• SuiXi3D
      1223 days ago

      If they change how the government works, they won’t need him anymore anyways.

    • @disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
      23 days ago

      Additionally terrifying repercussions of abstaining are the down-ballot effects. There are 33 Senate seats on this November’s ballot. If Trump wins due to Democrats abstaining, Republicans will likely control Congress too.

      • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
        623 days ago

        Agreed. I could see him and his disgusting underlings trying to exact revenge on all blue areas in general, and very specific citizens in particular. There is mention of trying to use military force in Democratically controlled cities, but if that is allowed to happen, we are in very, very dangerous territory and that’s likely to be the spark that sets off much worse things. Remember - they wanted to punish blue areas during a fucking pandemic and dole out things like ventilators based on loyalty to the annoying orange.

        Also when it comes to punishing entire sets of people, I believe donnie and his team were thinking that covid would impact urban (read: POC and Democratic) areas more so than the rural (read: white cons) areas and so their concern about covid was tempered by that. So sad it did not work out quite that way, but they seemed to have their hopes up.

        Then there is the targeting journalists for prosecution thing - we should not forget that he wanted to be able to do something about SNL making fun of him - if he’s allowed to do this to journalists, we are well and truly fucked and we are basically Putin’s Russia at that point.

      • @eran_morad@lemmy.world
        423 days ago

        I think there’s a lot of naïveté out there amongst democrats. They don’t realize the stakes and are unwilling to take the necessary measures.

        • @TheFriar@lemm.ee
          23 days ago

          Look what’s happening all over the world. All over Europe, South America, Asia, North America…all over the world the far right is surging in popularity. I can’t remember which historian said it, but they pointed out that humans seem to go through a cycle every 60-80 years of electing fascists. We’re back in that period and it’s bad. This is much, much bigger than the democrats dropping the ball.

  • @Revonult@lemmy.world
    6223 days ago

    People keep acting like if we defeat him this election we are safe. Trump isn’t the mastermind behind all these horrible policy changes. He didn’t write “Project 2025”. He is just the populist figurehead. The GOP has gone off the deepend and very election cycle will just be another chance for them to implement their BS. In the mean time congress will delay progress until they get their chance in the WH again.

    • @roscoe@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      3523 days ago

      The difference is republican voters gargle his balls to an extent I’ve never seen, not even with Regan. The whole thing about being able to shoot someone on fifth avenue might be the truest thing he’s ever said.

      What this means is, with the help of a willing Congress he can do anything. Even things previous republican presidents couldn’t without losing support for themselves and their lackeys in Congress. Republicans in purple districts couldn’t pass just anything and expect to get reelected, but with Trump taking the lead you hardly even hear about individual representatives so they’re willing to vote for some crazy shit.

      He can feed them shit and call it caviar all day, every day. Republican voters will eat it up and never question it no matter how much it harms them.

      Republicans always do this to some extent, but usually there is a limit.

      Trump has no limits.

      • @Paragone@lemmy.world
        -323 days ago

        I disagree: it took me years, but finally I understood that it’ll take him a few years to go from “I’m dictator” to “I’M DICTATOR”.

        That process is an identity-remaking.

        There will be literal human-sacrifice after a few years, but not at the beginning.

        I hope I’m wrong, but … certain I’m right, on this point.

        _ /\ _

        • @roscoe@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          223 days ago

          I agree it will take him some time, maybe not quite as much as you think, but my point was I don’t think anyone else could even get there. Even Regan had limits in what the faithful would put up with, he wasn’t teflon. But no matter what Trump does, the MAGAts will support him and the moderate republicans, if there is such a thing anymore, will go along to avoid earning their wrath.

          There is only one caveat I can think of. Trump can do anything without losing MAGAt support, but he can’t say anything. There have been scattered instances of Trump saying something that deviated from the MAGA ethos and actually getting booed. He can still do the things that would get him booed but say he’s doing the exact opposite and those morons will never question it. He just has to keep assuring his cult he’s hurting the people they hate.

          As long as he keeps tossing red meat to those hateful scumbags by abusing our most vulnerable fellow citizens and increasing oppressive efforts on other groups they hate, they will cheer any and every thing he does even as they’re being herded into forced labor ghettos.

  • @xmunk@sh.itjust.works
    3524 days ago

    I feel like there’s a chance - not good odds, mind you - but a chance that America ends up sanctioned and diplomatically isolated.

