• Chickenstalker@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    War has changed. Drones, internet and new MANPADS have eroded Israel's technological supremacy as shown in Ukraine vs Russia. Now it is more risky for Israel to go against their enemies. Already there's footage of the vaunted Merkava tank blown to pieces. Also, this was the perfect storm:

    1. The US is preoccupied with political infigthing (thanks, Republitards!)

    2. The Israeli government was busy oppressing it's own Jewish people because they drunk too much rightwing koolaid (thanks, Trumpettes!)

    3. Item no. 2 made Israel lose a lot of support from the West.

    4. Technological weapons breakthroughs in Ukraine (thanks, Putin!)

    They made their bed, and now they have to sleep in it. The balance of power has shifted. I forsee Israel using nukes in the next 5 to 10 years out of desperation but it will backfire spectacularly.