As present in the imagination as politics, the pandemic or climate change, AI has become part of the narrative for a growing number of novelists and short story writers who only need to follow the news to imagine a world upended.

  • Flying Squid
    11 months ago

    AI has been a part of stories since before the idea of computers. In the (really incredible in terms of worldbuilding) 1930 novel Last and First Men, Olaf Stapledon writes a section where humans build giant artificial brains which end up taking over and making humans their slaves.

    So this is at least 93 years too late and there could be earlier examples.

    411 months ago

    We’ve had this idea for literally decades now.

    Technology running amok is a time tested theme. Whether it is a space station with a computer named HAL or an out of control car killing people named Christine, the idea that mankind is vulnerable to our own creations turning on us is very common theme.

    AI themed books and movies are going to coming out in droves over the next few years as authors and directors take it to the next step. It’s going to be so played out soon, if it isnt already.

    411 months ago

    I feel we need to look at AI as a consumer tool and not a production tool. We shouldn’t have it write “original stories” but use it as a fun feature to rewrite content we purchase.

    Basically the consumer buys the original content and are free to mod the content to their liking, much like a PC game.

    Don’t like the ending… have AI write a different one for fun.