• Obscerno@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    I'm surprised at how negative the reaction to SO is here! It just takes a while to get the site, which unfortunately doesn't work if you jump right in without lurking. If you ask questions the moment you run into trouble, you kind of project a disrespect for the answerer's time by not trying to solve it yourself first. If you ask as a last resort and list what you've tried, people are waayy nicer, even if your question sucks.

    I think the real problem is that people's expectations aren't properly primed going in. The site could do a much better job about that. If you ask only as a last resort, you end up solving most of your problems yourself, and SO is REALLY good at helping you do that, in a way that leaves most other sites in the dust, in my opinion.

  • Cynoid@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    While I respect the degree of technical expertise you can get on SO, I am very much convinced this is a failed experiment which will slowly collapse on itself. And I think that because the organization of the site is completely at odds with it's professed goal.

    SO is not really a forum, because time is supposed to be irrelevant : a 12 years old answer takes precedence over a question asked now, failing to consider that, maybe, the context of this question has changed. Its ridiculous, especially in the context of software engineering.

    On the other hand, it's not a library either : a library is a collection of book, which are relatively self-contained knowledge systems. And in practice, the SO answers are not self-contained. They merely answer a specific point, with no guaranteed coherence from one to another, so a beginner cannot use them to build a broad understanding of a subject.

    To take the analogy of the Cathedral and the Bazar, I am under the impression that SO members are trying to build a cathedral out of the stone sold by hundred of bazaar people, and refuse to see that fact that all stones all having different sizes and dimensions is maybe kind of a problem when you build a cathedral.