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Cake day: July 14th, 2023

  • I don’t think he’s stupid enough not to know what those numbers mean. The crowds he hangs out with, there is zero doubt he has seen those tattoos on more than a few faces in the MAGA crowds.

    I don’t necessarily think he was even aware of the price tag, or thought about a proposed sale enough to notice. I think the chances this was one of his nazi employees is higher than him setting his own sales price himself.

    He doesn’t seem to be coherent enough to be running day to day things like that, when his focus is getting in front of any camera willing to record him.

  • It’s easy to rage against the machine on a moral pedestal. It’s harder to actually steer the machine in the right direction.

    To be clear, I am supportive of putting things to a vote even if there’s no chance it succeeds. Get the votes on record. I think that’s an important archive that can be used later in election season to hold politicians accountable for their votes.

    I like what Bernie and AOC are doing when they push for these kinds of votes.

    But make no mistake. They can only do this from a position of being unable to effect any change. Under normal conditions, moves like this poison the well and make others on both sides less willing to work with you.

    They have the luxury of grandstanding specifically because they have zero hope of garnering support.

    Someone like a president can’t really do something like this without completely burning their political capital.

  • Musk bought one of the biggest social media platforms expressly to manipulate news, which in turn manipulates politics and markets.

    He’s basically like a narcissistic Rupert Murdock who wants to make his manipulation all centered around how cool he is.

    That’s news.

    Taylor Swift is just filler content. It’s taking the place of worlds largest cookie stories. But the reason it gains traction is that she has taken on a bit of a counter persona to the Right’s habitual sexism. She’s an influential woman. The Right can’t stand that shit.

  • It’s certainly possible, but I don’t buy that level of ignorance.

    Trump was savvy enough to keep interest rates low to heavily inflate real estate as the obvious money dump for free money. As a real estate mogul, this directly benefited him personally.

    And don’t give me that nieve nonsense that the president doesn’t control the fed reserve. Trump’s corruption was thorough and complete.

    Trump absolutely understands basic economic principles of supply and demand. He is constantly trying to manipulate competition to give himself more power so he can gain from it. It’s the same as raising tariffs to give domestic producers more power so they can raise their profits at the cost to the consumer.

    He just doesn’t give a shit about the consumer, only the kickbacks he gets from the producers.

  • Problem is that RCV will only have a chance in deep blue states, and all it would accomplish is reducing the blue representation in congress.

    To put it bluntly, all it would accomplish is more in fighting and contributing to the reputation that Dems are ineffective. Except, it would be the “blue aligned coalition” instead of “Dems”

    The only real path to making this change is to give Dems a super majority so they can amend the constitution.

    And, well, the minority of Red voters have a majority of power thanks to the electoral college, so a super majority is absolutely impossible for the foreseeable future.

    Edit - it’d also cause disruptions in States that don’t adopt RCV, as “progressives” protest vote 3rd party and sandbag the Dems

  • I think they were surprised at how unhinged he got, and looked impotent with rage.

    He’s usually surrounded by sycophants that he can bully around and they get linched by his mob if they don’t fall in line. Or he just gets up and leaves any interview that challenges his bullshit, and can leave with the last word. His childish tantrums can get reduced to soundbites that make him look like the winner to his followers who are also petty adult children.

    But here, Harris was in frame laughing at his meltdowns and clearly easily pushing his buttons where it hurt, and he could do nothing but stomp over the so called moderation to steal airtime, just to look like a petulant child who needed a nap.