revoked his business license in NY (which was stayed for now). If he rules that Trump must pay $300M, Trump will have to put up a $360M bond to appeal it or else they’ll pretty quickly start coming after his assets. And there’s no way he’ll get protected by bankruptcy for willful fraud either.

    I actually can’t remember the potential penalty for the hush money case though. Maybe they figure he’s already fucked to the max here so it couldn’t get much worse?

  • They’re reporting what Israel is saying.

    “It’s raining outside.”
    “Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson says it’s raining outside.”

    I’m saying those sentences present claims by two different people. You’re saying they’re identical. You’re wrong.

    Bragging about not changing your conclusion is a self-own. You’re just admitting to being a conspiracy theorist. The failure of the supporting facts not changing the conclusion proves you weren’t using them to reach that conclusion to begin with. The supporting facts shouldn’t be set dressing. It’s dishonest to start with the conclusion then work backwards to find anything to plausibly support it while ignoring contradictory evidence.

    You’re alleging a conspiracy that began with that hearing. There is no evidence of a conspiracy. The only “evidence” you have is that one thing happened after another – between two branches of government without evidence of communication let alone collusion. Correlation isn’t causation. Israel hates UNRWA. They have always hated them and they talk about it constantly. Throw a dart at a calendar and you’ll find some Israeli official talking about defunding or replacing UNRWA. At any time that dossier was released there was always going to be some official, some report, or some hearing talking about it relatively recently. That doesn’t make it a conspiracy. A leaked Foreign Ministry report said that Israel wanted to remove UNRWA after the war just days before that hearing.

    NYT and Sky News publish sensationalist nothing-burgers on it with clickbait headlines.

    The only reason we even know about the contents of the dossier is the NYT. That article broke the story. The idea that they shouldn’t report on the contents of a document being used by world leaders to suspend funding to a critically important organization providing aid to millions of Palestinians is laughable. We’re better off not knowing? Give me a break.

  • Your Sky News claim is false too!

    From the article:

    Sky News has seen Israeli intelligence documents that Israel claims are evidence that staff working for a UN agency were connected with Hamas in Gaza.

    The report, which has been shared with foreign governments, alleges that six employees of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) infiltrated Israel. Four of them were allegedly involved in kidnapping Israelis, while another worker is said to have provided “logistics support”.

    Further claims include accusations that “out of approx. 12,000 UNRWA employees in GS [Gaza Strip], about 10% are Hamas/PIJ [Palestinian Islamic Jihad] operatives and about 50% are first-degree relatives with a Hamas operative”.

    And last but not least:

    The Israeli intelligence documents make several claims that Sky News has not seen proof of and many of the claims, even if true, do not directly implicate UNRWA.

    The article is very clear about what they’ve seen, what is accused, and what Israel claims.

    The NYT headline is “Details Emerge on U.N. Workers Accused of Aiding Hamas Raid” and the section I posted is the second and third paragraph. Your argument that you’re right so long as you ignore both the headline and the content of the article is some weak shit.

    For Noga I am unsure of her personal past, the articlese indicate she was a former foreign government employee.

    Then why did you post calling her an “Israeli politician”? If you don’t know who she is, why would you post it at all? How is that not an indication that you’re not doing enough to make sure it’s the truth? Obfuscating someone’s identity to make it seem like they’re someone significant is insanely dishonest. That’s why the fever swamp you pulled it from called her a “former Israeli official.” The reality makes it impossible to imply that she speaks for the Israeli government. And that’s what you’ve done several times.

    If Wilson C Beaver of the Heritage Foundation - who is featured on their staff page - speaks before Congress, is he speaking for the government? For all Americans? That would be a very stupid claim. Lots of people say stupid shit before Congress. That’s what this is. She is someone speaking to them and you’re telling people she’s speaking for them. It’s a lie.

  • That woman in the video, Noga Arbell, is actually a low level public policy researcher at a conservative NGO think tank speaking at a public hearing. She doesn’t even appear on KPF’s staff page, despite it listing other researchers. Not only are they non-governmental, they don’t receive or accept government funds. She is not an Israeli politician. She was never an Israeli politician. Years ago, she was a low-level staffer at the Foreign Ministry. The only time she’s appeared in the press in that role she was complaining about budget cuts six years ago. She’s described in the article as the “deputy chair of the Foreign Ministry’s workers committee”, a position so important I can find no other mention of it.

    But why let the truth get in the way of a good story, right?

    The NYT did not claim to see the evidence. They reported on the leaked dossier that the US government received from Israel:

    The accusations are contained in a dossier provided to the United States government that details Israel’s claims against a dozen employees of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency who, it says, played a role in the Hamas attacks against Israel on Oct. 7 or in their aftermath.

    The U.N. said on Friday that it had fired several employees after being briefed on the allegations. But little was known about the accusations until the dossier was reviewed on Sunday by The New York Times.

    Here you are again stacking lies upon lies to construct a narrative.
