• @jeffw@lemmy.world
    501 month ago

    Remember this one random dude you guys used to talk about like 10 years ago? You should vote for me because I’ll free him!

      • @WhatAmLemmy@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        If Trump actually gave a shit he’d end the war on drugs. Instead he’s making the most blatant virtue signal ever by saying he’ll free ONE white dude… that he probably won’t even free anyway because he’s a narcissistic compulsive liar.

        No Republican has the balls to end the war on drugs, because they created “tough on crime” retribution. Rehabilitation and second chances are anti-conservative.

          • Todd Bonzalez
            91 month ago

            lmao, you are posting obsessively about Trump and Biden. Who are you lying to?

              • Todd Bonzalez
                31 month ago

                Look, you posted something about Trump that seems to be positive. People didn’t like it. They let you know.

                Your response was to spam the thread with a meme about how not supporting Biden doesn’t mean you are supporting Trump. But here’s the thing: The story you posted wasn’t about Biden. Nobody brought him up. You (the guy who isn’t obsessed) brought up Biden when people were just pissed because they don’t want to hear about Trump’s campaign promises here.

                You could have just said, “Hell no, I just thought it was interesting that Trump wants to free the Silk Road guy right after getting booed by a bunch of people with #FreeRoss signs”, and you’d probably have gotten upvotes.

                Instead, you spammed meme nonsense like a boomer. Don’t tell me you don’t have terminal politics-brain.

  • Blackout
    221 month ago

    Dude was a criminal, rightfully convicted. So of course Trump would pardon him.

    • mad_asshatter
      1 month ago

      He didn’t know who he was 30 hours ago - now it’s between Ulbricht and Rittenhouse for VP…

      • Blackout
        141 month ago

        Don’t forget the corpse of Noem’s dead dog. Trump has seen him in the news a lot too.

    • @BigFatNips@sh.itjust.works
      81 month ago

      Did he do something morally wrong? I’m confused by your statement if you’re only referring to creation/management of silk road. Heard some accusations about him being involved in murder-for-hire but I didn’t think that was ever substantiated

      • Blackout
        1 month ago

        He facilitated the sale of many dangerous drugs and weapons. You cant run a website without rules and claim ignorance. In the same vein, I think the Purdue family and executives of that company deserve to be in jail for life as well.

        • @BigFatNips@sh.itjust.works
          11 month ago

          It definitely had rules. Purdue pushed drugs on people while misinforming them and doctors, and did kickbacks and all other sorts of corruption. Weapon sales I’m kinda mixed on, probably not the best idea. But absolutely fuck off with that drug war bullshit. If people want to buy drugs and overdose on them they should be free to do so. Drugs aren’t dangerous, lack of information is.

          • Blackout
            11 month ago

            Unenforced rules aren’t the same. I know there are libertarians that think his incarceration was unjustified but they ignore all the bad things silk road did. And drugs are definitely dangerous. Back then you could get anything, there were listings for black market weapons. Don’t try to gaslight me or the rest of Lemmy by trying to make this man a martyr. There are actually innocent people in jail now that need the attention more.

            • @BigFatNips@sh.itjust.works
              -41 month ago

              Drugs are not dangerous. Misusing drugs is dangerous. If you’re using clean, tested drugs at a dose that’s documented thoroughly to be safe, where exactly is the danger?

              • Blackout
                -11 month ago

                Drugs aren’t dangerous. My brother died of something other than opiate overdose. Morons everywhere.

                • @BigFatNips@sh.itjust.works
                  -41 month ago

                  Opioids don’t just jump into your mouth/nose/lungs/veins. Someone has to put them there. If you do that incorrectly, there is a risk of death. You sound like one of those cops that “overdosed” on fentanyl just by looking at it. Anyways, I checked out the “weapons sales” allegations and couldn’t find anything to substantiate that claim. Also, Wikipedia appears to indicate it was explicitly disallowed in the rules you claim did not exist.

                  “The site’s terms of service prohibited the sale of certain items. When the Silk Road marketplace first began, the creator and administrators instituted terms of service that prohibited the sale of anything whose purpose was to “harm or defraud.”[) This included [child pornography]( “Child pornography”), stolen credit cards, assassinations, and weapons of any type; other darknet markets such as [Black Market Reloaded] ( “Black Market Reloaded”) gained user notoriety because they were not as restrictive on these items as the Silk Road incarnations were.”

          • Because it never happened. The only charges ever brought on the topic were dismissed with prejudice.

