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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Damn, now I gotta go watch Burt in Deliverance again.

    Ps. Fun story about the making of the movie. So when the stunt crew was working on the waterfall scene they weren’t sure whether they should use a stuffed dummy or a person. They decided to try both in 2 separate shots, with Burt himself going over the falls after the mannequin shot.

    Afterwards the crew and director got together to see which shot was best, the dummy or Burt. Someone asked what the mannequin shot looked like and the director thought it was so-so. Then they asked about Burt’s shot. The director said it looked like a dummy going over the falls.

  • Either a woman with no background in digital technology had made a sophisticated deepfake on her iPhone 8, or a 16-year-old had panicked and lied to her mother about vaping, or mother and daughter had decided together to explain away behaviour they knew would get Madi in trouble, with an elaborate story about digital manipulation. The police chose to believe the first explanation.

    “They never understood deepfakes, and the implications of giving a press conference scaring people into thinking someone could take an image and turn it into something else so easily,” Birch says. “I don’t think they ever thought this thing would spread like wildfire and become a worldwide phenomenon.”

    A small police force made a mistake that became too big to fix. “Once it blew up, the police couldn’t extricate themselves without losing face.”

    As always, ACAB.

    edit to add

    And then there was this …

    These would be the last public comments (Officer Matthew) Reiss made about the case. On 26 May 2021 he was arrested on suspicion of possessing images of child sexual abuse. Two images had been uploaded to his Gmail account, and detectives had traced them to his IP address. When they raided his home and seized his electronic devices, they found more than 1,700 images and videos depicting children, including 84 of toddlers and infants. Reiss pleaded guilty in March 2022, and was later sentenced to 11 and a half to 23 months in jail. To use Weintraub’s language, if anyone was “preying on juveniles”, it was the police officer who led the investigation.

  • … officials in that state have criticized Steward’s management and its former private equity owners for making short-sighted financial decisions that undermined patients’ care. Massachusetts officials in particular criticized a series of transactions that sold off the company’s real estate and saddled it with long-term rent costs at its hospitals.

    There should be a law banning private equity firms from owning hospitals or LTC homes, because all those firms do is strip them of their assets and raze them to the ground.