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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 26th, 2024


  • yeah I have tried driver/passenger in the past and still got it wrong so i just point and tell people to ignore whatever i say and follow my finger when driving which is the only time it’s usually critical. also my partner knows if I say ‘real left’ that i have double or triple checked myself. like you say you learn to cope!

    it sucked in the past when I didn’t know about it and people would ask me for directions and then later realize i flipped something on them

  • there’s a new fast food drive through near me and if you buy a $13 burger with plastic they turn the little machine to you at your car window and expect you to enter a fucking tip.

    I’m an overtipping bastard. I learned to tip from Steve Martin in My Blue Heaven. i love to tip.

    I even tip at the weed store and the liquor store if they give me suggestions or any kind of service in addition to ringing me up.


    I’m not eating there because the burgers are too expensive for how good they are ($5.50 for a plain kids burger come on) but even if I loved the food i’m not tipping for fast food.

  • that doesn’t work because it’s a mental condition and you still get it wrong. It’s hard to explain if you don’t have it, like I said. You just sound like a fool trying to explain it.

    It also affects things like east/west in general and even two light switches that are next to each other but have different functions. It’s an actual condition and there’s a test at that link to see if your brain is affected by it.

  • yeah it’s weird the issue isn’t that I can’t deduce right from left. Is more that when queried the brain will immediately and confidently return the wrong answer.

    It’s like knowing the difference between a carrot and a cucumber but if someone holds one up and asks you what it is you will confidently answer incorrectly half the time.

    So you have to remember that even though you think you know the difference you actually half to take a second to make sure you have the right vegetable. Despite there being zero unsurety about it. Is madness and you sound like a loon describing it is half the problem.