            It was just another lie and corrupt thing done like his entire case is littered with.

    • @barsquid@lemmy.world
      51 month ago

      This doesn’t make sense to me. Is someone paying Donald to do this? It’s just what he believes libertarians want to hear, he won’t do it unless he is being paid for pardons.

      • @baru@lemmy.world
        121 month ago

        There have been multiple articles that you could get a pardon for 2 million USD. That’s the previous time he was president.

        • @barsquid@lemmy.world
          31 month ago

          Yep! That’s what I am basing my thoughts on. Donald won’t do shit unless there is some sort of short-term profit or ego soothe.

    • @ArcaneSlime@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      -41 month ago

      Oh whatever. Fuck Trump but Ross Ulbricht isn’t as bad as your glorious leaders would have you think. It’s time to end the fucking drug war already jfc.

      • Blackout
        41 month ago

        Are you ignorant of how other countries decriminalize drugs? It’s not like it’s a free for all. They have services in place to educate people, offer safe and clean environments and give them help when they stop.

        You asshole libertarians just want to make it legal. No other thought, no government services or help. The people can handle it but then you get on the road and see how people handle traffic lol. If you haven’t been paying attention the drug war is effectively over. Now they need to decriminalize it properly.

        • @ArcaneSlime@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          -11 month ago

          Yes yes and alcohol and cigarettes get a pass because reasons.

          You’ll never convince me that running a marketplace allowing people to sell things to other people is worthy of life imprisonment. You’d even be hard pressed to convince me that people selling things you simply don’t like to other people deserve life imprisonment. You can take your high horse right the fuck on out of here.

          • @KairuByte@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            11 month ago

            You’ll never convince me that running a marketplace allowing people to sell things to other people is worthy of life imprisonment.

            Never? Look, I’m not one to “think of the children” an argument, but you can’t think of a single thing that someone could facilitate the buying and selling of that is worthy of life imprisonment?

            Not even CSAM? Not even human trafficking?

            • Well, “humans” aren’t “things” and CSAM while it could be argued is a “thing” necessitates harming an unwilling or unable to consent individual to create.

              Also, ykwim goddammit lmao.

  • @kmartburrito@lemmy.world
    121 month ago

    Seems like you like trump and are here to create division. And it looks like you’re not an American by your comment “That’s cute, Americans talking about privilege while their military industrial complex wages forever wars and their financial imperialism squeezes the entire world.”

    So I’m going to tag your username with something terrible I’m not going to quote here and block your posts so I don’t have to see your divisive bullshit on here anymore.

    Reading through the comments it’s clear that you’re the one bad at this.

  • @jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Here is a short politico article:

    Trump pledges to commute sentence of Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht if elected [Peder Schaefer | 05/25/2024 | Politico] https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/25/trump-commute-ross-ulbricht-sentence-libertarian-convention-00160025

    “And if you vote for me, on Day One, I will commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht,” the former president said, generating cheers from the audience, moments after mentioning his plans to pardon supporters who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

    “It’s one of the things we wanted from his first term,” said Katherine Yeniscavich, a national committee member of the party.

    Ulbricht has been imprisoned since 2013, and some libertarians say his case is an example of government overreach and the need for criminal justice reforms. Ulbricht’s case was one of the top issues that libertarians asked Trump to address before the convention — and it won Trump his biggest applause of the night.

    In another olive branch to the third-party, Trump said he would put a Libertarian in his cabinet if elected, and would also place Libertarians in “senior posts” in his administration.

    But despite those promises, Trump received sustained boos and jeers from the crowd throughout his speech, suggesting the pledge to pardon Ulbricht may not be enough.

    Edit: added info below

    The Hill article, short paragraph on Ross:

    Trump draws mixed reactions as he urges Libertarians ‘combine with us’ [Julia Mueller | 05/25/24 | The Hill] https://thehill.com/homenews/4686347-trump-draws-mixed-reactions-as-he-urges-libertarians-combine-with-us/

    As part of his appeal to the party, Trump also committed to putting a Libertarian in his Cabinet if he wins the Oval Office in 2024 — and to commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht, who is serving life in prison for his role in operating a platform for buying and selling illegal drugs. Chants of “free Ross” had erupted several times throughout the night’s events.

  • qevlarr
    41 month ago

    Ross Ulbricht the six fold murder for hire client

  • SatansMaggotyCumFart
    -91 month ago

    There are not many things I agree with him about, but freeing Ross and fucking Ivanka are two of them.