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  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 2nd, 2023


  • I scored the highest tertiary entrance rank in my school without studying a day in my life and had my pick of any university course or career. I went to university, and excelled at exams, but because I had undiagnosed ADHD and had never learned time management, I couldn’t cope with assignments that couldn’t be thrown together at the last minute in my lunch break. I was academically excluded.

    So there was that. Basically, my life has continued to look like some variation of that experience since then :P

  • I’d rather submit my records to a sports oversight board than be excluded from competing.

    You say “trans people shouldn’t have to disclose their medical history to stay employed”, but you’re seemingly happy to speak for trans folk and just accept that they should be unemployed.

    The real irony being that anyone in elite sports, trans or not, already has to submit to the lab work you’re uncomfortable with, as a condition of their employment.

    The scenario you’re trying to avoid? That’s why the lab work already happens, because many cis athletes take performance enhancing drugs to gain advantage, because they’re incentivised to in a capitalist society.

    But somehow, that lab work is only an issue that you feel the need to speak up on when it’s for trans folk?

  • The joys of being a 2E student.

    Gifted, with undiagnosed ADHD.

    Flew in to university without ever learning how to organise my time. Smashed every exam university put in front of me. Failed every form of written assessment that required time management and planning, instead of just knowing the answers. Even after they put me on academic probation and I understood how serious it was, I couldn’t fix it, because I didn’t know I had ADHD at the time, and had never learned the organisational skills required, because I’d never needed them to succeed academically before.

  • This is kinda the opposite of what you’re asking for, but might address the reason that you’re asking the question?

    CachyOS is an Arch based distro, but it precompiles many arch packages (and some AUR packages) in several versions, optimised for either x86_64-v3 or x86_64-v4.

    So if your goal is “optimised” rather than “compile yourself” it might be worth looking at

  • Then you have Australia and New Zealand where you’re forced to wait and there’s no guarantee the government will cover the medical costs of transitioning.

    To clarify, in Australia, you’re forced to wait for surgery, and the government won’t cover it. But HRT is more accessible, and covered under our public healthcare system, so once you’ve got your prescription, it’s cheap to access.