Take your damn poop so we can go back inside

  • @OpenStars@discuss.online
    6619 days ago

    Imagine being cooped up all day, only able to go outside 2-3 times a day. I’m with the dog on this one - if that sparks joy in them then the dog has the right idea!

  • @MissJinx@lemmy.world
    4619 days ago

    Walks are like tv/internet for you dog. He is mostly stimulated / entertained by smells, which he can get many different ones even on the same walk (like different chanels on the tv). He spend his whole day in the same place (same tv channel) and the walk is the one time he has to be happy. Please take your dogs out and take your time, it’s not only about poop and exercise it’s also about mental health for the dog

    • @Hugh_Jeggs@lemm.ee
      1919 days ago

      Twenty minutes, three times a day. Little fucker is so happy.

      Really wish he hadn’t developed a taste for licking piss off everything though

  • Nougat
    3819 days ago

    That’s because walking around the neighborhood is a dog’s version of reading the morning paper. They check out which other animals have been where from all the smells.

    • @AA5B@lemmy.world
      19 days ago

      There are dogs that still read the morning paper?

      I always thought of it as “checking pee-mail”. That’s also a better analogy for why they have to pee-ply so many times

  • @Allonzee@lemmy.world
    19 days ago

    Dogs instinctually practice something profound that vexes many to most humans.

    They live in the moment.

  • Noxy
    1519 days ago

    Might look the same to us but smells are different every day. If nothing else, just from where other dogs have walked and done their business along the route. Basically checking the pissal media feed

  • @_sideffect@lemmy.world
    1319 days ago

    What I don’t like is when I see people on their phones when walking their dogs.

    Spend time with your dogs instead; I talk to mine during the walk, so it makes them feel I’m enjoying it with them.

  • @intensely_human@lemm.ee
    718 days ago

    Humans when the look at the same handheld slab of glass for the fourth hour that day, but it’s still fascinating to them

  • my doggo is an old scent hound. He’s mostly deaf and can’t see very well, but that snoot of his is in full operation whenever we go for a walk. He has to smell every single thing. and if it’s something he likes, he’ll bark at the smell.

  • @Stupidmanager@lemmy.world
    519 days ago

    I’m lucky enough to have a yard, but my dog knows when it’s past time to go for her walk and she’ll stare at me until I move. Morning walks right now mean I get up earlier, so she can have more sniff time.

    When I travel with my pups, I use treats. She poops, gets treats. By the 3rd day, she’s heading straight to the same spot to poop real fast so she gets a treat. Give that a go.

  • @cm0002@lemmy.world
    219 days ago

    This is why I train my dogs (or rather, get them used to) that walks and potty time are separate things.

    Potty time I can just let them into the backyard and leave them be then do walks when I have the time to give them time.

    People who always walk their dogs for potty time (Excluding people where that’s their only choice ofc) is just setting themselves up for failure.