I installed the official Reddit app and went on it to see what the old place was looking like now. My inbox was filled with spam. The "home feed" shows subs I never subscribed to. There are so many ads. Between the ads and the the extra subs in the feed, it's hard to just scroll. I also noted a lot of spam in some of the subs. Maybe they are subs with no mods? I'm not sure what's up with that.

  • @michaelrose@lemmy.ml
    5810 months ago

    It does suck I’m presently suspended at the moment for abusing the report feature by reporting a Nazi supporting targeting Georgia grand jurors. Not only do they frequently not remove Nazis you can get suspended for reporting Nazis. I’m done with reddit for good. It’s a cesspool like Twitter.

      • @Jimmycrackcrack@lemmy.ml
        810 months ago

        I hadn’t heard of that idea as yet. He’s not generally well liked, given his position and personal role and the enshittification process of Reddit and generally entitled attitude possessed of many similarly wealthy people. I mean put more simply he certainly seems to be a dick, but I hadn’t heard he was in some way associated with Nazism. What did he do?

      • @bigkix@lemm.ee
        -610 months ago

        Do you drool every now and then when you forget to close your mouth because you’re so concentrated to breath so you don’t die? Because, you’re either retarded or… Well, no “or” because no sane person can have such an utterly stupid take, calling someone a Nazi, a fucking Nazi (!), because his views don’t align with yours. Wow, dude, wow.

        • @fsmacolyte@lemmy.world
          710 months ago

          I think jumping straight to calling Spez a Nazi is ridiculous.

          On the other hand, Reddit has repeatedly aggressively looked the other way when it came to communities that blatantly violated the rules such as The Donald, jailbait, etc, while cracking down on and banning far milder users and communities.

    • @GreenMario@lemm.ee
      810 months ago

      I feel the whole point of this and Twitters bullshit was to get the lefties off of the last major social media left so everything can be Fox book ahead of the elections.

    • @empireOfLove@lemmy.one
      10 months ago

      I reported extremely obvious spam repost bots and also got a permaban for “abusing reports”. Fuck em, they want rhe garbage content to overrun their site, they’re gonna get it.

  • SokathHisEyesOpen
    4310 months ago

    The “home feed” shows subs I never subscribed to.

    Facebook started doing this awhile ago too and made the site completely unusable for its original purpose of keeping up with friends and family. There is zero reason to browse Facebook anymore.

    • @Durotar@lemmy.ml
      10 months ago

      They say that Facebook spies on us and knows everything about us, but all I see on my feed is memes. I don’t like them. Here on Lemmy I block every meme community I see!

      • SokathHisEyesOpen
        610 months ago

        It shows me tons of UFC stuff. I’m not even slightly interested in UFC. I’ve blocked dozens of different groups, but there’s a thousand more to take their place. It also shows me lots of groups about soccer. I can’t say that I’ve ever even watched one soccer game in my entire life. I used to visit Facebook to see how my long distance friends and family were doing. Now I don’t visit Facebook at all, since I can’t do that anymore.

      • @demlet@lemmy.world
        110 months ago

        So, I’m not trying to be snarky at all, just genuinely curious, as I’ve seen several people on Lemmy brag about how much they hate memes… Like, why? Do you not enjoy humor, or just not find them funny or something? It’s a bit like someone saying they hate dogs to me. I honestly don’t get it.

        • @Durotar@lemmy.ml
          10 months ago

          I didn’t say that I hate them. I said that I don’t like them. Let’s avoid using these words interchangeably.

          The issue with these communities is that they recycle the same old material. You mostly see reposts and blatantly bad jokes. Sometimes I feel as though people feel the need to create a meme, but they don’t have any idea what it should be about. It’s like trying to write a book or song for the sake of writing one. Nothing good comes out of it without a creative idea.

          When a new template becomes popular, people recreate old jokes with it, because even templates are not original anymore. There’s even a meme about this from Scooby-Doo, where the guy reveals that the monster (new template) is actually some guy they already knew (old template).

          Mostly, such communities pollute the feed with unoriginal and unfunny content that doesn’t bring any value to me.

        • @leftzero@lemmy.ml
          510 months ago

          We do like humour. So called “memes” (that is, image macros, memes are an entirely different thing, of which image macros are merely a particularly malignant subset)… OK, I’ll grant you, maybe they’re not entirely the opposite of humour, maybe they’re just what’s left when you remove all the humour and just leave a dry mummified shell of what might have once been a very poor attempt at a bad joke… but still, if they’re poorly made (as is the case 99% of the time), they’re noise, they’re spam, and if they have any value whatsoever it’s entirely negative… and if they’re “well” made… then they’re just plain old political propaganda (but without the artistic value that good propaganda posters had), so noise, spam, and definitely of negative value to society.

