Former president’s body odor was called into question by a former congressman

Adam Kinzinger, a former Republican representative, encouraged people to ‘wear a mask’ when they’re in the presence of former president Donald Trump due to his apparent odor.

Mr Kinzinger, a vocal critic of Mr Trump, took to his Twitter account this week to insinuate that the former president possesses a strong smell.

“I’m genuinely surprised how people close to Trump haven’t talked about the odor,” Mr Kinzinger wrote earlier this week.

“It’s truly something to behold. Wear a mask if you can,” he added.

The accusation garnered a lot of attention on the platform, with many mocking the former president for his alleged smell.

    2506 months ago

    This is brilliant. Attack his vanity. His level of narcissism can’t function if his vanity is in question.

    Just look at how he loses his shit over any mention of a Russia golden shower tape. It doesn’t matter if it actually exists because you can still use it to troll him and influence his actions.

    1456 months ago

    Kinzinger is working trump like a piece of clay . It’s so easy to do and I don’t understand why more people don’t do it.

    Trumps personality disorders control every aspect of his life. He’s incapable of not responding and he’s completely unaware of how stupid and childish it makes him look.

    • TechyDad
      376 months ago

      And he’s been this way for quite some time. A journalist once said Trump has small hands and Trump literally sent the guy photos of his hands for decades afterwards to show how big they were. (And this article was from 2015. If he’s still sending the photos, it would be over 30 years now.)

      Imagine being so insecure that you feel the need to respond to a personal slight for that long afterwards! If someone insulted my appearance on a message board in 1998, I wouldn’t still be posting there in 2023 with “proof” that they were wrong.

      96 months ago

      Make up increasingly ridiculous accusations about Trump’s appearance, etc. and claim you heard them from a source close to Trump. When pressed on the source, say John Barron called you personally to tell you that Trump prefers pink diapers with unicorns on them or whatever.

  • Flying Squid
    976 months ago


    When reached for comment about the accusation, a spokesperson for Mr Trump returned the insult to Mr Kinzinger.

    “Adam Kinzinger farted on live TV and is an unemployed fraud,” the spokesperson said in a statement provided to The Independent.

    Not only do I doubt he ever farted on live TV, but if that spokesperson thinks a fart gives you a constant smell, they really need to visit their doctor.

  • teft
    556 months ago

    God I hope someone calls him pissboy on stage but the current crop of GOP contenders are all toadying for VP so I doubt that will happen.

    • FuglyDuck
      196 months ago

      you know… I’ll take back most of the things I said about Biden if Biden does this during the regular campaign season. it’d be even better than the “Will you shut up” moment.

  • PugJesus
    506 months ago

    “Body odor”

    It’s probably the shit in his diaper.

    • FuglyDuck
      196 months ago

      He was using his bathroom in Mar A Lago as a document storage closet. it was probably more than “just” that.

    • TubeTalkerX
      116 months ago

      On Stage one of the candidates starts sniffing:

      Wait a minute, did someone here make a Boom-boom?

    346 months ago

    In English (UK), the word “Trump” means “fart”.

    e.g. “Eurgh! It stinks of rotten eggs! Who’s trumped?”

    “It smells bad in here. Has someone done a trump?”

    “Oh god, would you please stop trumping!”

    “Go out into the corridor if you need to trump”

    306 months ago

    Which is more likely to happen? Republicans start questioning if Trump smells or if Republicans start pissing their pants in support of Ex President Full Diaper?

      186 months ago

      What’s funnier is it’s one of the few things he has any possibility of fixing about himself and yet he can’t.