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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Tbf, the Europeans have some pretty fucked cryptid lore, it’s just that they’re more chaotic neutral and less chaotic vengeance than the American variety. My favorite american cryptid is an old one you don’t hear much of anymore, and was born from Pacific NorthWest loggers: the Hide Behind. Basically, this mf stalks your shit and will always duck behind a tree when you turn to look at it; it’s fast enough to never be seen clearly, but you can just catch glimpses of it if you’re fast/lucky. Eventually, it catches and eats unwitting loggers who let it sneak up on them.

    Edit: I also like the deer stories. One of my all time favs was a free text about a deer stumbling up the street very clearly saying “BEEP BEEP BEEP” like a car being unlocked, followed by “Honey, I’m home!” over and over. That was the whole story, just a weird fucking deer stumbling up the street and talking to itself. 10/10 would gladly read again.

  • It’s called Lazarus Syndrome. I was exposed to a case once at a large ER while waiting for a bed for my own patient (hello, am paramedic). Not too much to say about it, the ED staff were working a code, like they do, and called it. About twenty minutes later, some staff was in the room cleaning up when they noticed the patient breathing and told the nurses. Staff came running like hell and worked them for another 15-20 minutes before calling it again. Weird shit, and pretty unusual in my experience, AFAIK we still don’t understand the mechanism behind it.

  • Learned to hate women/the plebs having the freedom to divorce, you mean. We certainly wouldn’t want to stop men like Donald Trump or Newt Gingrich from it. That would mean the law would have to apply evenly, and we can’t have that.

    This is a good article, well worth the read. It gets my hackles up. It’s wild to me just how reactionary the GOP is. I know they are, but there really is no limit to how far back they want to wind back the clock. 1776 might be too modern for them, given the lack of monarchy.

  • I just love that these fuckin clowns thought they were going to be embraced by the libertarian party, the party of vermin supreme, the party who famously booed their presidential candidate (Gary Johnson) for saying he felt that driver’s licenses were a reasonable regulation. There’s not a single political party in the US that’s more contentious, purity-tested, and just downright difficult on purpose than the LP. Most people who know a libertarian really know an embarrassed republican, not a true believer like these folks. Folks, people at the event that Trump and Kennedy showed up to were handing out rubber chickens to harass and heckle the candidates as they spoke, and forced the secret service to go around confiscating rubber chickens. Biden was honestly smart to leave the LP on read when they invited him, nothing good could have possibly come from it, but these two fuckin dorks, especially Trump, thought it would be great because they didn’t do twenty seconds of homework. “Hmm, let me look at the Libertarian Presidential debates on YouTube” should have been enough to make them go “nah, dawg, I’m out, here’s a canned letter, please vote for me, bye”.

    So, Trump got (rightfully) heckled by the people at that event, because the true believers hate authority and aren’t about that Christian Fascism shit. Trump’s used to hecklers, but he’s also used to the crowd shouting them down for him, not the whole ass crowd clowning on him with rubber chickens. IIRC, he ended up just walking off stage once it was clear that the libertarians were just there to dunk on him. It’s not a good look for dear leader that he couldn’t put the most contentious people in American politics under his spell, and anyone who points out that the emperor is naked in Trump land gets the window, so they’re just going to lie their asses off about it.