The Writers Guild of America (WGA) strike will end at 12:01 a.m. PT on Wednesday.

    19 months ago

    FYI I never said that the strike had failed or anything to that effect, I just said it was a bad move by union leadership to call off the pickets before the TA had been agreed on or even been given to members (which it hadn't at the time I posted this). It's also fair to critique union leadership if they're putting forward tactics that are weak. Weak tactics and bad leadership play into the boss' hands far more than critique.

    However, all of that said, now that the details of the TA are out, it does seem to be a really solid deal and WGA members should absolutely be celebrating. This was a hell of a fight and they've earned it.

      9 months ago

      Going from Neil Gaiman's tumblr (easy guess which show i'm hoping will continue :D) he's being very cautious and also advocating staying on the picket line for SAG. And he's not updating twitter yet, hmmm.