• Admiral Patrick
    1414 months ago

    I was about to report the post for editorializing the title, but nope: that’s the actual article title lol

      • @elliot_crane@lemmy.world
        664 months ago

        Fucking finally. The New Republic isn’t a huge player, but it’s nice to see a mainstream-ish media outlet calling him out without using flowery language or an op-ed to dance around it.

  • @HelixDab2@lemm.ee
    854 months ago

    There’s an interesting dissonance here; he praises Putin for being a strong leader, a good leader, but then he compares himself to Navalny. How does this even work in his mind? If Putin is good and strong, then surely Navalny should have been killed for opposing him, right? And where does that leave Trump, if he’s like Navalny?

    • @Foni@lemm.ee
      494 months ago

      Wait, are you thinking about Trump in rational terms? I think you’re in the wrong man if you’re looking for a rational person.

      • @HelixDab2@lemm.ee
        154 months ago

        I’m just amazed that the people listening to him can’t immediately see this. It’s such a glaring inconsistency that it should be impossible to miss.

      • The Pantser
        54 months ago

        Gotta think about him in delusional terms it’s the only way anything makes sense. Even then it’s hard to wrap your head around. Maybe we need to take some shrooms.

      • @Daft_ish@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Trump wants cover from putin and his loyalists will spout what ever it is he says; true, false, incoherent, or otherwise. Say something enough, like you’re the enemy of your only ally, and enough people will believe it so that no one else questions it.

    • @Pretzilla@lemmy.world
      144 months ago

      He’s projecting that he and Navalny are/were both completely at the mercy of pootin and can be finished on a whim.

      Scared little hands. You can see it in him whenever he met with pootie.

      • @suction@lemmy.world
        44 months ago

        Oh so you’re saying we have a chance? Because Donnie has a hard time controlling his ugly ass mouth whenever slightly provoked…

    • @johannesvanderwhales@lemmy.world
      94 months ago

      To me the single uniting thread between all the different narratives Trump attempts to weave is simply: he thinks the vast majority of voters are really, really dumb.

      • @HelixDab2@lemm.ee
        44 months ago

        Sadly, given that he consistently has the absolute support of about 1/3 of the Republican party (about 1/6 of the country), and the moderately strong support of another 1/3 of the Republican party, that’s not the far from reality.

        • Instigate
          44 months ago

          Your idea is right, but your numbers about population are wrong. Republicans definitely don’t make up 50% of the country given that your voter turnout for presidential elections tends around 50-60% and many who vote Republican in a given year are independent or swing voters who aren’t rusted-on voters. It’s hard to get a 100% clear number on it, but I’d estimate that Republicans only make up around 20-25% of the country at most.

          It only seems like they’re 50% of people because they win a lot of elections, but a lot of that has to do with the Electoral College, First Past the Post voting, and a lack of mandatory voting coupled with low voter turnout.

    • @dirthawker0@lemmy.world
      54 months ago

      Logic and consistency don’t figure in Rapey’s mind, just rhetoric and feels. He loves power; Putin is in power and is the boss of a corrupt state, so he admires Putin. Navalny is oppressed, but still admired and loved, and Rapey feels oppressed by the lawsuits and criminal charges against him, so he compares himself to that as well, never mind that Navalny was never in power.

    • Flying Squid
      54 months ago

      The man’s brain probably looks like Swiss cheese. I’m amazed he can form individual words.

    • @chemicalprophet@lemm.ee
      34 months ago

      As far as i can tell this blathering mouth-breathing monkey never says anything. People spend tons of energy trying to attribute meaning to the grunts and farts this turd emits.

    • @Szymon@lemmy.ca
      34 months ago

      I’m being her just says the name to have so e association with whomever would be swayed by it, and likely has no idea or care for who it was

    • @Deello@lemm.ee
      344 months ago

      Seriously. I was confused at first. Nobody talks about him like that. So refreshing.

  • @Furbag@lemmy.world
    354 months ago

    The difference between these two men is that Navalny was never given any sort of due process.

    Donald Trump has perhaps received more due process than any individual in the history of the nation. He walks free as a bird despite 91 felony counts, has had multiple court appearances where his legal team had ample time to present evidence to defend him, and has made extensive use of his right to an appeal in just about every judgement against him.

    Trump losing in court isn’t a grand deep state conspiracy, he’s actually just guilty and really bad at presenting evidence to the contrary.

    • @dudinax@programming.dev
      4 months ago

      Another big difference is that Navalny was prosecuted and eventually killed for politics, and Donnie avoided prosecution for years because of politics.

