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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • Wtf?

    1. Are you saying health insurance scams predate conservatives?


    1. Are you claiming conservatives are somehow not to blame for our completely fucked healthcare system despite their extreme efforts to prevent conversion to a normal healthcare system?


    1. Are you just being a bit pedantic about the use of the word “Republican” instead of “conservative”, since our most-conservative party has changed names a few times during our nation’s history?

    If #1 or #2 is your meaning, allow me to debate your position.

    Conservatives (including conservative neo-liberals) are the direct fucking cause of this situation. If they were removed from the equation, we would at least be on par with one of the 30 other developed nations. We are the ONLY developed nation on earth without healthcare, and the reason for it is conservative cockroaches doing the bidding of the billionaire class. That is the only reason.

    The cure to our health woes is the eradication of conservatism. It really, truly is as simple as that. If we were able to cure the plague of conservatism, we would be rewarded with a normal civilization that includes a healthcare system.

  • Every time the illegitimate SCOTUS takes away more rights from the normal people, I look at my conservative neighbors and recognize my enemy. Conservatives surround us and celebrate the pain, misery and death they cause. Yet, we treat them with kindness and professionalism as if conservatism is some legitimate world-view that deserves any amount of respect.

    Conservatism is not normal. It is not respectable. Conservatives are a hate-group and should be openly identified and treated as such.

    There has never been a peaceful resolution for fascism. To address a deadly infestation of conservatives, one must take action. We must all take action, or we can expect to be oppressed, tortured and murdered for generations to come.

    This is not like WWII. There will be no outside force to save us. We must do this ourselves and we must do it immediately, before they achieve their permanent win condition.

  • Why do conservatives insist on being evil pieces of shit? Why do they work so hard to cause harm to innocent, vulnerable people who were just minding their own goddamned business?

    Conservatives are consistently incapable of empathy, unable to engage in any interaction in good faith, and seem incapable of the most basic human decency. I cannot see any reason they should be permitted to continue to endanger humanity. Yet, here we are. Tolerating the existence of those who are working as hard as they can to kill and oppress everyone around them. They don’t hide it. They celebrate it.

    Nothing good in all of human history has ever come from conservatism, yet we continue to politely pretend it is in some way a legitimate political position. It is not. It is not normal to be a conservative. It is simply an excuse to justify causing harm to others. That is the only purpose of identifying as a conservative; false legitimacy for one’s inability to be a decent human.

    There is no place in a modern culture for harmful, hate-based ideologies like conservatism. It should be rejected outright wherever it is seen. Conservatives should not be tolerated any more than any other hate group. It is unethical to do business or keep relationships with such trash.