An online fundraiser for former President Donald Trump has racked up $84,354 out of a $355 million target in just 24 hours following the final judgement in his civil fraud trial in New York.

On Friday, Trump was fined roughly $355 million by New York Judge Arthur Engoron following a monthslong trial. The trial was to determine how much Trump and his associates would pay after New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a lawsuit in September 2022 accusing the former president, his two adult sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, The Trump Organization and two firm executives, Allen Weisselberg and Jeff McConney of fraudulently overvaluing assets to secure more favorable bank loans and taxation deals.

The former president was also barred from doing business in New York for three years. Other defendants in the case also faced financial penalties and were banned from doing business in New York for periods of time. Meanwhile, Trump, who is the GOP frontrunner in the 2024 presidential election, has denied any wrongdoing and claims the case was politically motivated.

    5 个月前

    Any Trump supporters out there, I want you to think about something.

    One of the reasons you originally supported Trump is that he was supposedly rich enough to fund his own campaign. Then you sent him - supposedly a man worth $10 billion at one point - piles of money. He begged you for it over and over. He needed your help to fight the system, to “stop the steal,” to “make America great again,” and you gladly opened your wallets without ever wondering why a billionaire needed your money and couldn’t fund his campaigns on his own.

    That billionaire now has a GoFundMe. Roll that around in your head. He has a GoFundMe because he can’t (or won’t) spend his own earned income as a billionaire real-estate tycoon to settle judgments against him that - by his own claims - amount to roughly 1/20th his net worth.

    Why? Try to explain why in a way that doesn’t make you sound like the world’s biggest sucker and the victim of a con artist.

    • BaroqueInMind
      1275 个月前

      Any Trump supporters out there

      Literally zero of them browse here. Your message is simply echoing in here. You should post it to Truth Social or Hexbear or whatever shithole they peruse and let us know here what their replies are.

          5 个月前

          Too relatable.

          I made an account to browse neighborhood news. If someone loses a cat or dog, I do want to be on the lookout. Haven’t added a single friend there. I’m just there to observe and potentially help save a pet. But it’s very “boomer” there, and in my experience (having lived here my whole life) every boomer is a Trump fan until proven otherwise. Every boomer goes to church every Sunday. They’re all the literal stereotype, and almost half are the same person as the ones you see interviewed at rallies by liberal-leaning journalists.

        155 个月前

        A good argument can still be read and later used on by someone who does read here.

        Or used by some future machine learning project.

        All communication creates ripples

          265 个月前

          Hexbear is trolls

          Theyll assume whatever identity they think they can get the most triggered responses with

            75 个月前

            So it’s just trolls, pissing off other trolls? Why would anyone who isn’t a troll spend any time there?

              45 个月前

              For the same reason people still use Facebook and Twitter, despite the algorithm feeding them rage bait; it’s engaging.

              Sometimes I miss the old 4chan days, when you would argue about dumb shit while also assuming the other person is fucking with you, it creates a weird dynamic where you’re in competition to see who can create the most convincing strawman.

              Then, some would actually announce they were just trolling, which everyone else knew was a sign that they were actually serious, but wouldn’t admit it. Like any of it mattered, since nobody had usernames lol.

              I miss the old internet sometimes…

          85 个月前

          Never was. He’s pretty much always owed more than he has. He bankrupted a casino, lied about the value of his properties in both directions, inflating value got him loans against them and devaluing them had him owe less in taxes and more. He has never been the player he pretends to be. The real billionaires and more don’t really spend time in the spot light (for the most part), there are exceptions but the ones really running things don’t like the sunlight.

      215 个月前

      All conning and bs aside, wealthy mantra is “why use your money, when you can use someone else’s?” Even if trump actually did have $10,000,000,000 in assets…Hell; even in cash, he’d still try and get other saps to pay for shit for his benefit. The guy is a d-bag.

      5 个月前

      Beyond that, the entire GoFundMe is against the terms and services of the EULA on GoFundMe. You aren’t allowed to raise money for “alleged or actual crimes,” since this is a legal judgement, it’s not just an alleged crime. It fits the definition of an actual crime.

      The golden Trump shoes are actually legal money laundering.

          05 个月前

          They don’t. But, truth is, it’s not really a smart financial move to use too much of your personal assets to run for office because if you don’t win, it was all a waste. It is smarter to get others to pay for it for you. Unless you actually have a billion dollars and then spending even 50 million on a campaign is nothing and you’ll have earned that back in interest alone in short order.

            25 个月前

            Yeah, but that kind of nullifies his campaign argument that he doesn’t need anyone’s financial help, doesn’t it.

              5 个月前

              I didn’t say otherwise. Obviously it negates it and those of us who have been paying attention over the past few decades could have and did tell the world he isn’t who he brags about being.

  • Flying Squid
    5 个月前

    If my math is correct, at that rate, he only has a little less than 11 years to go to raise the target amount!

