The week-long poll, which closed on Tuesday, found Trump’s Republican Party appears divided on where to draw the limits on presidential power that help define American democracy.

Forty-six percent of Republican respondents agreed with a statement that “the country is in a crisis and needs a strong president who should be allowed to rule without too much interference from courts and Congress,” while the same share disagreed. The rest were unsure.

Among Democrats, 25% agreed with the statement, while 64% disagreed and the rest were unsure.

Trump, who is facing dozens of charges for alleged crimes committed during and after his 2017-2021 White House term, is currently arguing in federal court that he should be largely immune to prosecution for actions taken while in office. His lawyer told a panel of judges this week that a president who used commandos to assassinate a political rival could be prosecuted only if he had first been impeached by the House and convicted in the Senate.

While the poll question did not name Trump, some 47% of respondents who said they would vote for him if the presidential election were held today agreed with that statement. Some 23% of people who said they would vote for Biden said they agreed.

    9 months ago

    Republicans want a largely unconstrained republican president. To them any democrat in office should be a powerless figurehead. They’re hypocrites.

      9 months ago

      Exactly that. In their mind this means a republican only. If you asked that question but specified it includes the Dems 0% would agree lol

    9 months ago

    Okay… Should congress likewise be allowed to pass laws without any oversight from the president or the courts?

    Should the court not be constrained by the laws created by Congress and approved by the president?

    (Just to be clear, that’s a fuck no…)

    What the hell do you mean half the population doesn’t think checks and balances should be maintained? It’s a very fundamental concept of our governmental structure… If you suspend the system if checks and balances, the partisanship we’re currently struggling with becomes an absolute nightmare, for everybody… Imagine a president that can willingly ban whatever they don’t like… A congress that can fund everything, or nothing, at will… Courts that can convict on feelings…

    Y’all crazy

      9 months ago

      It’s because half of the Republicans don’t want democracy anymore. Democracy means that the other side might have power if the right’s views aren’t popular enough. That’s unacceptable to Republicans. They want a system where they are always in charge and nothing so minor as “our policies are highly unpopular” can stop them. They want a dictatorship with them in charge.

      At best, maybe they’re willing to have a “democracy” where you have the choice of which Republican you want leading you. (It would sort of be as if the Republican primaries were really determining who would be President - not who would be the Republicans’ candidate for President.)

        9 months ago

        We also need to add in the built up belief that a dictator is the only way to simplify and clean up the world as it should be. Also great at shutting up all of those they don’t want to hear or think about.

        The world has become too complicated for them. (in fact for many of us) With theories of baby eating liberals controlling everything wrong in the world it simplifies from the heavily complicated world that we really live in to 1 group is causing all the issues. Gays, minorities, BLM, Hollywood types, immigration, abortion seekers, inner city poor, blacks, Indians, trans, progressives, and heck even real Jesus they wouldn’t need to deal with as the adrenal-chrome eating child kidnappers are behind them all.

        Their new dictator will make all of that right as rain. If they aren’t locked up forever, they can be killed.

        If they cared about democracy or true justice their guy wouldn’t have “more than 25 women who have accused Trump of sexual assault or misconduct (which he has denied), and the countless more who have endured public vitriol and threats to their life after being targeted by him, have all been punished either for challenging him or for denying him what he fundamentally believed was his due.”

        He’s solidly their man for their new moral order harkin back to when things were great…

        9 months ago

        Well, Bidens currently the guy that’ll get the magic wand… So… Maybe not so great?

        It was phrased as a hypothetical though, so I get it. Still silly, as eventually the pendulum comes back.

    9 months ago

    Poll is fake news in the sense that the GOP has been a criminal conspiracy since well before Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon. The object of the conspiracy is to elevate their leaders beyond the reach of politically (i.e. electorally) actionable consequences. Watch out for partisan propagandists whose job it is to transfer blame from Republican politicians to their voters, their goal is to convince you that civil war is an acceptable solution to issues that they already lose against at the ballot box.