• @0110010001100010@lemmy.world
      8120 days ago

      He’s been a criminal for all of his adult life. He’s just rich and white and flew under the radar enough. If he had just fucked off into retirement on some island rather than becoming president (and committing more crimes) you’d probably never hear about him anymore and he could have lived in peace.

    • @Westwolf@lemm.ee
      -2819 days ago

      Nelson Mandela was a convicted criminal when he was elected president of South Africa. Vaclav Havel was a convicted criminal when he was elected president of the Czech Republic. Corrupting the legal system to criminalize political opposition does very little to make a political figure less popular. Often, it just makes them martyrs.

          • @jhymesba@lemmy.world
            1019 days ago

            Nah, it’s you missing the point.

            Trump wasn’t convicted for who he was. He doesn’t get a pass because of who he is or the fact he’s running for President, either. A jury of 12 people unanimously declared that the prosecution proved their case 34 times. Any one of them could have said no to the charges. In fact, one seemed to be very interested in that course of action. But in a room with only 11 other people, he weighed the evidence, considered the charges, listened to the arguments made by both the Defence and Prosecution, and then, with all of that weighing on his mind, and with the added weight of his conscience, came to the conclusion that he couldn’t get Trump off on a SINGLE charge.

            Put Trump’s supporters on a jury for a trial of a Black man doing the shit Trump did, they’d ABSOLUTELY convict that Black man of the charges they insist were cooked up for Trump on the exact same evidence, WHILE protesting that Trump was unfairly convicted by “Demoncrat plants and lawyers and Deep State Operatives”. Fortunately, our court system is designed to filter out these kinds of people, which is why I don’t buy your bullshit about ‘corrupting the legal system’. It’s not corrupted, despite all the effort Team Pepe puts into it. Now buzz off with your nonsense.

      • @mosiacmango@lemm.ee
        19 days ago

        Corrupting the legal system to criminalize political opposition does very little to make a political figure less popular. Often, it just makes them martyrs.

        It’s a good thing that didn’t happen. Having an independent state prosecutor bring state crimes in front of a jury of his peers in a public trial has been a great example of democracy working as intended.

  • @Rapidcreek@lemmy.worldOP
    6720 days ago

    Trump can’t win with only 58 percent of the Republican vote. He needs somewhere in area of at least 80 - 90 percent. I see this survey result as good news.

    • El Barto
      8320 days ago

      Polls don’t mean shit. When the time comes, go out and vote!

      • @Rapidcreek@lemmy.worldOP
        -1119 days ago

        This isn’t a poll of all voters, it’s a poll of Republican voters. Interpret it as you wish, but you have no evidence that it doesn’t mean shit.

            • @Nurse_Robot@lemmy.world
              1719 days ago

              I paid attention to the polls in 2016 and thought Trump didn’t stand a chance, so I voted 3rd party like I always do. I was wrong. I no longer pay attention to polls.

              • @frezik@midwest.social
                19 days ago

                I paid attention to polls, as well. They swung wildly around as the news cycle shifted between bad news for Trump and bad news for Hillary. Then, Comey’s letter drops at the perfect time (deliberate or not) to bring Hillary’s numbers just low enough to give Trump an edge in key states. That happened too late for any new polls to absorb the info before the election.

                When Fivethirtyeight.com was giving around 75% chance for a Hillary victory, that doesn’t mean her victory was assured. It means Trump needed to flip two coins and have them both come up heads.

                Polls aren’t useless. They are a statistical tool. People applied them badly.

                • Comey’s stunt was deliberate AF. And it was an unforgivable crime that likely leads to the US becoming a dictatorship. If I were in Comey’s presence, I’d spit in his face for what he did.

              • @Rapidcreek@lemmy.worldOP
                -319 days ago

                Well good for you, but this poll isn’t about the general. It is no different than opinion surveys taken every day. It has nothing to do with the electoral college.

        • @jhymesba@lemmy.world
          219 days ago

          His message here is that Republicans can SAY whatever they want to to pollsters, and there’s a movement out on Team Pepe to do just that.

          “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality, judiciously, as you will, we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors, and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”

          Never forget that.

  • @suction@lemmy.world
    4219 days ago

    How often are we going to act surprised that it’s a cult, and he is their Fuhrer? This is getting ridiculous, the time for analysis of their side is over. We should long be in the phase of action.

    • Cosmo
      1120 days ago

      Trying to find it again, but I had seen a set of polls earlier where they had asked some republicans “Would you be ok with a convicted felon as president?” and other republicans “would you be ok with Trump as president if he were a convicted felon?”, and the ones asked the Trump version had said yes at a much higher rate than the generic question.