        155 个月前

        Compound interest is complicated but I figure at least 30 years if $84k per day holds up. Of course Don only has a few years left so why would the donations keep coming?

        • Flying Squid
          35 个月前

          Because he’s going to pass the torch to one of his kids and his idiot followers will probably believe he transferred his soul into him too.

        75 个月前

        Judgements in NY State have an interest rate of 9%. And he has to pay it within 30 days. This isn’t going to raise that much and it’ll be stolen anyway.

          05 个月前

          Meaning they’d better ramp it up a little closer to $12m daily to get there on time. That is, if the platform do not wake up and enforce its own rules.

    745 个月前

    The GoFundMe is run by a random follower of his. Remember that guy who was raising money to pay for the wall and then just took the money and disappeared?

      • littleblue✨
        25 个月前

        Fraud? You wish you thought of fraud the first time? You do realize that no one who engaged in fraud, et al, for that cheeto stain has gotten any help in avoiding criminal charges, right? It’s probably for the best that you didn’t think of fraud first.

        125 个月前

        It was Steve Bannon and Brian Kolfage. Bannon was pardoned but Kolfage is sitting in FMC Rochester until 2027.

        But this GoFundMe is by the wife of “financial influencer” Grant Cardone, who has been sued by investors for fraud multiple times. Also a Scientologist, so that tracks.

    565 个月前

    84K that isn’t going to go into a superPAC, to another candidate, to the RNC, or get spent to campaign for trump.

    435 个月前

    Oh man, they raised 0.024% of the judgement in 24 hours! ((84,000/350,000,000)*100 to yield percent)

    If they manage to do that once a day every year, it’ll only take them (350,000,000/84,000/365) 11 years to pay if off!

    355 个月前

    Oh before he needed $355 million, now he only needs $355 million. That $84K is an unnoticeable drop in the bucket. 😂 😂 😂

      5 个月前

      I thought Trump was worth billions. That’s what he likes to tell everyone. $355 million should just be pocket change for him, right?

        65 个月前

        His worth depends on his mood, so I guess it’s the court that’s to blame, for ruining his mood, so he can’t afford the fine.
        I seriously doubt he can afford the fines, which combined and with interest are upwards of $400 million. Then again Kushner got about a billion from the Arabs, doing favors while Trump was president. So maybe Trump got more?

    • I wonder if it actually is harder for them to funnel payments to things like the Trump campaign due to the war (and sanctions). I’m sure Putin and friends are not strapped for cash if a Trump victory is on the menu. Maybe they don’t think the fraud fine is a detriment to Trump’s chances?

      25 个月前

      No, it is because Voronezh’s budget hasn’t been finalized. They will cut healthcare, schools and transport AND THEN Trump will get money.

    275 个月前

    Donny holding up a bucket waiting for the billionaires and millionaires who benefitted from his tax reform to trickle down in his direction:

      75 个月前

      It’s hilarious watching people he doesn’t control (and aren’t terminally stupid or desperate, like the rubes who agree to be his lawyer because THIS time he’ll really pay them, pinky swear) hang his ass out to dry.

    275 个月前

    Perhaps the MAGA base is finally running out of money for their champion to piss away. Though if they had any more, I’m sure Trump would be willing to spend to his very last supporter.

  • the post of tom joad
    265 个月前

    Man, i want some of that sweet rube money.

    If hypothetically, i created a gofundme that said something along the lines of ‘help support me support trump’ and it had a bunch of weasel words that sounded supportive of him but just boiled down to me using the money to pay my bills while thinking about supportive scaffolding, would that be illegal?

        • I wonder if you could astro turf the hell out of this. Go deeper. Make it fun!

          Make a fake identity for your company’s parent company that parodies this guy Hire an actor on fiver to be red white and blue all over, set up your secret island bank accounts in the Seychelles and then go full Kojima mode lalilulelo, metal gear?! nanomachies?! etc etc.

          It could be self funding ARG that protects its “fraud” as an artistic work. Qanons would eat it up.

        15 个月前

        I think winred has inserted themselves into the RepubliQan donation scam, too. I think campaigns are required to use them.

      115 个月前

      Reminds me of when the PS3 first went on sale and people sold pictures of a PS3 on eBay. The title said it was a picture, the content said it was a picture, but people were impatient, didn’t read and bought the auctions. I thought that was a bit manipulative then, but I would not feel bad if people did this to Trump supporters. IANAL but I don’t think it’s illegal as long as you don’t say you’ll do something and then not do it.

    245 个月前

    Assuming every day the same donations pour in, it’ll take about 4,227 days:

    355,000,000/84,000 = 4,226.19047619

    That many days divided by 365 means about 11.5 years to reach that goal.

    4,226.19047619/365 = 11.5786040444

    77 + 11 =88, so he’ll probably be 89 before he’s out of debt, assuming no other financial penalties from lawsuits happen. Or he could declare bankruptcy…