Phillip Fisher Jr. is a pastor and Republican ward leader who coordinates faith-based outreach for Philadelphia’s Moms for Liberty chapter.

He’s also a registered sex offender, due to a 2012 felony conviction for aggravated sexual abuse of a 14-year-old boy when Fisher was 25.

  • pbanj
    937 months ago

    This person doesnt look like a drag queen.

  • katy ✨
    777 months ago

    i like how moms for liberty's whole thing is that trans women are taking away opportunities from cis women and yet the leader of moms for liberty is a cis man.

      307 months ago

      I would never cease to point out to them how liberal it is that they don't discriminate by gender for the leader of Mom's for Liberty.

    557 months ago

    Fenerty said he was unaware of Fisher’s conviction until asked about it by The Inquirer last week.

    Are they not doing background checks on these idiots before hiring them?

      27 months ago

      Only a few sentences later it's specified that they obtained a child abuse certificate for them which came back with 'no records exist'.

      Happy to dis silly conservative groups, but it honestly looks like they did their due diligence with background checks.

        27 months ago

        I saw that, but then the next paragraph says:

        Fisher is listed on Pennsylvania’s “Megan’s Law” website for registered sex offenders, maintained by the Pennsylvania State Police, in a file last updated in July.

        So it doesn't seem like it would have been too difficult to find. A controversial political group claiming to "think of the children" should try really hard to make sure they aren't employing convicted sex offenders, especially in any kind of leadership role.

        • Alien Nathan Edward
          57 months ago

          Maybe it's a certificate like mine for database administration. He's a certified child abuser. He took some classes, and he knows how to abuse children. Like looking for the union label.

    • spaceghotiOP
      397 months ago

      There's an obligatory reminder that he is not a drag queen that should go here. Since conservatives keep insisting that drag queens are all (or mostly) pedophiles.

      • norbert
        167 months ago

        Not a drag queen, but a Republican grifter, again.

      • Whenever they say this they are just admitting that they find sexually attractive men dressed as women.

        Otherwise nobody is thinking there's anything inherently sexual about drag. You can make it sexual, sure, only if you want to, though.

    7 months ago

    If you have this kind of skeleton in your closet why the hell would you go into politics? Even local politics. You WILL piss someone off and they WILL dig up your past. Idiot.

    Also, not buying his excuses. He could have gotten into any number of political roles at different levels but he went for the one that oversees teenagers. Gross.

    Edit: Also look at this guy. Based on the info in the article he is at least 35 but he's wearing the graffitti shirt and the DJ hat to try and look hip and cool to young people. I'm not saying politicians need to wear a uniform, the suit with the red tie, but this is pretty creepy knowing his past.

    • SuperDuper
      197 months ago

      If you have this kind of skeleton in your closet why the hell would you go into politics? Even local politics. You WILL piss someone off and they WILL dig up your past. Idiot.

      Just put an "R" next to your name; problem solved!

      7 months ago

      Eh I agree with your first few points but his attire looks as 2023 as 2013 or 2003.

      If dude just wants to be his dude self, I don't think that's a knock y'know. Then again, I was laughing when I read about Fetterman in his hoodie and ball shorts in the Senate, where I think your Sundays best is appropriate. So take my opinion for what may. I'm 42 and I still own ripped up jeans and flannels that I've worn since the mid 90s. I don't wear them all the time but that's still just me being me. More often than not you'd find me in a plain color or white T, prob with the sleeves rolled up over my shoulder and shorts on. Doesn't matter what time of year. In the winter id prob be in mud boots and in the summer I wear water socks almost exclusively.

      You dress how you feel. My body still feels like I'm 25, just with numb hands in the morning and more scars, well, and in better shape. I haven't slowed down at all. If anything I've sped up.

      107 months ago

      I agree with everything but your edit. He’s a millennial, this is how a lot of us dress.

  • Kalkaline
    437 months ago

    I love how there's one pissed off pedo/Republican down voting everyone in here.

