• danhakimi@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    That they were trying to turn anything they could into a weapon to kill civilians… and all they could possibly do is kill 300 in over ten years while taking thousands of civilian casualties. Doesnt really add up to the picture you were trying to paint.

    because of the blockade, and the iron dome, and the IDF in general. I'm sorry Israel is good at defending itself.

    … and because Hamas was specifically holding off for this one planned, concerted attack, with missiles saved up, which explains why they didn't join the Islamic Jihad attack or anything.

    … and they killed more than 300, you're only counting the Israelis they killed, not the Palestinians they killed. 25% of their rockets land in Gaza, they're not exactly careful aiming them.

    It’s almost like the Israeli government doesn’t care what happens to the people in their prison… very perplexing.

    It's almost like the Palestinian government doesn't care. Or like they do care, and they want nothing more for them than martyrdom.

    Israel continues to give all this aid even though Hamas is controlling its distribution. What would you prefer they do? re-occupy Gaza and deliver aid individually?

    You must not read a lot of history… there was once an ethnocentric theocracy by the name of imperial Japan that did some stuff in China a while ago…

    I was not aware that they beheaded babies. I'm aware of the conflict, and the rape of Nanking, and the general attrocity and animosity there, but no, I have not read that they beheaded babies, forgive me.

    also, do you have any evidence of this actually occurring?

    Multiple eyewitness reports reported by multiple reporters + the president of the united states confirming it, but I'm sure you won't be satisfied until you see Hamas post photos to facebook, huh?

    here's another source.

    Ahh yes, everyone who disagrees with the Israeli state hates Jewish people…

    I'm sick of this bullshit. Hamas explicitly calls for the extermination of all Jews in its charter, not just the ones in Israel.

    I did not say that everyone who disagrees is an antisemite. I said that the terrorists who openly and proudly hate Jews are antisemites, and the heartless bastards who celebrate that terrorism, who watch on with popcorn while innocent Jewish civilians die are antisemites.

    no way people could just want an end to an apartheid state.

    Israel is the only state in the middle east with any semblance of equality—with complete equality, until the current Israeli government—based on race or religion, but let's stop and pretend it was an Apartheid state, and let's say that all people want is to end it.

    So they see soldiers parading teenage girls in the streets. They see their blood-stained sweatpants, they know she just got raped. They hear that (then) hundreds of Israeli civilians are dead. They see a music festival get massacred.

    Do you think they really think this is going to end Israel? Do you really think they're that stupid?

    Hamas does not want to end Israel. Hamas wants to kill Jews, provoke war, and maintain its stranglehold over Gaza. Hamas cannot exist with peace. They were afraid the Saudis might try to broker peace, or that the Israelis would vote Netanyahu out, or something might happen to make peace more plausible, and they had to stop that.

    All this attack was meant to do is kill Jews and provoke a war. Nobody is stupid enough to think they're about to end Israel.

    (this comment is apparently too long…)

    • danhakimi@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Ahh so the Iranians are Palestinians now… how would controlling the air space east of Israel prevent Iran, a country west of Israel from dropping bombs? Controlling their airspace is just another way to control the flow of vital goods.

      Are you being intentionally obtuse? Iran drops weapons in Gaza. Iran delivers weapons to Gaza. They're not dropping bombs, they're delivering weapons, that's why I said that they were delivering weapons, and not that they were dropping bombs.

      Yeah, beheading a baby and airstriking a baby both end with two dead children. Also… what evidence do you have that babies have been decapitated? We’ve seen this or things similar to this be falsely broadcasted to justify war in our lifetime.

      I supplied plenty of evidence above.

      Hamas targets babies and cuts their heads off point blank.

      Hamas fires rockets from a building, Israel targets the building, Israel warns the people in it, and Hamas refuses to evacuate babies, because they know dead babies help draw sympathy and perpetuate the conflict.

      These are both tragedies. They are not the same.

      Discord isnt just Skype for gaming, it means argument or disagreement. Israel has rejected all other form of argument, and thus there will be violence.

      lol, so you said:

      It’s foolish to think that there wouldn’t be a violent reaction when Israel has rejected all other forms of discord.

      and you meant:

      Israel refuses to disagree! It won't engage in conflict! How dare they!

      … okay, sure. Uh… yeah, no, I would not expect a violent reaction to a country that refuses to sew the seeds of discord.

      Now, if Israel had refused discourse, that might have been a problem, but that's not how it is. (It's also not a justification for raping teens or burning babies bodies or any of the other shit they've done, but you don't seem to care when Hamas does unjustifiable things, so let's put that aside).

      Lol, a deal implies two willing parties.

      Fine, the Olmert proposal.

      The realignment plan was a unilateral border change where Israel attemped to legalize their illegal settlements by claiming they’d disengage from the West Bank.

      Olmert proposed a proposed deal to Abbas in 2008. He offered, in a short negotiation in principle, over 93% of the west bank, with land swaps in return, giving East Jerusalem to the Palestinian people, acknowledging it as their capitol… Israel only wanted a small sliver of the land it already controlled and offered an equal amount of land in return, including East Jerusalem! And peace. That's all they wanted. A few land swaps and peace.

      And Abbas didn't go for it because he knew Hamas would not abide it. There is no such thing as peace when Hamas is present.

      They could have said that the land swaps only occur after Israel has withdrawn other settlements under such-and-so conditions, they could have cut a deal around that negotiation in principle, but Abbas just couldn't negotiate.

      No, I was not talking about a unilateral move. Although if that had happened, the West Bank would be free now.

      Yes, and terrifyingly he’s been your PM six times… over a decade and a half of creating the perfect environment for extremism.

      I'm American.

      You know how he won in 2009? Olmert backed out of Gaza, terrorism spiked, and Netanyahu said "I told you so."

      Less occupation, more violence? Yeah, that's a recipe to fuel war hawks.

      I don’t think your people are going to look back with any pride for what is going to unfold in the next few months.

      No, of course not, they didn't want this to happen. You think they would have looked back with pride if they sat around and did nothing?

      I can't do this again, I haven't been getting any work done, getting caught up in internet debates with people who don't want to sympathize with Jews in the first place. I'm going to mute you now. Or block you, because kbin only has one button, and it's really a mute feature, but… I can't keep doing this.