Both the president and his reelection campaign are going after his coup-attempting predecessor even before the first GOP primary ballots are cast.

A full year out from the 2024 presidential election and nearly two months before Republicans cast their first primary ballots, President Joe Biden and his campaign are assuming that Donald Trump will be his opponent and have already started reminding voters why they threw him out of office in the first place.

Biden personally has stepped up criticism of his coup-attempting predecessor and is framing the likely rematch as one that will determine the survival of American democracy.

“The same man who said we should terminate the rules and regulations and articles of the Constitution — these are things he said — is now running on a plan to end democracy as we know it,” he said last week at a fundraiser in Chicago.

“This next election is different. It’s more important. There’s more at stake. And we all know why: Because our very democracy is at stake,” he told a San Francisco audience on Wednesday.

    48 months ago

    I don't think a sitting president will ever die of natural causes. The doctors at Walter Reed are just too good. Look at all the senators that make it to 95 before they start breaking down.

    • Queen HawlSera
      38 months ago

      You know they have some classified technology that isn't available to Common pores that makes presidents live forever. Donald Trump caught covid and they cured that shit right up with experimental treatments. I'm pretty sure that a president can get AIDS and they can cure that over the weekend

      28 months ago

      He may not die, but I think it's reasonable to think he will be deemed unfit to serve, or even step down voluntarily.

        28 months ago

        I would be shocked. Like I said, the medical care these people are getting is on another level entirely.

          18 months ago

          Our medical care isn't limitless, there is only so much we can actually do. Look at how Biden has been progressing even with the best care in the world, he clearly isn't in the best shape and it's only going to get worse. It's entirely possible he gets worse fast and for there to be nothing that can be done about it even with the best care we can give him.

            18 months ago

            I've seen him speak a whole bunch and he always comes off as fine to me. I haven't noticed any changes in the last 4 years.

              18 months ago

              He has had some pretty bad senior moments, the worst one I can recall is the "Hey Jackie" one. In general he does talk pretty slow and just appears confused sometimes. He talks like he is really having to think about what he is saying, and that's not just him, he didn't use to be like that.

        08 months ago

        Deemed unfit to serve requires an untested legal procedure that is going to definitely face challenges and will be unpopular. It would be better for them to pull a Wilson or Reagan.