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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • The dude said, “corpo speak people are broke” and said career is a clown term. I agree with almost everything you said, but the dude was saying that women who say they are focusing on their careers are only saying that because they are broke. He might be trying to imply all the stuff you said, but he definitely succeeded in sounding like a misogynistic ass.

    Also, a career is not the same as working for the same company for a long time. A job is at a company, a career is your collected body of work. Focusing on your career might mean focusing on building a reputation so you can work where you want for how much you want.

  • Those are talent captures. A lot of times managers have enough budget to barely hire someone but don’t really have the need to justify a guaranteed expenditure. They put out a job opening to see who applies. If a rockstar applies, they’ll hire them just to get them into the company. Good people will always find a spot. If a bunch of normal people, who might be just fine workers but aren’t standouts, apply then the fake job doesn’t get filled.

    I’ve canceled very real job openings because the quality of people who applied didn’t really excite me and I didn’t really NEED someone. My team was chugging along and I had a little extra budget to help out, but my team continued just fine without hiring someone else. My budget got cut the next year by about what I would have spent on the new person, which would have made me get rid of a normal person while a rockstar would have been able to move somewhere else in the company.

  • That’s more than a bit insulting to the women of the world choosing to work instead of have kids. Sure, some of them are forced to because they wouldn’t have enough money to live without a job. And many of the jobs these women have chosen aren’t necessarily long term careers.

    But it’s condescending and insulting to say those women have no other contributions to the world outside of working a menial day job and would rather stay at home having kids if only they could afford it. Calling a career a clown term is so edgy and cool of you! As if there aren’t people out there who absolutely love what they do for a living and aren’t happily working for crap pay just to do what they love. All of the adult women I know who have chosen not to have kids have really good careers, and all but one have a great salary.

    And to your point that the vast majority of people don’t have “careers,” sometimes an entry level position that is just a day job and not really a career can lead to a bigger career. My mom started as a secretary at a small company and showed she knew how to do the job of her boss, so she got his job when he left. Then she ended up starting her own business in that field, which absolutely flourished and became the thing she did for the next 30 years.

    “Corpo speak…” you are such a tool.

  • Taxes are less of an issue. Airbnbs pay proper taxes, too, both occupancy tax and in some cities a registration fee along with it. I have no idea if they pay less taxes per guest than hotels, but they do collect occupancy tax like hotels. Not sure if they also have all the other local/city taxes that get tacked onto hotel rooms, though. Maybe?

    The issue is people are buying houses that could be a home to someone living on the island full time, but those houses are rented to tourists. The islands are small, so it’s not like they can just build a bunch more houses for locals. And even if they did, the demand for tourist housing is higher than the number of rooms available so those new houses would just get rented too. So you can charge all the taxes you want, but it won’t make up for a lack of housing for locals.

    What is clear is that hotels are not catering to the desires of traveling families. People usually aren’t renting houses through Airbnb because they are cheaper than hotels. They are renting because they are way more comfortable when you have more than a few people, either a family of 4 or multiple families together. Parents can get their own bedroom to change clothes in, have sex in, whatever without their kids being around. Kids get their own room so the parents don’t have to deal with them. Couples can get separate rooms from other couples when traveling together but still have a shared space to hang out and watch movies/drink together. They can also be cheaper per room if you look at getting multiple hotel rooms for a group of people, but not always. There just aren’t very many hotels with large spaces like that. The ones that do are called presidential suites and cost $4000 per night.

  • Just swim sideways or float. It’s so easy to float in the ocean and doesn’t take much energy. Most people panic, though, and don’t remember to do simple things. When I was in lifeguard training, most of the stuff they teach you is how to deal with completely irrational actions people do when panicking.

    Also, never underestimate the ocean (or any moving water). I’ve been swimming, waterskiing, surfing, scuba diving, whitewater kayaking, sailing for over 40 years, and I’ve had a TON of instances of “oh shit, I have zero control over what the water is doing to me right now.” Just completely powerless as the ocean tosses you around or the river pulls you down behind a boulder and holds you until you can find the bottom and kick out of the “hole.”