Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is getting some heat after video footage showed her in close contact with a male companion at a Beetlejuice musical from which she was booted after allegedly vaping in front of a pregnant woman. That companion is reportedly the owner of a pro-LGBT bar that has hosted a dra…

    10 months ago

    It's almost like the culture war is completely manufactured and the people perpetuating it don't actually give a shit because they're just playing the grift for their own benefit.

    Remember kids, the only solidarity is class solidarity and rich people understand that better than you.

    EDIT: Autocorrect butchered my spelling.

  • magnetosphere
    6110 months ago

    At first, the story was just funny and pathetic, but it just got better.

    Also, her “companion” should have higher standards.

  • Ech
    3910 months ago

    I mean, I'd argue this should be celebrated, not used as a burn. I get the angle on hypocrisy here, but framing LGBT support as a mistake or flaw, as unintentional as it may be, doesn't really sit right, imo.

    • stopthatgirl7OP
      2110 months ago

      I really do wish the headline had pointed out the hypocrisy on her part and not with phrasing that reads as being pro-LGBT is bad.

    • Chozo
      310 months ago

      Double-edged sword: The title is belittling to LGBT readers, but also Boobert's simple-minded base will use this as reason to drop support for her.

    2610 months ago

    I'm sure she was giving him a handy in a theater to, ya know, punish him for enabling what she clearly thinks is a pedo grooming operation. She couldn't be lying about her moral outrage surrounding drag queens at all, could she?

      10 months ago

      Not to her. Most Republicans don't give a single shit about any amount of hypocrisy from their own. The guy that owns the bar is going to be in some shit though. His LGBTQ+ and ally customer base cares.

      I won't be going to his bar, but it's not like I ever go all the way to fucking Aspen anyway. There are lots better places that are lots less full of ultra-rich douches.

    1610 months ago

    So recently Bobo said she was done with MAGA, and now the BF owns a pro-LGTBQ bar… Could it be that he is bringing some (and I mean a little bit) of sanity to trailer park barbie? Maybe this is a good thing and we get a less radical – but still idiotic Bobo

      3210 months ago

      No. She just wanted to get a piece of ass in public and couldn't find a repressed evangelical to do public stuff. She's still batshit insane and honestly that dude needs to learn not to stick his dick in crazy.

    • magnetosphere
      410 months ago

      My initial reaction is “nah”, but stranger things have happened. Just taking the edge off somewhat would be nice. Every little bit helps.

    1410 months ago

    Okay, are they putting me on here?

    First, the headline:

    Lauren Boebert's Beetlejuice scandal could hand Democrats control of the House: report

    Matthew Hand, a Denver-based criminal attorney, says that the law 'is vague and overreaching.'"

    Ba dum TISH.

    Hand? The guy they find for the quote has the name HAND? And he gives a quote about "overreaching"? Oh. My.

    • Pons_Aelius
      410 months ago

      That's the whole point.

      Say whatever will get the conservative people angry.

      For decades stirring up fear and hatred for gay and lesbian people was a sure vote winner for the right wing.

      Once gay marriage and relationships became acceptable (relatively, I am not dismissing the hardships LGB people still face) in much of the west, they needed a new group to focus that hate to rile up their supporters and suddenly all the hateful shit was shifted to trans people.

      Most that spout this hatred to get elected, do not believe it.

      110 months ago

      At this point, the conservative wing of North America is caught up in its own "gotcha" moments where they think uncovering hypocrisy is how you win elections. The left seems sort of preoccupied with that as well. I say, fuck hypocrisy, all politicians are going to exhibit it at some point. Let's focus on dismantling bad policy and educating people about class consciousness.

    • Kichae
      210 months ago

      Came here to say this. The statement finally makes sense, since everything else about this situation is core beligerant right wing hick values.

  • ObiWon_KanBloMi
    110 months ago

    If it’s taken you until this situation to figure out that Boebert is an actress of politics and doesn’t believe any of the shit she spews on the regular, then congratulations!

    You’re the mark.

    -610 months ago

    I think Lemmy needs a filter for random Boebert drivel. This is like the fifth iteration of 'what Boebert did at Beetlejuice' that has dominated my feed.

    • stopthatgirl7OP
      510 months ago

      Eh, there have been different updates to the story, which is why. In a week, folks will go back to forgetting about her until she does something stupid again.

        • Chozo
          210 months ago

          Maybe. But I feel like "Congressperson performs sex act in front of children" is pretty newsworthy.