• You can choose up to 10 software projects.
  • Each project receives 10 years of development time as if all the programmers worked continuously for that duration, following their current working methods.
  • After choosing these 10 (or less) projects, everything else remains unchanged in the world, as if time has been frozen for 10 years.

Which projects do you choose?

  • @Moonguide@lemmy.ml
    710 months ago

    Honestly, there's a lot of great answers in this thread. Personally, I'd love to see a FOSS ttrpg manager. Talking a complete library of monsters, races, classes, etc., along with an optimized pipeline for homebrewed stuff. Tools for encounter, battlemap, NPC and campaign flow creation.

    Closest thing is 5e Companion App but it doesn't have a PC client, isn't FOSS, has a lot of weird limitations and UX/UI issues (like multiclassing could be simpler, and its really frustrating that you can't level down a character after all the work you did, forcing you to do it all over again just to change classes and spells). Also DnD next but getting source books for a whole player session is expensive.

    • @Artaca@lemdro.id
      410 months ago

      Foundry is probably the closest I've seen, considering the non-premium modules are FOSS. Granted, I play Pathfinder (OGL/ORC license), not DnD, so I dunno if Wizards locks their stuff down more to promote using their own services.

      • @Moonguide@lemmy.ml
        110 months ago

        Hm, interesting, I'll take a proper look tomorrow. I'm expecting that foundry only has srd available. That's another annoying thing.

        • @zyeri@lemmy.world
          210 months ago

          You can import things from 5e.tools using a module, IIRC it's called Plutonium. We're using it to import items, spells, classes, etc. and then the DM is homebrewing everything else.

          • @Moonguide@lemmy.ml
            210 months ago

            Ooo, cool, thanks! I'll talk my guys into splitting the cost after this campaign is over. We're using Owlbear rn, but I'm doing everything myself on Sheets, Ps, Ai, Notion and making my maps in Rimworld. Hefty workflow I'm not sure the next person who wants to DM will be down for.