• @NightOwl@lemmy.one
    1 year ago

    The fediverse is something I’m excited for and it’s still in it’s infancy so it’ll be intersting to see how it plays out as it starts getting more polished and user friendly.

    Despite the doom and gloom of AI I think it’s been really cool, and one area I’ve seen it help is for my relatives where instead of me having to solve basic tech issues AI has helped. When it develops into a full on companion that will do things it asks them to I’ll be bothered less and less.

  • @multicolorKnight@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Specifically, good things on the World Wide Web: research. The amount of good information available is incredible, compared with pre-Internet times. Weather forecasts, what the space telescope is looking at, what’s happening in other parts of the world places in their own voice.

    Sure, there is misinformation as well, and some people will cast doubt on anything they don’t like or try to drown it out, but get past that, and this is a golden age of knowledge.

  • My wedding in 11 days. Even though I'm somewhat stressed because I'll have to travel for it and there are some moving parts, I'm excited. Wife is taking it pretty well and she is excited as well!

  • I’m excited to see my two teenage daughters perform together in their theater camp production in a couple of weeks. Seeing my girls growing up so fast can be bittersweet, and I relish these moments when they are so clearly full of joy for what they are doing. They will even have a duet together!

    • @sunbeam60@lemmy.one
      -11 year ago

      I feel really happy for you! I’ve got two older daughters who are both into their performing arts and nothing will reduce me to tears quicker than seeing them blossoming during a performance, doing things that have taken years and years of practice and which I could never hope to achieve.

  • @sunbeam60@lemmy.one
    1 year ago

    I’m going to try to keep the SpaceBaby’s name out of this, but I am genuinely excited for the step change the next generation of lift vehicles will bring to space exploration.

    I’ve become thoroughly depressed with how we are mishandling our own planet, and I know there are huge risks in believing that finding new places to fuck up will solve anything (also, it’s a pipe dream - terraforming isn’t something we could really hope to achieve and anything outside our solar system is just too far away) … but, dammit, my 12-year old self dreamed of spaceships refuelling in orbit, resupplying permanent missions on other planets/moons, and now it might actually happen.