List of majors being cut or consolidated at Miami University:
- American Studies.
- Art History.
- Classical Studies.
- Critical Race and Ethnic Studies.
- French.
- French Education.
- German.
- German Education.
- Health Communication.
- Health Information Technology.
- Italian Studies.
- Latin American Studies.
- Latin Education.
- Religion.
- Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies.
- Spanish Education.
- Social Justice Studies.
- Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
I was expecting to see a lot of obscure or very niche majors, but French, German, Art History, and Religion are pretty well known majors.
Yeah those really surprised me. I took German as my foreign language requirement and it stung a tiny bit to see it might be getting the axe. I assume there will still be German language classes just not majors.
Yeah, it said both cutting and consolidating. They will probably create a "Foreign Language" major with a minor in German/French/etc. They will probably do the same with "Foreign Language Education" with a minor in a specific language.
Sure, but majoring in art history at Duke University is the classic example of a major problem with education.
That person will never be able to repay the loan and neither should even an extremely government subsidized education program support more than a handful of people in that field.
Most of these are "liberal arts" in the extremely classical, Greek sense: they are for people who will never need to work for a living.
It's sad that we can't have this, but what does one do with an art history degree? There's a few jobs, but not that many, and they certainly don't pay for tuition at Duke University.
Please point to anywhere that I said anything about the usefulness of any of these majors or about their ability to pay off their loans or even whether the majors should be kept at this university.
You're arguing with someone about something you created in your head.
Well known doesn't necessarily make them popular or a wise investment on the students part.
I never said either of those things or advocated for keeping them. I only said they aren't some weird, obscure majors.