    • @NightOwl@lemmy.one
      610 months ago

      I ran shreddit to delete rest of my comments off the GDPR files that power delete suite missed. And it’s really fun seeing everything be deleted as the script is run.

      • @ReallyActuallyFrankenstein@lemmynsfw.com
        -310 months ago

        They’re your comments and I understand the sentiment, but I do wish people didn’t delete their Reddit comments. Preserving what’s there will help people who look in the future - we just don’t have to add to it, and can (and should) devote our energies elsewhere.

        Preserving but just adding a line after every comment directing people to Lemmy or wherever the user went would be much better.

        • @empireOfLove@lemmy.one
          1310 months ago

          That kind of built up history is exactly what keeps Reddit relevant though. It’s been the go-to place for so long that it stays just because it is where all the content is. And now with LLM’s any content you leave is going to get turned into a chatGPT bot to generate fake engagement for their ad numbers.

          • falkerie71
            10 months ago

            To be fair, LLMs are still going to be able to scrape your content, and I’d say even more so since individual instance owners do not have big lawyer teams and dedicated server maintaining teams like in Reddit to protect their content from being scraped. My personal take is to just keep commenting and posting on the Fediverse and make this a better place over time, and just use adblockers whenever you need Reddit to find information.

          • @ReallyActuallyFrankenstein@lemmynsfw.com
            -410 months ago

            The built up history gives Reddit momentum, but it’s not like when you Google a solution to some tech issue and find a Reddit post from 2017 that solves it, that’s materially contributing to Spez’s IPO-chasing metrics. No, that’s all about engagement, and active current users.

            When you delete your history, you’re just reducing the total information available to random people who are looking for it. It may feel good lighting it on fire but that’s about it.

            If we stop using it, it’s just a historical record. Stopping using it is enough.

    • @vivadanang@lemm.ee
      610 months ago


      it is time. a month away from my reddit account has proven I don’t have any desire to return. Damn Spez, way to shoot yourself in the face you fucking bellend.

    • @Karlos_Cantana@sopuli.xyzOP
      110 months ago

      I keep my account up because I’m in subs that have technical help for certain hardware and software and haven’t migrated anywhere. I have lots of answers to issues that can be very helpful when searching. It sucks that Spez has forced so many people to delete important help like that.

  • @Rolder@reddthat.com
    1710 months ago

    Personally I still use Reddit for niche things (like arguing with people about whatever video game I’m playing at the time) But fediverse here for generic scrolling

  • @Kyrgizion@lemmy.world
    1610 months ago

    Long before the big fiasco I had already taken up the habit of nuking my own Reddit account after ~6 months or ~20K karma, whichever came first. I had noticed that an attachment to such accounts creates inner turmoil. Like when you get unfairly banned by some powertripping mod. I simply didn’t like the fact that someone else had any kind of emotional power over me, no matter how slight, so I taught myself to kill my accounts without attachment.

    So when the shit hit the fan before summer it was trivial to just delete my latest account and not make a new one. Been a happy Lemming ever since, not planning on going back. Sometimes the urge to lurk creeps in but so far I’ve been perfectly able to ignore it.

    I honestly feel happier than before. I already don’t use any news apps and limit my exposure to actuality, and Reddit was pretty much the last “toxic” thing to hammer into my mind 24/7.

    I’d say I miss it, but I really don’t. The hours of doomscrolling I spent on there were not only wasted, but 100% counterproductive to my happiness as a human being.

    I spent over a full year /played in Wow loooong ago, and that time at least wasn’t wasted because I enjoyed most of it. Can’t say the same for Reddit.

    • @Karlos_Cantana@sopuli.xyzOP
      210 months ago

      I keep my account up because I’m in subs that have technical help for certain hardware and software. I have lots of answers to issues that can be very helpful when searching. It sucks that Spez has forced so many people to delete important help like that.

    • @cheery_coffee@lemmy.ca
      110 months ago

      What’s dead may never die.

      I had the same policy, and I feel the same after leaving. I read the news more though, it’s less biased when you see all the other stories that aren’t outrage porn.

  • @LillyPip@lemmy.ca
    1210 months ago

    Thanks for taking the hit, soldier. I haven’t checked it since June 1, and was curious.

