• @CaptPretentious@lemmy.world
        -28 months ago

        One, it's virtue signaling at its best.

        Secondly, randomly adding in the letter x to things is not 'common sense'.

        Common sense is the ability to make practical judgments and behave in a sensible way. It's the knowledge and experience that most people have, or should have.

        So my original point still stands. 'Mx' is not common sense. Knowing not to play a game of chicken with traffic, is common sense. Maybe this is why common sense isn't so common anymore, people just appropriate words/phrases to mean whatever they want, instead of what they mean.

        This is how we've ended up in a world where the word literally no longer means the word literally.

    • @SheeEttin@lemmy.world
      18 months ago

      You'd think someone using the name CaptPretentious would be all in favor of things being made up by niche social circles.

    • @Mossmouse@lemmy.world
      08 months ago

      Well see, common sense would have me ask "hm, how do I say that?" then google it, then when I see that it's simply pronounced "mix" I'd say "oh, okay". And then go on about my day… instead of ranting about how hard it is to figure out and how angry it should make everyone. But that's just me.

      • @CaptPretentious@lemmy.world
        08 months ago

        If it were me, I would probably figure out what the person I'm trying to argue arguing with was actually arguing about. Instead of getting up on a soapbox and pretending like I know what I'm arguing about. But that would take effort.

        But you keep using those canned responses you got ready to go.