• 555
    714 天前

    It really just needs to hit a specific Florida golf course.

    • Poor Yucatan Peninsula. Seems to be nature’s speedbag for Atlantic hurricanes. They might have to adjust the rankings going forward. These warm waters are going to feed them like no tomorrow.

    • warm
      154 天前

      Linking the NHC page for this, I find this site the best for tracking tropical storms.

      • @Pretzilla@lemmy.world
        23 天前

        Sailing pleasure vessels take advantage of hurricane winds when traversing distances.

        Not so much in close proximity usually, though racing sailboats certainly will.

    • Irremarkable
      44 天前

      All things considered, that’s a pretty lucky path if it doesn’t drift north into the larger Caribbean islands

          • @Treczoks@lemmy.world
            13 天前

            Looks like Yucatán will bet hit, according to the NOAA. It’s just a question of “where”. And they predict it to be a Tropical Storm when it crossed Yucatán and enters the gulf. I don’t know how warm that bathtub is at the moment, but that can get interesting, especially as a tropical storm is more likely to turn than a hurricane (IIRC). Let’s see what happens.

            • Irremarkable
              3 天前

              Yes, I’m aware they’re going to be hit currently. They would still be hit even if it shifted north to hit, for example, Cuba.

      • JJROKCZ
        14 天前

        Yea just the normal little islands that really should just be abandoned at this point

        • Irremarkable
          3 天前

          You mean the ones that would still be hit if it shifted north?

          It’s current path is over about as few people as you could ever hope for a storm of this size. Realistically, you knew I meant that and felt like being a smartass anyway.

          E: typing is hard

          • JJROKCZ
            13 天前

            I mean st Lucia, Trinidad, etc. Those get hit every time and should just be abandoned to save lives. Haiti and the Dominican get hit frequently but not every single time, looks like it should miss those larger Caribbean states this time

        • I’m sure your country will be happy to welcome the people from these islands. Right ?

          It’s not like people living there really have a choice.

          • JJROKCZ
            23 天前

            I personally have no problem with my country taking the people populating these islands. The us isn’t short on space and more hands for the work can’t hurt.

            My fellow countryman would never accept though since the population of the Caribbean is mostly non-white

  • shadow
    4 天前

    Really hoping it dissipates quickly. Any islands in the path of hurricane that intensifies are bad news. I survived a Category 5 Maria in 2017. Took years to recover. Thanks La Niña. 🙄

    • Drusas
      644 天前

      First category 4 hurricane in June in known history.

    • @die444die@lemmy.world
      384 天前

      Well it’s wayyyy earlier in the year than we would normally see one this strong. I think that’s what’s different.

          • Flying Squid
            24 天前

            Dude… all I can say is that if two massive trees fall down right outside your house in the middle of a bunch of high wind and lightning and thunder and hail and torrential rain and are anything less than terrified, you are a hell of a lot braver than I am.

            • @odium@programming.dev
              74 天前

              Like that xkcd someone else replied with, what you’re used to is less scary. Person you’re replying to is prob used to harsher hurricanes.

              • Flying Squid
                4 天前

                Like 80±mile-an-hour winds that knock down trees across the neighborhood, take out power for over a day, destroy homes and cars, etc.?

                How is that not an extreme condition? Do you think it happens around here once a week? Did you even see the photos? How often are you in such situations?

                • Stuff is built differently in places where hurricanes are common. Building standards are more strict, especially after Andrew, and adverse weather is a consideration when things are built (for instance, chain link fences are incredibly common rather than wood fences). Same with the landscaping - branches break, trees completely falling is rare because generally sturdier trees with deeper roots are chosen, and are planted well away from the house. A lot of power lines are buried - it’s more resilient to bad weather (even the afternoon thunderstorms in Florida can occasionally be just as nasty as the thunderstorms that caused so much damage at your place) and long term it’s cheaper than replacing the power lines every summer. And you kinda get used to being without power for a few hours (or even a few days to a week) after really bad hurricanes or thunderstorms. I’ve done homework by kerosene lamp more than once as a kid, and I’m in my 30s. My family played a lot of board games during the long power outages. Eventually my family, and a lot of others, invested in a generator, they’re fairly common now. My dad had a chainsaw and mostly dealt with the fallen trees himself.

                  But I’ve never learned how to tow a car out out the ditch, but many of my friends here in Minnesota do know how - different places require different skill sets. Learning how to deal with a furnace and radiator has been interesting.

                  Also, in hindsight, a direct eyewall hit or worse of a category 3+ hurricane is so pants shittingly terrifying that nobody sane continues living there after experiencing one.

        • The wind is not even the worst part of a hurricane, the rain and raised water level can be way more damaging than the wind alone.