    • @RedditWanderer@lemmy.world
      210 months ago

      The day I opened rif and it didn’t load was the day I quit reddit. Never went back. Lemmy isn’t as cozy as reddit was for me after a decade, but I just had to deal with the fact those days are over.

      I scroll here for short 5-10 min distractions but nothing more, all the comunities and all the porn is a bit confusing. I spent the first couple weeks blocking them but there are too many combinations of seggsy words to get them all.

  • MdRuckus
    1210 months ago

    Not to mention the official reddit app is janky as hell. So many smooth scrolling 3rd party apps for lemmy.

    • SokathHisEyesOpen
      10 months ago

      They’ve been pushing that fucking app for ten years now, and have tried almost everything to get people to use it. Everything except for spending any time making it good. It shows the rot at the core of Reddit leadership that they’d rather get into a huge fight with their community, and break their mobile site, than just build a decent app.

    • @sorebuttfromsitting@sopuli.xyz
      310 months ago

      have you tried it lately? old–reddit combined with the enhancement suite was top of the top. they switched it so the “old” version is bright, and the standard reddit is dark, but lame. Looks like an imitation. AND Reddit still shows up in search results, but like someone wandered through with bleach and blood on their boots, just smashing things.

  • @Donebrach@lemmy.world
    610 months ago

    Standard “wHy Do YoU cArE?” Post, ignoring this is the Reddit community.

    But in all seriousness, not surprised. It’s likely only gonna get worse until it dies as a platform.

  • @zecg@lemmy.world
    610 months ago

    Deleted my account, but I installed a firefox extension that forces every reddit link through the old.reddit interface and it’s okay for lurking it.

  • @BooksAndLetters@lemmy.world
    610 months ago

    I am using a shortcut to open a list of my preferred multireddits in Safari. I have the Noir dark mode app and old Reddit. only way it is bearable for me. Hard to abandon certain niche communities, but I realise in time, Reddit will become worse, and I will have to abandon it all together.

  • @ConstipatedWatson@lemmy.world
    610 months ago

    It really feels worse now, even in terms of topics in the subreddits for which there is no equivalent here.

    Still, until certain things are born here or well populated, I’ll still check it out from time to time.

    At least, so far I seem to check it less and less and am grateful for Lemmy and its growth. I hope it keeps growing!

    • SokathHisEyesOpen
      210 months ago

      I haven’t been back, but lemmy feels pretty hostile in most of the popular communities, with much stronger group think than I saw on Reddit. I was hoping this site was going to go in the opposite direction.

    • @Jimmycrackcrack@lemmy.ml
      10 months ago

      I maintain one of my accounts for use in getting technical help on software specific subs. I haven’t noticed a decline there, they continue to deliver as much advice as they always did and with no weirdness.

      I did notice though, because on that account I hadn’t opted out of the redesign, that they’ve successfully made the new design way shittier than it even already was. It’s really hard to see your messages now, which are essential for the purpose that I maintain the account because I post a question, and then get back to work knowing it could be hours or days before there’s a response and I just come back to check later if anyone had any helpful advice. I now have to somehow find the messages in amongst chat features which only contain unsolicited messages from randoms about some irrelevance or another that they’re pushing. Or also some other weirdness about people I’m “following” which fortunately doesn’t appear to have been populated for me but is still pointless clutter that gets in the way of the actual utility of the forum.

      Definitely not a fan of that shitty new design approach. It’s funny actually, while I may have grumbled at developments over the years there, nothing quite bad enough could make me leave and it was only the demolition of the 3rd party apps that provided the impetus, but it was never really only the apps, I could sense something was going in a bad direction but couldn’t point to any one particularly egregious thing that would merit boycotting something I actually really liked and poured a lot of time in to without sounding really petty and entitled.

      Now there’s this design issue and the reports that the place is starting to degrade heavily as an actual forum and I feel reassured that I left there at really just the right time rather than trying to keep swimming in the rapidly evaporating pond.

      • Kotking
        110 months ago

        Yeah, like many things were mitigated if you used reddit only on mobile with good app, I even don’t remember when I sit behind PC to browse reddit. I do know about crypto vault on official reddit app, that later learned only on crypto subbredits only you can earn crypto.I showed some cat pics from subreddit on official app and scrolling from vid to vid…And there were weird jumps from cat doing funny things only to other subreddit. So ads redirect from one sub to other when watching full screen

  • A Purpl Panther
    510 months ago

    I’ve noticed it cycles between two posts I’m subscribed to, an ad, a popular on Reddit post, and a recommended community post. You can’t just see what you’re subscribed to anymore.