Migrating here (or maybe keeping both) from @ArcaneSlime@lemmy.ml

Will put an eternal curse on your enemies for a Cinemageddon invite.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • It is controlled, in most places it’s restricted for people under 18 or 21 depending. It isn’t just liquid tobacco, it’s the nicotine extracted from tobacco (or sweet potatoes) suspended in a solution with food grade vegetable glycerine or food grade propylene glycol. Tobacco has tar and is worse.

    Some of it isn’t even that either, some of it is weed (that idk how they process).

    Sometimes people can get things illegally. I enjoy weed which is illegal in my state and drank alcohol before I was 21. Other friends I know have done heroin in the past which is certainly illegal.

    It’s popular for the same reason other drugs are, people like drugs.

  • But had he been charged with a felony for shooting at people before this incident even took place, he wouldn’t have had his rights anymore already.

    Basically I mean if he shot at people and got charged with a felony and got his guns taken as a result,

    and then beat his GF and got a DV charge banning him from possessing the guns he was already banned from owning,

    and then he sues on the grounds of the DV conviction banning him from having guns,

    even if he wins, he is still barred from having guns because of the previous felony banning him from having guns, which would be separate from the DV.

    Also even if he’s awaiting trial on felony charges, he is still not legally allowed to possess a gun.

    Unless you mean the police or prosecution violated his rights (like the right to counsel) during the original trial for shooting at people non-DV related, and so that case was dismissed, which is a possible explanation for why he got off without a felony for shooting at people. Could be, and that’s another reason to add to the list for “why they shouldn’t violate people’s rights during trial,” because if so that let this dickhead go free.