  • Beefalo
    397 months ago

    I gotta hand it to ya, Philly, you don't act predictable. This Mom for Liberty is a black man Republican, checkmate, atheists.

    • AutistoMephisto
      17 months ago

      I was about to say, how is a black Republican man leading a women's group? Does he have godlike rizz? Is it possible to learn this power?

  • The national Moms for Liberty organization held a summit in Philadelphia this past summer, where denying transgender identity for children and removing books from school libraries were major themes.

    Meanwhile, back at his church:

    Fisher has supported Trump’s campaigns; a 2020 report by WHYY included a mural in support of Trump that Fisher said was painted on an exterior wall of his church by children he worked with in his congregation.

    The charging documents allege that Fisher had oral and anal sex with the 14-year-old boy in January 2011

    Fisher said he took the plea bargain to get out of the county jail, where he said he experienced violence from other prisoners.

    Wew. That was a wild ride.

    • spaceghotiOP
      97 months ago

      I'm sure some are, but they shouldn't be. Meanwhile, the MFL assholes are probably claiming it's all just a smear campaign.

      • eric
        7 months ago

        Yeah, those pesky lefties and their time machines going back in time to frame good people years before they joined MFL. When will they learn that neo-cons are smarter than them and will quickly figure out their conspiracy while failing to provide any evidence every single time.

    • JunkMilesDavis
      37 months ago

      Definitely seems like a pattern with these things. So many of these people who are into some stuff, but rather than accept it as a personal battle, they channel everything into finding some external "evil" to help them rationalize the existence they're struggling with. It's too bad they can't see how many others they're hurting.

  • Jaysyn
    167 months ago

    The dude running my local M4L has strong pedo vibes.

    • DontMakeMoreBabies
      7 months ago

      Any time another dude is more interested in someone's kids than their parents are? Alarm bells.

      I get it, there are lots of well meaning men who care about kids. Unfortunately they present the same way as predators, and I err on the side of caution.

        • flicker
          127 months ago

          It's a numbers game. I have to deal with the same thing in my field- men are not allowed to provide one-on-one hygiene care (bathing, toileting, cleaning waste) for female adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities.

          Since we're talking about children instead of my field, 96% of people who sexually abuse children are male. Even factoring in that female perpetrators might be underreported, that is a stark number, so when people say they err on the side of caution, I'm sure you can see why only using female staff for this job would seem safer.

          Are there perfectly healthy, nurturing men who pay the price? Of course. But not as many of them as potential sexual predators it seems.

            57 months ago

            Fuck me sideways, I've never seen such a perfect response to essentially a 'not all men' comment (granted this is the more unusual flavor of 'not just men's but still)

            • flicker
              57 months ago

              Thank you!

              It's a response I developed explaining to people why men aren't allowed to work alone with women in my field. I often throw in, "If you were a predator, what kind of job would you look for?"

              People with developmental and intellectual disabilities are five times as likely to face this abuse as their neurologically typical peers, because many of them can't report that abuse as effectively.

              It's my experience that the few men of the world who find this stricture upsetting do so because either they are pretending to be one of the "good" ones in order to get close enough to abuse someone, or because they believe themselves incapable of abuse and chafe at being paint with the same brush. To them I always ask; which is more important to you, that you aren't being seen as a potential predator, or that we have a system designed to keep as many people as possible, as safe as possible? Because we can't have both.

    137 months ago

    Fisher said he took the plea bargain to get out of the county jail, where he said he experienced violence from other prisoners.

    So he used his position as a pastor in the African American community to advocate for prison reform, right? That seems like it'd be a pretty popular position in that community.

    You say he instead decided to demonize trans kids? Well, ok, then.

    127 months ago

    At this point, I think I'm more surprised when the Republicans have an upstanding patron that isn't a pedophile, rapist, or crazy religious figure.

    You seriously can't make this up any more.