Since I'm the first, I don't have anyone so I get off this one scot-free but if someone piques my interest I may well jump in. Off you go!

  • Dharma Curious
    8 months ago

    An aspiring writer, you want to be published and have dreams of being the next Stephen King or JK Rowling, but you can never find the time to hone your craft, because of your daunting responsibilities to Charcumwa, the Eldritch horror you have trapped in the basement of an abandoned apartment building 2 towns over. It must be fed daily or the pact will be broken, and it will be freed. The 4th generation to carry this burden, you sometimes wonder if it wouldn't be worth it to just let it go, knock out a few chapters of your book, and try to guess what stocks will crash when it is freed. You'll make a killing on the market with this kind of foreknowledge.

      • Lath
        38 months ago

        On an arid summer day when you were 5 years old and tasted your first chocolate ice cream was your first encounter with lactose intolerance.