For years Donald Trump was the host of The Apprentice, a reality TV show in which contestants vied for a management job within his organisation and he would deliver the verdict: “You’re fired!”

It cemented the image of Trump as an assertive chief executive who had conquered New York, an image that still proves seductive to millions of voters who want him to run America like a business. But like much else about the 45th US president, it was all a lie.

On Tuesday a judge found that Trump’s business empire was built, at least in part, on rampant fraud. Justice Arthur Engoron of the New York state court in Manhattan said Trump and his adult sons wildly inflated the value of his properties to hoodwink banks, insurers and others.

The decision will make it easier for state attorney general Letitia James to establish damages at a civil trial due to start next week; she is seeking a penalty of about $250m. Engoron ordered the cancellation of certificates that let some of Trump’s businesses, including the Trump Organization, operate in New York – just possibly the beginning of the end of his empire.

  • Raging LibTarg
    659 months ago

    Noticing a lot of people on Lemmy scoffing at this development, which I suppose is their right. But you know what? I see this as a real win; Trump Org no longer being able to operate in NY is a big fucking deal.

    Yes, he’ll likely make up the difference through donations from his rabid base. No, they won’t know about it because the right wing disinfo machine won’t tell them.

    So what? It’s a fucking win, nonetheless. It ain’t shooting him and his ill gotten gains into the sun, but it is very well the first of a series of deathblows.

    Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good, and all that.

    • GONADS125
      99 months ago

      It's the start of accountability (at to least some degree) and it should definitely be celebrated imo. I feel like the people dismissing it are the same people complaining that trump needs to be held accountable. This is a good start!

      • Raging LibTarg
        59 months ago

        Hell yeah, cheers to consequences! 🍻

        I get it though. I want to see him barred from running for president for insurrecting and in cuffs and a jumpsuit for his myriad crimes about as much as anyone. However, if that means death by 1000 cuts rather than an immediate removal from society, I’ll take it.

      29 months ago

      One thing worth noting is it is easier to fire something out of the solar system than it is to fire it into the Sun. In fact firing something into the Sun might actually be impossible with our current technology!