    • @anticolonialist@lemmy.world
      -620 days ago

      That’s one thing that drives me fucking crazy, voters let that single letter define if they support policy or hate it. If trump had done and said everything he’s done over the last several years but had a (D) they would hate him. And vice versa.

      • @Anamnesis@lemmy.world
        2020 days ago

        It’s not a bipartisan issue. Democrats do not have the same slavish adoration for their leaders that Republicans do.

          • @psvrh@lemmy.ca
            1219 days ago

            Al Franken quit. Bob Menendez is facing trial. Rod Blagojevich was convicted. Wiener and Cuomo were shamed from office

            Jim Jordan is still there. Matt Gaetz is still there. It took comic-book levels of evil to turf Santos.

            And then we have Trump.

            So no, being critical of your own team isn’t bipartisan. It may have been at one time, but that’s at least thirty years ago.

          • @AbidanYre@lemmy.world
            619 days ago

            You’re a god damned idiot if you don’t think there would be at least as much genocide under Trump.

      • @jhymesba@lemmy.world
        119 days ago

        Another voice calling you out on this bullshit.

        Team Blue has kicked and will kick members out who give the party a bad name. Hell, they’ll kick 'em out before the conviction. That doesn’t happen with Republicans, with only Santos (gee, Hispanic name, I wonder why) facing the music for his bullshit in all of the GQP.

        Fuck this Both Sides bullshit. It’s not true, and we shouldn’t stand for it.

        • @anticolonialist@lemmy.world
          -219 days ago

          They kick Henry Cuellar, pro life under federal investigation. They didn’t kick Menendez currently under indictment. They didn’t kick pro life Pelosi.

  • Rhaedas
    3619 days ago

    No surprise. They ended up agreeing that he was guilty of impeachable offenses too, but were okay with it and didn’t want him to be kicked out or made non-electable because of them. “One of us”, literally.

    • @Asafum@feddit.nl
      919 days ago

      Seems like the people capable of saying “I don’t know” are the only ones with consistency.

        • @AngryCommieKender@lemmy.world
          19 days ago

          That could open the gates to one party weaponizing the justice system and jailing the opposition. That’s the only reason I don’t support such a requirement.

          I would answer IDK in the poll

        • @captainlezbian@lemmy.world
          818 days ago

          And I’ve consistently been of the opinion they should barring certain crimes. I hate this felon’s guts, not a fan of most felons to be honest, but a vandalism felony as a 19 year old? Drug dealers? And that’s not getting into felonies I’m questionable as to if they should be crimes.

        • @Asafum@feddit.nl
          319 days ago

          +1 for angry commies message. I believe that’s why we would actually want to be able to elect a felon.

          It’s up to the people to use their brains (…lmfao) and try to understand if it’s really just a political hit or if they’re a legitimate criminal. Of course in a world of Faux News, Newsmax, and Facebook Karens, figuring out what to believe is becoming increasingly more impossible as is the intent.

          It’s getting old but it’s insane how many comments this fits so I need to say it again: I FUCKING HATE PROPAGANDISTS!

          The problem of billionaires and propagandists are one in the same.

          • @ameancow@lemmy.world
            719 days ago

            It’s up to the people to use their brains (…lmfao)

            My radicalizing adult realization was that as a species we’re incredibly dumb.

            And I don’t mean that in terms of the usual way in which people say “people are dumb!” and throw their hands in the air to explain the latest absurd thing.

            I mean on a deeper, more fundamental and hopeless level. We are not reasonable, rational creatures. Just because we figured out what rationality means and can employ it as a tool, generally across most of our species we are survival machines, and our brains are tuned to do one thing only, which is explain why you feel things so you can predict danger.

            This makes us ridiculously easy to manipulate and sway, because we have vastly deep brains that will create an entire universe of stories to explain an emotion, and it will do this in your own voice so you think it’s your own good ideas and it will fool you into believing your own stories, even if they don’t make a shred of sense. This is why you can have educated, smart people like doctors and nurses become anti-vax or climate scientists denying climate change. We are entirely emotional creatures and we trick ourselves into believing our fears all day long, every day, and we can’t ever get out. We’re stuck down a hole with no way out. Lost in our own world of biases and attaching to backwards storylines to explain them.

  • circuitfarmer
    2219 days ago

    Then they can’t claim to be the party of law and order anymore.

    Unfortunately they won’t need to. They’ve been playing a different game than the rest of us.

  • @some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org
    2219 days ago

    There’s this thing called the Overton Window. Republicans are way past that. It’s no longer relevant. Whatever their guy does will always be fine while if his opponents do it, it will be the end of all that is good and just.