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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 10th, 2024


  • I’ve re-read your comment dozens of times trying to understand why this concept is lost on you, that it’s FINE to be disappointed with someone’s fashion choices, be it someone you know personally, or a generalized view of trends. It’s OKAY. It doesn’t MEAN anything other than, some people like things and other people do not. I too feel a sense of disappointment when people with otherwise pretty features accessorize it in ways that distract or detract from my preference. AND THAT’S ALSO OKAY.

    You know what else? You’re ALSO allowed to be disappointed with how some people dress, talk, act or just about ANYTHING else that you like or don’t like. This is called being an adult human with values, taste and self-esteem.

    Whatever cartoonish picture jumped into your head of some “alpha male” casting judgement on women he wants to sleep with, which I think you’re picturing here, that shit is coming from a place of insecurity or pain inside YOU, this is not an objectifying or entitled attitude to express or hold. Disappointment with someone’s choices is a normal and healthy thing that men and women feel and express all the time and sure it can become toxic in extreme circumstances, it’s nowhere NEAR that to just express not liking a thing.

  • Okay setting aside your clearly toxic and unkind attitude that is betraying what this is really about, some personal issue that is making you seeth, why is the word “disappointment” triggering YOU so hard?

    I would be disappointed if my date comes home with me and takes off their shirt and they have a tattoo of Sonic the Hedgehog on their chest. Because I don’t want to look at Sonic when we’re together, does that make a lick of fucking sense? Do you understand that people have consensual relationships and preferences for their partners?

  • What does random women he has nothing to do with having piercings have to do with him?

    Are you not a native English speaker? Do you understand that people can give opinions and critique of things they don’t like without it meaning an expectation that someone is going to DO something for them? You immediately made some random, innocuous comment about someone’s aesthetic tastes into an issue about entitlement and I assume implications about sex? Don’t you get how fucking weird that is? It betrays something on YOUR mind specifically that nobody here is talking about.

    Do you think people shouldn’t have fashion preferences? Do you think humans can’t or should not have feelings about things? Every comment you make here just makes it weirder.

  • I’m not really sure who likes them other than the people who get them and other people who like those specific piercings for whatever reasons.

    It’s wild how insanely defensive people get about their piercings and body modifications though, just read through this post or any post like it on reddit.

    Like, chill out you freaks. If someone doesn’t like your fashion choice, unhinged rants and attacks aren’t going to make someone magically start loving metal accessories stuck in your soft parts.

  • I’m going to immediately distrust the motives.

    Additionally, the data is self-reported surveys with questions like “Have you ever been contacted by someone from a company or corporation?” and… yeah? This part shouldn’t be surprising to any platform that allows private messages. And “Have you ever seen someone promoting a product?” and most people are going to either shrug or already have a strong opinion, it’s not very scientific for actual data on the actual traffic from bots and corporate shills, more how the human users feel about the platform.

    I would much rather see an independent investigation from a technical point-of-view, which tracks the comments and timing of user comments to determine how many are actually bots just quietly gaining karma with innocuous comments, or how many are just programmed to go to certain subreddits at certain times to push a narrative.

  • Yeah that sounds so much like post-hoc justification that I’m seriously surprised that it’s being swallowed by anyone.

    I mean, great if it DOES help with such a terrible problem, it’s just I have seen this thing being talked about before and it’s NEVER been discussed in terms of helping trafficking victims. This is the first I’ve heard of it. Almost every time you see this kind of narrative being discussed it’s either 99% of the time a bunch of sweaty incels online whinging about how women aren’t really pretty and just want to trap guys or some other dom/sub kink fantasy nonsense to validate their depression and self-loathing, OR about 1% of the time it’s an actual empowering discussion talking about unfair hollywood beauty standards.

  • This is the better answer. People don’t want a bleak, colorless world, they want art that makes them feel good.

    But art isn’t something that makes you feel good necessarily. It can but it also can make you feel other things, it’s a tool for conveying feelings and ideas to someone else, it’s a type of communication. We were supposed to have been taught this as children, that art is communication and we have to be able to hear and see things that make us uncomfortable or we will never, ever succeed in life at the things we want.

    Fascists don’t want people empowered, they want people’s imagination squashed so people don’t imagine an alternative narrative to the propaganda that keeps people propping up their dear leader. All channels of communication will be controlled.

    This is some toddler-level conceptual understanding. When we start banning forms of communication then everyone should stand up and point at someone trying to undo society. This is a real threat to everything we’ve accomplished as a species.