Everything you need to know about the ‘one million march for children’ to stop the ‘indoctrination of children in public schools’

  • @vithigar@lemmy.ca
    259 months ago

    I have never seen a normal conversation that address any of the conserns that parents and people who have conservative values would have.

    Because their concerns are delusional.

    You can't have a "normal conversation" about kitty litter boxes being placed in schools for students who are furries. It never happened, but someone told them it did and now they're angry about it. Try to tell them it's not happening and they fell for a hoax and then they accuse you of being blind to the truth and hurting children.

    Constructive discourse is impossible. All you can hope to do is limit their influence by appealing to people who have not already fallen for their fear mongering. Engaging directly is a trap.

      • Trebach
        89 months ago

        And never play chess with a pigeon. They'll shit all over the board and then strut around like they won.