The gruesome discovery spoke to a ghastly crime.

On the afternoon of July 20, someone using a waterfront trail in Alameda spotted a large garbage bag wrapped in duct tape that smelled as if it was full of dead fish from the bay. When responding officers looked inside, they found the dismembered remains of a young woman whose head, hands and feet had been removed.

    1 year ago

    He earned entry to law school, won elected office in San Francisco and was featured in sympathetic coverage by national media outlets including ABC and USA Today, who allowed him to explain how his life was nearly ruined due to women making false allegations against him

    It's not enough that we don't believe women, but then instead platform potential sex pests (at the very least) for being accused of sex crimes. The epitome of rape culture, that leads to the deaths and abuse of countless women.

    E: while my initial comment stands, the more I read about this guy, the worse it gets - he had stalked an ex (and was abusing both ex and last wife who he later murdered), and was barred from campus, but at least one of the women he claimed falsely accused him leading to the expulsion didn't even know what he was talking about.
    He's basically fighting windmills of his own making in an attempt to deflect from his own behaviour, like so many abusers do, but he definitely took it to the next level with a publicity tour and being poster boy for MRAs.
    The sad reality is that Rachel might have been saved if we didn't exist in a world that ignores all of the warning signs of gendered violence.