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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023

  • Depends on what you mean by religion.

    Buddhist monks and nuns shave their heads and don the robes as a ceremonial act of letting go of identity views such as ‘us and them’ and even self and other.

    This and not holding onto dogmatic views in general is a big part of the practice and the teachings.

    Not saying all Buddhists are perfect by any means. I’ve hung out in enough Buddhist online spaces to come across a lot of dogmatism and people using Buddhism itself as an identity view. Myself included when I wasn’t as far along my own path.

    But the intention of the practice is to point these things out and help people to let them go. Not to cling to them.

  • Excellent article. Just came out as gender queer. It’s terrifying being myself, but I 100% agree. They’ll keep pushing because it’s my very existence that offends them.

    Putting myself back in that binary box feels like death, because it is. It’s a spiritual death. Not just for me, but for generations of people to follow.

    So, I’m going to keep dressing how I like even if it offends. Because it also encourages and inspires other people like me and you.

  • I figured but still wanted to correct the dark matter/dark fungi metaphor in the article and saw an opportunity to do so with my favorite squid as I used to listen to Bauhaus as a kid.

    Twenty years ago most biology books still classified fungus as plants. That’s how young mycology is as a science. So, there’s lots of unidentified fungus on the planet, but we still fundamentally understand microbiology as a whole.

    Much different than dark matter/energy as we’re not sure really what they ‘are’. We only know them by their effects.

  • I’m not telling anyone not to take psilocybin. Don’t put words in my mouth.

    I’m questioning the bias in that FDA advisory board. A reasonable question considering decades of prohibition and that historically FDA advisory boards have owned stocks in pharmaceutical companies that stand to lose profits if MDMA is approved as a medication.

    In other words, the 9 out of 11 statistic that you just cited is a statistic that I don’t trust because these individuals have historically been biased and are not specialists in psychedelic medicine.

    And your whole argument hinges on this idea that because we have a treatment that could be effective we should not look into more effective treatments. In which case, meditation works just fine for all of this and is much safer than any medication we can put in our body. So, should we not use any mental health medications? And put all of our research money just into meditation? After all it is safe and effective, and much safer than either of these drugs.

  • There’s so much projection in your post it’s ridiculous.

    PTSD is not treatable with SSRIs. Depression is.

    And the logic you are using is that because psilocybin works well for depression it will be great for PTSD.

    We already know that’s not the case when we look at other drugs used to treat depression and PTSD. Such as the SSRIs I just mentioned.

    They’re not the same disease and you are drawing false comparisons between the two. I have lived with CPTSD my entire life. I have tried multiple anxiety and depression treatments. And they didn’t work that well, because I have PTSD and not anxiety or depression, those are simply symptoms. And I have taken psilocybin probably 50 times if not more. Because I enjoy it and it helps me clarify my relationship with myself. But it’s not as good at helping me feel safe and connected to other human beings as MDMA is.

    If MDMA therapy was available I would jump on it tomorrow because I know it would help me more.

    I’ve been researching this stuff personally for over 30 years. Both through consumption and studying the pharmacology and scientific literature.

    You seem to be like a first-year psychedelic therapist or something because I remember that class description that you linked, which you completely misinterpreted as well.

    Does psilocybin have some potential in treating PTSD? Yes. Does the current scientific understanding suggest that it would be better than MDMA for this? No. In fact it suggests that MDMA is superior in treating PTSD. And psilocybin is superior for treating end of life anxiety and depression, assuming these symptoms aren’t being caused by an underlying condition such as PTSD.

    They are very different diseases. Even if the symptomology is similar, that doesn’t mean the treatment is the same.