List of majors being cut or consolidated at Miami University:
- American Studies.
- Art History.
- Classical Studies.
- Critical Race and Ethnic Studies.
- French.
- French Education.
- German.
- German Education.
- Health Communication.
- Health Information Technology.
- Italian Studies.
- Latin American Studies.
- Latin Education.
- Religion.
- Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies.
- Spanish Education.
- Social Justice Studies.
- Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
They are cutting some truly useful majors here. Women's, critical race, and social justice studies are all fantastic foundations for social work and HR. HIT and health communications are very in demand and are only going to increase as our population ages. Really though, none of these are really truly useless. I'm in medicine and the best doctors and nurses are those that have non traditional backgrounds, those that did social sciences in undergrad on top of their prereqs all seem to have an easier time with the critical thinking required by the job. Florida is really intentionally destroying an entire generation's future.
Ohio not Florida
Wait I thought oxford was in england
Think of it like Alexandria. They're all over the place.