• CeeBee@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Tell me you've never really studied the Bible without telling me.

      I have read the Bible, in detail, for decades. Go look at my other comments in this thread for an idea of what I'm talking about.

      • clockwork_octopus@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Haha, are you high?! The Bible is full of torture! Look at the story of Job, or the commandment to rape young girls after slaughtering their families (Kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man intimately. But all the girls who have not known man intimately, spare for yourselves.” Numbers 31: 17-18)

        If that isn’t enough for you, what about all of the various times god commands his people to stone each other for everything from cheating (Deuteronomy 17:2-7) to talking back to your parents (Proverbs 13:24; Proverbs 19:18; Proverbs 22:15)?

        Or how about allowing torture with slaves? Check out Exodus 21:20-21 to learn more.

        And before you go all “the Old Testament doesn’t count” on me like Christian’s are wont to do (as though picking and choosing various bits out is ok while ignoring all the fucked up bullshit instead of owning it and saying that yeah, women are worthless and deserve to be raped for no reason at all (Lot’s daughters, in case that wasn’t clear to you)) Jesus was tortured during his crusifiction, because I guess god wanted it that way?

        So yeah, the god of your bible absolutely promotes torture. And if you’ve actually read it like you claim you have, you’d know that.

        • CeeBee@lemmy.world
          1 year ago


          Look at the story of Job

          So as I said in my original comment: the Bible doesn't teach torture, not "torture is nevet mentioned in the Bible".

          what about all of the various times god commands his people to stone each other

          This wasn't torture, it was literally punishment or execution. And I know you'll come up with some excuse like "why didn't a soldier just do it?" or "why did those things merit execution?" You would be missing the point. We're not talking about the differences in modern culture to theirs or societal laws. We're talking about torture.

          The article was about a disadvantaged pregnant woman who was tortured. Someone mentioned something about Christianity, and all I said "the Bible doesn't teach torture".

          • clockwork_octopus@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            Stoning was torture, as well as a form of punishment. They’re not mutually exclusive, just like the woman was in prison as a form of punishment, and lived though torturous conditions.

            Did you read the rest of my comment? Those were teachings, and commandments by god to torture various people for various reasons. There are many more examples in the Bible, by the way. I just grabbed the first several to come to mind.

            • CeeBee@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              Stoning was torture, as well as a form of punishment

              By today's standards, absolutely. But in those days and in those cultures, it wasn't.

              Those were teachings, and commandments by god to torture various people for various reasons.

              No they weren't. The example of Job wasn't God torturing him. It was Satan torturing him. The ultimate point of which was to show that people can/will be persecuted for their faith. Now a discussion on why it was allowed to happen is a completely different discussion.

              I'm not sure what your point is with Proverbs 19:18. All it says is to "discipline your son (children)".

              Proverbs 13:24 - oh I see, you think disciplining with a rod means to beat the kid. Except the rod that's referenced with discipline is the kind of rod a shepherd uses. And a shepherd doesn't beat their sheep, they use it to guide by applying pressure here or there to coax the sheep to go a certain direction, and only when needed. That's the discipline that's being taught. Firm guidance to correct the path a child is on. It's the same theme with God's people being called "His flock". A shepherd cares for all the sheep under his care. Even in one of Jesus' parables he mentions a shepherd who leaves the flock to find a lost sheep and bring it back to the flock. All of these analogies are about diligent care.

              Deuteronomy 17:2-7 - Executing someone for violating laws isn't anything new and is not torture. Many countries still do it in some cases. We can debate the ethics of capital punishment, but our viewpoints are biased by modern standards. We have established governments and comprehensive legal infrastructures in place. We can call emergency services if something bad is happening or even a lawyer to deal with non-life threatening issue if it's a legal matter. None of that existed back then. The constraints that ancient people had to work with, compared to modern times, necessitated a more "brutal" approach (for lack of a better word) to maintain order.

              So to equate the ancient, yet simplistic, way of maintaining order with torture is entirely disingenuous.

              edit: formatting