Former President Donald Trump’s latest venture selling Bibles has sparked the fury of Christians.

Trump, who became the presumptive Republican nominee earlier in March, posted a video on his Truth Social platform on Tuesday urging his supporters to buy the “God Bless the USA Bible,” inspired by country singer Lee Greenwood’s patriotic ballad.

“Happy Holy Week! Let’s Make America Pray Again. As we lead into Good Friday and Easter, I encourage you to get a copy of the God Bless the USA Bible,” Trump wrote in the post, alongside a link to a website selling the book for $59.99. It came a day after Trump seemingly compared his legal plight to Jesus Christ’s persecution.

And it comes as he faces mounting legal bills while fighting four criminal indictments and a series of civil charges while running to reclaim the White House. On Monday, a New York appeals court agreed to hold off on collecting the more than $454 million he owes following a civil fraud judgment if he puts up $175 million within 10 days.

But the move has sparked the ire of Christians.

    3 months ago

    Asked for comment about the backlash, Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung told Newsweek: “These are Never Trump idiots suffering from a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

    In case anyone thought even Christians are welcome to criticize the idol.

    The website selling the Bible bills the book as “the only Bible endorsed by President Trump!”


    As well as a King James Version translation, it includes copies of the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and the Pledge of Allegiance, as well as a handwritten chorus of “God Bless the USA” by Greenwood.

    Totally normal.

      3 months ago

      Weird, it skips right from the 13th amendment to the 15th in this version. And I can’t find the emoluments clause anywhere.

          143 months ago

          Yes, that’s right after “Thou shalt not judge thy neighbor for raw dogging porn stars behind your pregnant wife’s back”

            43 months ago

            Ah, yep, right above “Take back your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, we don’t have any room.”

      73 months ago

      “the only Bible endorsed by President Trump!”

      So has never endorsed the Bible until he was selling one?

      463 months ago

      Some Christians, I’m sure. The Evangelicals that already loved him are currently trying to figure out how to shove a Trump Bible in their anus while describing it as “God’s plan”.

        23 months ago

        “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holey and acceptable to God, place his word into thy rectum, which is your spiritual worship.”

        -Romans 12:1 maybe

      3 months ago

      Christians isn’t a monolithic entity, the way the headline pretends. There’s liberal Christians and conservative Christians. Hell, there’s an LGBTQ church down the street from here with a trans pastor and a church trauma support group.

      i.e. Not all Christians love what Trump has done and not all Christians hate that he’s selling bibles.

            -43 months ago

            Because if it was all bad it would just be abandoned. It is like smoking tobacco vs consuming botulism. Each time you smoke a tiny bit of damage is done and a lot is pleasure is delivered every time you consume botulism you get very ill and risk dying. That’s why people aren’t consuming 20 capsules of botulism a day.

            The liberal Christianity tried to offer a different route. A Christianity that doesn’t depend on bigotry. A Christianity not supported by the texts or thoughts of the faith for the past 20 centuries because they are doing that they are offering cover for the the branches aligned with Christianity. They are holding out the possibility of reform. If they don’t exist people would see Christianity for what it is, and not what in theory it could be.

              3 months ago

              The problem with your analogy is either the people of the religion need to view it as botulism or the vast majority of society needs to view those people as botulism.

              The people of the religion are at best going to see it as tobacco. I hate tobacco; smoking isn’t pleasurable, it just makes me feel sick. But there are people who love it. You and I may see their religion as devoid of anything good, but to them it’s good. They are often born into it and want their religion with the negatives you and I see. It has nothing to do with liberal Christians.

              And it is not liberal Christians that make it so we don’t reach the threshold of the vast majority of society not tolerating the bad Christians. The bad Christians are a sizeable enough part of society on their own to guarantee that. And as a society, we’re fairly geographically sorted. So even if they were only 5% of the population, they’d still often be surrounded by like-minded individuals and be able to wield political power. Plus, they’re still people. Even the most evil people generally have some redeeming qualities.

          43 months ago

          People forcing them all into one box enable the fascist ones. Anytime someone says “that’s fascism and not Christianity” they’re met with screeches of “nO tRuE sCoTsMaN!”

            -33 months ago

            I can back up my arguments with their holy texts as well as the Greek thought most of it was stolen from. At its core it is a fascist faith. Beginning with Plato’s blueprint for a spiritual dictatorship ruled by mystics who don’t have to explain themselves, to Jesus declaring that his path was the only way, to the City of God telling us that torture in this life was better than hell and thus justified.

                  23 months ago

                  Do you know for someone to be an enabler there should be some evidence/argument for it other than “you’re speaking against the thing I’m accusing you of enabling”?

        453 months ago

        It’s not a limit. It’s manufactured outrage. If they supported him prior to now, 99% of them will support him until the end.

          13 months ago

          Well over 50% of Americans identify as Christian or Catholic. Trump did not receive 50% of the popular vote. Even if every person who voted for Trump identified as Christian, there is still a large percentage of Christians that did not.

