Officials seized more than 115 million pills containing fentanyl in 2023. The opiate is often mixed with street drugs and linked to overdoses.

Counterfeit fentanyl pills are being seized by law enforcement in the United States at an unprecedented rate. A study published May 13, 2024, in the International Journal of Drug Policy indicated that more than 115 million pills containing illicit fentanyl were seized by US law enforcement in 2023.

The researchers behind the study said the number had grown from 71 million pills in 2022 and 50,000 pills in 2017.

The counterfeit fentanyl pills are made to look like legal prescription opioid medication — such as oxycodone and tramadol — but are often far deadlier than the originals.

“Fentanyl in pill form is now beginning to dominate the drug supply [in the US]. Pills are easy to ship and disguise and can also be marketed easily, as Americans have a reputation of loving their pills,” said the study’s lead author Joseph Palamar of NYU Langone Health in the US.

    • Now, I’m not saying China are the good guys or anything.

      However, if I wanted to stop a rogue American security agency from selling heroin to fund secret, illegal wars around the world, I’d pump Mexico full of fentanyl.

    • Flying Squid
      122 个月前

      Legalizing drugs is not enough. Many people addicted to illegal opioids are addicted because they are in chronic pain and have no other option. We need a robust universal healthcare system.

        32 个月前

        We need robust universal healthcare for a bunch of other reasons, but specifically for the chronic pain management issue I don’t see how making opioids (and marijuana, since AFAIK that helps some people too) available over the counter wouldn’t fix it.

        • Flying Squid
          32 个月前

          Making a highly addictive substance like opioids available OTC is not a way to cut down on opioid addiction and abuse. Cannabis is different because it’s not (physically anyway) addictive.

          There’s nothing, in my opinion, wrong with opioids being prescription-only, as long as doctors aren’t handing them out like candy, which was part of the problem. But another issue is that cannabis and opioids are not the only pain treatments out there. I suffer from chronic pain and I do use cannabis to help, but I also need to take anti-convulsants because they have a secondary effect of treating the pain of the kind of nerve disorder I have (atypical trigeminal neuralgia). No amount of opioids will help me, and I know because I had a bunch of opioids thrown at me in a row. I’m glad I didn’t get addicted. Withdrawal is a bitch anyway.

          But if I thought they could help me and they were OTC? I would have tried every type and probably ended up addicted.

          It’s bad enough cigarettes are OTC. My probably unpopular opinion is that they should transition tobacco and nicotine products into also being available by prescription only so that doctors can help patients quit, finding the best method for each patient since addiction does not have a one-size-fits-all approach. The amount of money saved in healthcare bills would be enormous. But our government is way too beholden to the tobacco industry for that to ever happen.

            2 个月前

            Making a highly addictive substance like opioids available OTC is not a way to cut down on opioid addiction and abuse.

            Who said it was? Certainly not me!

            What it is, is a way to cut down on overdoses due to sketchy street drugs being laced with shit the consumer didn’t expect.

            [Edit] Let me put it this way:

            Which is more important, trying to prevent people from becoming addicted (which, let’s be honest, is at least as much a moral crusade as it is a health concern), or trying to prevent the drug from destroying their lives (whether via overdose, exorbitant cost, or criminal prosecution) if they do become addicted to it?

            • Flying Squid
              12 个月前

              Legalizing it does not prevent overdosing, it also would make it less likely to treat the root cause of the pain.

              And I didn’t say legalization shouldn’t happen, I said it shouldn’t happen alone. Preventing addiction should be a priority if you legalize drugs.

                • Flying Squid
                  12 个月前


                  How about the fact that legal alcohol causes college kids to die of alcohol poisoning on a regular basis?

        42 个月前

        Sure it would. Why would people buy possibly-adulterated shit from a sketchy street dealer if they could just buy it over-the-counter at the drugstore and be assured that it was labeled accurately?

            12 个月前

            Because its still significantly cheaper in most states? Just make sure it’s just as cheap as illicit Fentanyl products. Most opoid addicts would pay more anyways, because the duration is much longer than Fentanyl.

    -12 个月前

    Tinfoil take: if crack was a CIA op, fent also is, they’re just targeting all drug users. They think if they make it all deadly and dangerous, everyone’ll stop. There’s some christofascist psychos who think “addicts deserve it” and they should cull the populace, just like they thought PoC deserved it with crack.

      12 个月前 Is the original expose about cia involvement with crack, and still I think a good starting place, even if it has some flaws. It was less about what crack would do to americans, (though they were completely apathetic towards the harm they were doing in the US) and more to do with what the cia wanted to do with off books funding that crack provided, secretly fund paramilitary deathsquads in Nicaragua.

      I think if the CIA is still involved in US drug trafficking, and I wouldn’t be surprised, it is probably still for off books funding primarily.

    -72 个月前

    Anybody watching back the hit TV series, E.R., observe how earlier in the series during an emergency the docs would ask the nurses for administration of “Oxy” and “Hydro” and later in the series they would ask for “Fent”.
    Street names.
    Tell me the producers of those drugs did not pay off the producers of the show to fit that in.
    Highly addictive drug product placement.

      42 个月前

      I don’t think drug manufacturers want their products associated with pill-seeking addicts. A simpler explanation is that the show reflects reality.

        02 个月前

        There wasn’t the opioid epidemic we now have when those episodes came out. Those drug companies making synthetic were just getting started.
        And there’s no reality. Patient comes in unconscious from an unknown malady and Stamo’s character is like, “Chem 7, CBC, Fent lollipop!”