      Another is that Navalny was persecuted by a dictator while Donnie was indicted by juries of his peers.

  • mozz
    4 months ago

    “Wait, what? So you agree Navalny’s prosecution was a gross violation of human rights?”

    “Absolutely not. You look at what he did, okay? I spoke directly to Putin, great man by the way, what the press in this country has done to him is a terrible thing, absolutely terrible. He held on to power for 20 years in RUSH-SHA, you think that’s easy? Putin assured me this man was a criminal scum, a rapist and treasoner and everything under the sun, and I believe him. Why wouldn’t I? You have to put these things down with strength, very strongly. You look at what Xi has done in CHY-na, or what they’ve done in the Philippines, that’s the way to do it. You have some guy who’s going to get up and talk about treason? Boom, right to Siberia. I mean they say he died of natural causes, but who’s to say? I tell you, I wish we could do that here. Maybe if I get elected, we’ll be able to, but we’ll see what happens.”

    “But didn’t you say you’re just like Navalny?”

    “When did I say that? I never said that.”

    (Not that “Trump contradicts self” is news, but this one is especially severe.)

    (Edit: The above exchange is fake, I made it up; I’m just making a point.)

    • qantravon
      114 months ago

      Is that an actual quote? I don’t see it in the article, and I honestly can’t distinguish between satire of Trump’s speech and his actual words anymore.

    • @fastandcurious@lemmy.world
      24 months ago

      Pardon my ignorance but one thing I don’t get that isn’t the entire view of putin is to distance russia from the west, why the heck would you want to be friends with him, same with putin?

  • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
    204 months ago

    Seriously, every news outlet should refer to tiny d this way. Instead of “Trump” or, worse “President Trump” (ffffffffuuuuuck that), it should be “Rapist Who Wanted Vice President Dead”. In every headline dealing with this human filth.

  • @pedestrian@links.hackliberty.org
    4 months ago

    So much to digest in this article it’s unreal (the comment below is AI generated and picks up everything in this weirdly laid out news site):

    • Donald Trump compared his legal troubles to Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny’s imprisonment and death in a Russian penal colony, drawing criticism for minimizing Navalny’s plight.
    • Republicans have touted claims by Alexander Smirnov about Biden corruption in Ukraine, but he has now been charged with lying to the FBI and admitted Russian intelligence helped him smear Hunter Biden.
    • A transgender teenager named Nex Benedict was beaten at their Oklahoma school and later died, highlighting the dangers transgender students face, especially after Oklahoma’s anti-trans bathroom bill.
    • Yulia Navalnaya, wife of slain Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, was temporarily banned from Twitter for unclear reasons after posting a video accusing Putin of killing her husband.
    • Bernie Moreno, a Republican Senate candidate in Ohio, suggested women don’t need abortions and that men should help carry heavy items like strollers instead.
    • Christian nationalist figures like Russell Vought seek to infuse their ideology more deeply into a potential second Trump administration.
    • E. Jean Carroll’s lawyer hinted they may sue Donald Trump for a third time if he continues denying the rape and defaming her after being ordered to pay $88 million.
    • Samuel Alito complained that people who oppose homosexuality are unfairly branded as bigots.
    • Donald Trump was reportedly obsessed with punishing Snoop Dogg in his final White House hours over past criticisms.
    • Hunter Biden’s lawyers argue the investigation against him included factual errors like mistaking sawdust for cocaine.
    • @jballs@sh.itjust.works
      84 months ago

      Look, you just threw out a lot of stuff and I don’t have time to address it all. I just want to say:

      Bernie Moreno, a Republican Senate candidate in Ohio, suggested women don’t need abortions and that men should help carry heavy items like strollers instead.


      • Anyways - the way this webpage is laid out is weird and the ai picked up multiple stories, but the stories are all there if you bother to continue scrolling

    • @xXSirDanglesXx@lemmy.world
      54 months ago

      Just like that Brock “The Rapist” Lastname guy from a few years back who raped another student. May he never not be refered to as “The Rapist” again.

      • @shiftymccool@lemm.ee
        4 months ago

        Doesn’t say as much as “why was this rapist elected president, and why is he going to be elected again?” At this point, it’s is pretty much a guarantee that this fuckhat will serve another term because pubs just want to “own them libs!” regardless of the damage it will do to society.

  • @ceenote@lemmy.world
    144 months ago

    I see where he gets mixed up: One person tried to sacrifice someone else’s life trying to bring dictatorship to America, the other sacrificed his life trying to bring democracy to Russia. Easy mix-up to make.

    P.S. I know Navalny was no saint, I just think that’s not a very useful discussion to have right now.