    • BruceTwarzen
      193 months ago

      Look, i can excuse the racism, having no clue what he’s doing as a president, the rape allegations, he’s super into minors, probably his own daughter, stealing and selling sensible documents, the nepotism, the lies, grifting his voters, swindling taxpayer money, not paying any fees ever, not paying for venues that he rents out, using his golf course to, again, steal taxpayer money, he might be a blatant russian asset, he’s also way too much into dictators, he didn’t furfill ANYof his campaign promises, selling beans from the oval office.

      But selling an old ass novel about my imaginary sky daddy? You crossed the line there buckaroo.

      173 months ago

      Christians are not a homogeneous blob of identity. As you may or may not have guessed, these are not the far-right Christians who believe Trump is the Second Coming of Christ. They are not responsible for what other people who identify as Christians have done or said, and they are entitled to change their minds about things they themselves have done or said.

      They are fully entitled to speak out against the weaponisation of their religion and good luck to those who are courageous enough to do so.

        13 months ago

        It’s just tribalism. Anyone who doesn’t fit in gets grouped together (ie. a lot of these comments imply most religious people support Trump). Lemmy isn’t immune to it.

        -43 months ago

        No. I do not accept this any longer. There are not “good christians” and “bad christians”. There are christians and not christians. And christians are bad. Always have been. If you identify as a christian then these are your people.

            -23 months ago

            No it isn’t. The Christians are the fash, dumbass. They have killed and burned millions upon millions both with their religion, their dogma, and they’re absolute rejection of logic and reason. They are the fascist. They’re the ones that need to be eliminated, and that is a matter of self-defense.

            -43 months ago

            Fascism is built on a structure that includes using religion and fear as the basis for its atrocities. I’m getting really sick of you people defending the fascists.

              43 months ago

              religion and fear as the basis for its atrocities.

              And christians are bad. Always have been.

              You are a hypocrite.

                3 months ago

                This comic was posted elsewhere, and not only is it historically accurate, but plenty of American evangelicals still believe this bullshit. I know people who lost business because they were left-handed.

                And you call me the fascist. Fuck, you people never learn.

                  13 months ago

                  Yeah, seriously! These people! Is it even fair to call them that? I mean, if you think nuance is important and are slow to criticize a group of billions, you’re basically subhuman trash!

                  /s, in case anyone thinks I’m also an idiot a shitty, reactionary authoritarian.

          23 months ago

          I assume if you ever encounter someone claiming people who support Trump aren’t Christians you go on about “No True Scotsman” as well?

    • Hey, Christians are the ones who got the Sunny D Orangutan into the oval office the first time. Anything that separates Mr. Cheeto Smegma from his base is a good thing in my book.

  • Jaysyn
    3 months ago

    Whatever, the death-cultists will still line up like “good christians” & vote for fascism.

    America will never truly be free under the shadow of christofascist tyranny.

    533 months ago


    This is the fucking bridge that is too far? This is the straw that broke the camel’s back? This is the hill you’ll die on?

    Fucking hell, I was raised Christians and I think that Jesus guy had some great ideas but I certainly don’t identify as one now because fuck… Christians give Christ a bad name.

    I’m glad more people are seeing through the grifter, but holy shit are these people dumb.

  • catsarebadpeople
    383 months ago

    Christians are so virtuous that a very small minority is finally upset about this after the last 8 years of supporting a man and a party that is quite literally the antithesis of what the Bible says that Jesus taught. Yeah I’m sure they’ll all turn over a new leaf now lol. Religion is a mental disorder and it’s time to start treating it like what it is.

      133 months ago

      You do realize a lot of Christians/Catholics don’t support Trump, right? Lots of Democratic leaders are Catholic, like Biden and Pelosi.

      • catsarebadpeople
        -83 months ago

        So only normal greed based capitalists? Wow, good for them! Jesus said to share ALL of your money with the poor and specifically said to pay taxes according to the Bible. Supposedly the Bible is the literal word of God. If you’re a “Christian” and you’re not at least a socialist if not a full blown Communist then you’re a fraud.

  • Cosmic Cleric
    303 months ago

    Former President Donald Trump’s latest venture selling Bibles has sparked the fury of Christians.

    But the move has sparked the ire of Christians.

    Oh, NOW they noticed his grifting.

    263 months ago

    They didn’t give a shit last week when he compared himself to Jesus. They won’t care about this.

    143 months ago

    I don’t believe it, other than a handful. If there’s a study I might be interested, some random people on social media… eh.

      193 months ago

      A sample size of a few dozen people complaining online while thousands quietly purchase said bibles. Absolutely not buying into “the fury of Christians” either.

      23 months ago

      Anecdotally, I’ve seen a little more backlash to this than other issues. Until kow they’ve kinda bee willfully ignoring that he’s evil because he hasn’t been overt that he’s using people’s faith as a tool.

      But directly trying to sell expensive Bibles to the faithful so they’ll pay for his rape penalty is pretty galling no matter how you look at it.