• @dhtseany@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    Man, I found this weirdly satisfying: “But just as the judge neared the end of his sentence, Trump abruptly stood up—apparently thinking the day was over. Immediately, Merchan turned his face to the former president and said in a firm voice: ‘Sir, can you please have a seat.’ His long, black robes dangled from beneath his right hand as he waved it down, like a man addressing his dog. It wasn’t a question. Without hesitation, Trump went and plopped straight back down into his maroon leather chair at the defense table—and remained for another minute, fuming as the judge gathered his paperwork and strolled toward his chambers.”

  • Granite
    853 months ago

    Normally I’m not a fan of these nothingburger stories, but this made me chuckle.

    • I think I am going to have to agree with you. Headlines like that tend to just turn me off. But thinking about it they should have just gone full send and said “made him sit like a cute cat girl.”

  • athos77
    853 months ago

    “The fair and impartial jury cannot be selected in New York county as evidenced by the extreme difficulty in procuring a venire resulting from the significant bias against President Trump that permeates the jury pool,” they wrote.

    Pro tip: if you don’t want to be tried by a New York jury, don’t commit crimes in New York.

    • @Warl0k3@lemmy.world
      283 months ago

      Its by no means uncommon for people to nod off during court proceedings. Especially in the early stages like this, you’d be hard pressed to find any activity that’s more boring. You’re rarely engaged with, can’t get up or play on your phone, don’t understand anything that’s being discussed and are stuck in the least interesting room in the world.

      Though, you’d expect the goddamn president to be able to at least fake attentiveness. It’s not like he’s never had to sit through a boring briefing before. Fucking hell…

  • @Boddhisatva@lemmy.world
    273 months ago

    Without hesitation, Trump went and plopped straight back down into his maroon leather chair

    Plopped? This just made me think about the consequences of him plopping down on a diaper that must be rather full after all day in court. That poor chair…

    • WashedOver
      63 months ago

      I’ve just started seeing memes today for Diaper Don. The little I can find dates back to the Apprentice.

      Anything else to confirm the hateful right are putting their all their hopes in a senior wearing depends and taking streaming dumps in front of others?

      • @Boddhisatva@lemmy.world
        103 months ago

        Yes, it does go back to the Apprentice. One staffer from the show, comic Noel Casler, who worked on the Apprentice for six years, blew off the NDA he signed and did a set in which he claimed, among many things, that Trump was incontinent from all the Adderall he’s taken. I recommend that your read this interview with him or find the set he did on Youtube (sorry, I don’t have a link). Other celebrities, Kathy Griffith and Tom Arnold, both came out as supporting Noel Casler as a credible person.

        Personally, I take his claims with a grain of salt. However, there some things that make me think that there very well may be some truth to it. Foremost is Trump’s complete lack of response or even comment on Casler’s accusations. With as litigious as Trump is about NDAs, I can’t understand why Trump hasn’t sued Casler unless the claim has some truth to them that Trump knows will come out in a trial.

        In addition to the above, several people have come out in the last year or two and started talking about Trump’s smell. For example, Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger said:

        I’m genuinely surprised how people close to Trump haven’t talked about the odor. It’s truly something to behold. Wear a mask if you can.

        There are also plenty of pictures and videos where it certainly appears that Trump is wearing a diaper. On the whole, I think it’s more likely than not that he wears diapers.

  • @Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world
    143 months ago

    He would look good in a shock collar.

    Maybe rub his face against the border wall while firmly stating “NO!”

    If he starts acting up in court, just start squirting water from a spray bottle at him.

  • @gasgiant@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    This is sad. The judge should have thrown him a treat once he did sit.

    Reward the good behaviour or how else will Trump get house trained?

  • @Jrmyjms@lemmy.world
    63 months ago

    “He looked straight toward the wooden double doors in back, ignoring reporters in the pews and clicking his tongue as he approached the EXIT sign.” Uhhh… Like in Hereditary?

    • Drusas
      23 months ago

      To be fair, clicking one’s tongue did exist before Hereditary.

  • KingJalopy
    43 months ago

    Once they get them house trained he might just be presidential material!