      • @TexasDrunk@lemmy.world
        2723 days ago

        It’s like the Brexit folks that wanted the benefits of the EU and short lines at the airport but what they got was fucked and didn’t seem to understand why. “This isn’t the Brexit I voted for!”. Yes it is.

        “He’s not hurting the right people!”

    • Neato
      723 days ago

      Like the other person said: who could sanction the US? Without us military presence China and Russia could bully the rest of the world. What’s happening in Ukraine and the South China Sea but in overdrive.

      Tanking the us economy means the us might get desperate and the US really only has one lever that works on everyone: force.

    • @eran_morad@lemmy.world
      323 days ago

      Meh, least of our concerns. I wouldn’t be surprised of putin moved on Alaska and trump said “yes, daddy, it feels so good!”.

      • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
        323 days ago

        All his idiotic cult would pivot immediately, too - “Alaska was too woke anyway”, “we didn’t really need it anyhow”, etc…

    • @Riccosuave@lemmy.world
      24 days ago

      By who exactly? We are moving toward permanent tri-polar authoritarianism: China, Russia, and the United States. Nobody is coming to save us with “sanctions”. We already lost the war. It’s fucking over. People just haven’t come to terms with that reality yet.

        • @Riccosuave@lemmy.world
          -1023 days ago

          you think Russia today is top 3 global power? by what metric?

          Yes, by individual military power, which is the only metric that actually matters when you get down to nut-cutting. Barring some massive geo-political or technological shift, it is going to stay a tri-polar world.

          • @grue@lemmy.world
            23 days ago

            Russia is pretty much a vassal state of China at this point, or at least barreling down the path towards it.

            • @xmunk@sh.itjust.works
              323 days ago

              Honestly, they needed to import weapons and ammunition from North Korea - I think they’ve since retooled their economy but shit was desperate there for a while.

            • @Riccosuave@lemmy.world
              223 days ago

              It seems that way, but I don’t think that is how the Russians see it. It will certainly be interesting to see what transpires after Mad Vlad finally kicks off.

          • @gravitas_deficiency@sh.itjust.works
            223 days ago

            Lmao nah. Russia is the second best military power in Ukraine. They’re a fucking joke. If they were up against a real adversary in a conventional war, they’d get rolled up like an old carpet.

            • @Riccosuave@lemmy.world
              -123 days ago

              Fighting a land war with urban and CQC elements is messy and complicated. See: Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq as examples. Ukraine is in no way representative of what would happen in a full on shooting war, conventional or otherwise, between larger military powers.

              It’s disturbingly stupid that you don’t understand Russia could flatten the entire country of Ukraine if it wanted to. This entire conflict is about containment and bleeding their surplus conventional weaponry so they cannot launch another offensive conflict against NATO. That is only working because completely destroying the country is counter-productive to Russian interests.

  • @LANIK2000@lemmy.world
    1923 days ago

    Let’s just ignore the literal fascist government take over and mass deportation (to Africa??? Who the fuck will pay for that??? Cus the world’s poorest countries sure as hell won’t!).

    But like, his great strategy to fix the US economy is to FUCKING SANCTION IT SELF?!? Oh yea! Let’s show China! They’ll be in real hot water once NOBODY IS DOING BUSINESS WITH THE US, BUT IS FORCED TO CHOSE SOMEONE ELSE!!! And then he wants to overspend on excessive policing, great mix.

  • @JimSamtanko@lemm.ee
    1223 days ago

    This should be shared as a response to every far left clown that posts here suggesting that people not vote.

    • Fire Witch
      23 days ago

      I suspect that a lot of those (especially on Instagram and other more popular socials) are right wing astroturf

      • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
        223 days ago

        I do think a lot are exactly that. Though I know a few types (IRL) that are the perfect embodiment of the horse shoe theory come to life - people so intent on proving themselves somehow so perfect and so smart that they’ll work themselves into a frenzy to even voting for donnie to really stick it to “the centrists” or whatever.

        So when I see them online doing the same sort of thing I see some current/former associates do, I believe at least some really do hold these absurdist positions.

  • @hardcoreufo@lemmy.world
    1123 days ago

    I’m mostly surprised the NYT is the one publishing this. It’s read more like a capitalist shill rag trying to play both sides for at least a decade. Never taking the shots it needed to at the right even when there were facts to do so and not editorials/opinions.